Chapter 12 – Positive ID

673 Words

Chapter 12 – Positive ID Thursday Afternoon, October 15th, 2014 Gatlinburg, Tennessee I was grilling a couple of great looking steaks we’d bought at a market we stopped at in Sevierville on our way back to the cabin from a day at Douglas Lake when my cell rang. I checked the number before I bothered to answer it. “Sorry babe. It’s Izzy from the lab.” Dana was standing at the table by the deck rail. She stopped breaking up lettuce for salad and nodded for me to go ahead and take it. “Izzy?” “Yeah Mel; it’s me.” “I sure didn’t expect to hear back from you so soon.” “Your prints came in on the early FedEx run this morning and it’s been a slow business day here.” “Really? Slow?” “No. I lied but I worked you in. You owe me Mel.” “Gotcha. Any hits?” “Yeah; like I said, you owe me.”

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