Chapter 6 – Prized Pooch

832 Words

Chapter 6 – Prized PoochFriday Morning, December 12th, 2014 “Duchess is an agility grand champion and very obedient, the hallmark of the breed. She wouldn’t have just wandered off!” I took a deep breath and waited while John Savage vented most of his anger. He pulled a picture off of his mantel and handed it to me. “That’s Duchess there on the left,” he said. “She’s a Lowchen.” After studying the photo, I concluded that ‘Lowchen’ must be French for ‘mop’ because that’s what I felt like I was looking at but I didn’t dare express that opinion to the obviously agitated Savage. Instead, I passed the photo along to Janet to take a look at. Savage wasn’t finished. He railed on about how someone must have breached the security of his home and snatched the dog the mere moment his back was tur

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