C H A P T E R 73 - Hades.

281 Words

I let out a breath of air as I got back into the Underworld, feeling the change in the air as I did so. Despite the fact that I now had the weight of the world to carry on my shoulders, I couldn't deny the fact that it made me feel better. There was something about not needing to pretend when I was Persephone, that made me feel as if I could take on the world again, even though I knew that I didn't need to be doing any of that at the moment. For now, I needed to begin with my preparations, and I needed to hope and pray that I would be able to convince my people that I was doing something that was best for all of them. I was no fool. I knew that it was going to be difficult doing something like this, but even so, I knew that it needed to be done. Regardless of what ended up happening when

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