C H A P T E R 8 - Dilara.

216 Words

I was sitting in the floor, with one of Cerberus’ heads resting on my lap while the other two lay awkwardly beside me, stretching fractionally further than what should have been comfortable. I was running my fingers through his fur, doing what I could to keep me busy. Cerberus was practically purring from the sheer satisfaction that he was getting from my touch, and I had to admit that I was rather envious of the attention that I was giving him. He had been the only one here for an unspecified amount of time, and truthfully, I was beginning to feel some kind of withdrawal. I had never thought that I would be so affected by the lack of human interaction, but it’s become apparent to me that it had been a more vital part of my life than I had thought it to be. Luckily, seeing Cerberus had

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