Chapter 1

1351 Words
ANNE "I Dillian Brown, denounce you, Anne Hilton, as my fiance, and girlfriend. From this day henceforth, you cease to exist to me, Anne." His voice was so low, but yet so loud, as I stood in fron of the man whom I had been angaged to, for the last two years, denounce me in front of not just his whole family, but the whole of Bolton University, as it was my graduation. The day which was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, as I was finally free of the shackles of my family, and could now start life on my own. Pain pierced through my heart, like a thousand shards of glass, tearing through the flesh without restraint. Air forced it's way out of my lips, causing them to part as I looked up at Dillian, hoping that the last couple of minutes had not happened, and that the crowd Dillian had managed to gather before I had rushed in, was all my imagination. I had been taking pictures with my professors when someone had used the school adress system to give a sppecial anouncement. Well that was what they had tagged it when they had asked thayt I come to the middle of the school's tennis court. I had rushed there excitedly as someone had mentioned Dillian, only to walk into the most humiliating sight. Standing right there, at the very center of the court, was my Fiance, and my half sister. Kissing. With what looked like an exact replica of the same diamond ring I was wearing on my finger. The dust on Dillians panyts, right at the knee area, was all I needed to know. The betrayal shocked me, because while it could have been anyone, it just had to be the sister whom I had spent the most part of my life, pleasing, as she was the apple of everyone's eyes. Including mine. "We should leave." It was my bestfriends voice. And I really shuld have listened to her, but I vouldnt move as my whole world crumbled, and I grasped for answers in my head. "Anne... People are watching..." Isabella said from behind me, but I tuned her out, and looked from Dillian to my half sister who was having a hard time looking at me in the face. "W_why?" It came out as a whisper. It was all my weak body could muster, but they both heard it, and the reaction was one I was never going to forget in a very long time. ~ Even now, almost three years later as I looked at the youtube video from three years ago. It had garnered over three hundred thousand views, and still counting. People really did everythingh but minded their damn business, huh? "Are you goint to sit there all morning, or make me waffles so I can feed this hungry belly of mine?" Isabella asked for probably the second time that morning since we had awakened that morning. I quickly turned off the scren of my phone, using a whole second to regain my composure, before turning around to look at her. No was was I going to let her know thatI looked at that video every morning since it happened three years ago. "More like, you should go make them. Since when did I start making waffles in this house?" I retorted, about to throw my phone away, when it rang. I scrunched my face when I saw the name that flashed on the screen. What could he want now? Whenever my father called like this, then there was something wrong, or something serious going on. He naver placed calls to me directly, and ususally had his PA relay any information he needed to relay to me. "Come home." Blank. No preamble, nothing. Just a command, and the line went dead. I looked at the phone which I had brought around to my face with a raised brow, and a heart that thumped really loudly. What in the world? I mean, he may not have liked me in like...ever... but that was the coldest he had ever been yet. And what was going on at home? I hadn't even finished that question in my head, when a message came into my phone with the exact time I had to be home. "Wow. I guess we should go and have breakfast outside then. You need a little treat before.. well... that." she murmured and made her way out, humming as she went. I didnt miss the concern in her tone or face though. I sighed and stood up after a few minutes. I really needed a treat. At least before I had to face whatever that message was all about. MAXIMILIAN Breakfast. That was all that was on my mind as I walked into the cafe that my overly excited cousin, Alex had taken me to. I hated being out in public, but tried to utilize it each time. And going to a damn cafe that was nearly unknown, was not it. "You do realize that I wouldn't be running into any useful person in this..." My voice trailed off and I let my expression speak for me as I looked at the simple as hell building. "That is why we are here. It doesn't have to be all about work." Alex retorted, gaining a raised eyebrow from me. What the heck was he yapping on about? I mean, it was pretty colorful. Something out of a 90's movie. But that was what made it simple to me. I never went to places like this. Already stressed, I reached for my pocket to pull out my cigar, but the sting that met my hand as Alex swatted it, had me growling in annoyance. "Not in here. Margarita would definitely not be pleased with you polluting her cafe with that atrocious thing in your pocket." And then he was walking through the glass doors of the entrance to the cafe, while I could only shoot stare after stare of annoyance at his back. "Who the heck is Margarita?" I had just about said the damn words when a middle aged woman who was all of 5ft 1 in height, walked towards my cousin and enveloped him in a hug. "Ahhh Alex! What a nice surprise!" And then they were walking to a corner of the cafe that was way bigger inside than it looked from outside. I didn't need to ask who she was before I figured out that she had to be the famous Margarita. I rolled my eyes. At thirty, I may have become a little bit withdrawn when it came to any kind of interaction, but I couldn't help but be interested in whatever it was that was going on between the two of them. It looked like a mother and son bonding moment. If Alex wasn't my cousin, I would have sworn at that moment, that he was related to this woman. I pushed my hand into my pockets and slowed my steps so I could scan the area. We weren't alone. And I didn't have to do it, but it was a habit for me. Having bodyguards didn't mean I could relax and forget that I was a walking moneybag. "Come over here already, man!" Alex's voice drew my attention back to where he was currently sitting. Margarita was nowhere to be found. I began to make my way towards the seat, when a text message came on my phone. I plucked the device from my pocket distractedly, and proceeded to see what it was. Big mistake. I wasn't looking. I should have been looking and alert as I have always been. But you know that moment when it seems like the universe wants to laugh in your face? Well this was that moment. Because no sooner had I started to read the long ass message, did I feel myself collide with something, and then wetness, then searing heat, as something spilled all over my chest and the front of my trousers. What in the wor_
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