Chapter 2 Leo's Doubt

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With this doubt, Leo didn't sleep well all night. In the morning, after getting up and washing, Leo packed up his possessions and drove to work. When Leo passed by a restaurant called Hassan's Restaurant, he stopped. This was also his habit. Hassan's Restaurant. The word Hassan appeared again! Why was Hassan everywhere? Hassan's Restaurant had the same name as the psycho killer, Hassan. But Leo didn't come for Hassan. Leo had breakfast in this restaurant for more than five years. Leo's favorite here was two pancakes together with a cup of milk. They were delicious. Leo was from Sea City, which was a coastal city. But Leo didn't like seafood but pancakes. It proved that the delicious food was popular regardless of region and belonged to all humans. As soon as Leo entered Hassan's Restaurant, he suddenly saw a woman called Kate. Kate was a reporter from Sea Evening News. "What a coincidence! Sergeant Mr. White, can I sit with you?" Leo rolled his eyes at Kate and disdained such a born socializer. "Are you waiting here on purpose to ask if there is any major news?" The owner of Hassan's Restaurant saw Leo. The two nodded to each other. Every time Leo came here, he would eat the same. It had not changed for a few years. "Hey, Mr. White, we are old friends. If you have any latest news..." After Leo took a sip of the milk, he used his fork to block Kate's small hand that was putting her straw into his cup. Kate wanted to drink Leo's milk through a straw. "Why are you so mean? I'm just a journalist. I'm so poor that I can't even afford a cup of milk. I can only wait here every day to drink milk with my acquaintances. Mr. White, don't you pity me at all?" Kate pretended to be very aggrieved. Kate also knew that to deal with this kind of sophisticated police who didn't yield to both hard and soft tactics, she had to share food with him. And it would be best if she could sleep with him. If Kate still couldn't get the news after sleeping with Leo, she would lose a lot. "All right. You can drink it first. The milk here is free. If you want to drink milk, come to me..." Leo rolled his eyes at Kate again and pushed the cup to Kate. Leo wondered whether this girl was silly or not. The milk here was free. It was a silly excuse. After breakfast, Kate followed Leo to the gate of the police station. Kate didn't get any valuable news from Leo. However, before Leo entered the police station, his words attracted Kate's attention. "Kate, do you believe in ghosts? Oh, don't get me wrong. I didn't imply anything. I mean, don't follow me everywhere like a ghost..." Kate thought, "This guy must know something. I must keep an eye on him." Kate waved her fist at the back of Leo, stood straight, turned around, and left. As soon as Leo entered the police station, he immediately reported to the superior about the e-mail from the psycho killer, Hassan last night. The leader of the police station attached great importance to it. Since Hassan was arrested, sentenced, and executed, he seldom spoke. Everything was irrefutable. Hassan signed his name to admit his crime. After Hassan was sentenced to death, he even bowed respectfully to the judge. " Hassan is good at writing. What a pity... How did he become a psycho killer?" After reading Chapter 1 from Hassan, the director of the police station, Zaid Homer, praised Hassan. "Director Mr. Homer, I apply for 24-hour monitoring of my private mailbox. You can also monitor me." "OK. I will let the technology department follow up... Leo, you should also be careful recently. You have fought with Hassan the most times. Although we are all atheists, we have no choice. We are also conspiracy theorists. We can rule out all suspicious things one by one. The rest is the truth..." Leo took the order and left. After a whole day's work, the colleagues of the technology department strictly checked Leo's mailbox. But they still did not find out where the e-mail came from. In the evening, Leo returned home. At midnight, the alarm of Leo's mobile phone rang inexplicably. "Damn it! I didn't set the alarm..." Leo finally got off work early today, and tomorrow he had to go out for a mission in the suburbs. There was a discovery in the murder. Leo was appointed to give support there. Suddenly, something occurred to Leo. Leo opened his e-mail, and sure enough, the e-mail from Hassan came again. "Hello! Leo, I've made up my mind. I'll tell you my story at midnight every day."    “I Love You, I Am Guilty” 02 It's just a coincidence that I met Cherry. I was a little heroic. Of course, I didn't behave well at that time. But it doesn't matter. Cherry and I got together in this way. I remembered that it was a morning in the hot midsummer. "You're so unreasonable. You even ask me to pay more. How can you be so evil?" As soon as I walked out of the elevator, I heard a fierce quarrel. I bought a house in Fortune Garden recently. I was the owner of a decoration company. So, the decoration was not a problem. I had nothing to do that day. So, I came there to have a look. And by the way, I could see my beautiful neighbor. When I just bought the house, I brought the decoration workers to see the house and arranged the work for them. My neighbor also hired decoration workers. But it was obvious that they were not professional and unreliable. What I was interested in was my neighbor. She was a young woman with long chestnut hair. She was dressed in fashion and had a good figure. In short, she was a charming young woman who could arise erotic desire at a glance. Out of shyness, the female neighbor just politely nodded to greet me without any verbal communication. I didn't care. Beautiful women were everywhere. I couldn't love her as soon as I met a beauty. Coincidentally, as soon as I walked out of the elevator that day, I heard a quarrel between my beautiful neighbor and the decoration workers. "Hey, girl, what are you talking about? You don't know how to decorate. We are kind enough to give you advice. Since you want us to work more, we have to require more money." "No, you have tricked me several times. You don't have to do it. You can go now. I'll hire another worker..." I didn't expect that my neighbor would be so aggressive. Judging from her tone, she must be a leader but not a big boss. A big boss couldn't decorate the house in person. "Girl, you are going to screw up our job. OK, if you give us the money for the decoration, we will leave right now." My neighbor's door was open. The whole building was newly decorated. So I could hear them. "What do you want? Do you want to rob money? Get out of here! If you don't get out, I'll call the police..." It seemed that the woman was suddenly attacked by something. There was a sound from the fight in the room. And those men were teasing. "Girl, it's okay if you don't give us any salary. Let us have a good time. Don't bother too much. Let's each have three times. Guys, this girl is not bad. I'm sure it will be great to have s*x with her..." Damn it! I didn't mean to interfere. But this time... I directly called the people from my decoration company over and rushed into the house of the female neighbor. Oh my god, the female neighbor's mouth was covered, and she was half-naked. Told the truth. Her figure was so amazing... Her skin was so white. After controlling those men, I took off my coat and covered it on her. Then I couldn't help but take a look at her white breast. It was really attractive. "Girl, what are you going to do with these people? If you call the police, I can help you testify..." My beautiful neighbor was so scared that she trembled all over. It took her a long time to recover from the shock. The decoration workers kept begging. No matter how pitiful they were, I didn't say anything. The victim was not my wife. "Buddy, ask them to return the money for the decoration to me. Don't call the police..." The girl might have some scruples. If I came a minute later, she would have been r***d by those men. Those workers agreed in a hurry. They transferred the money directly by mobile phone and returned it to the female neighbor. "Get out of here. I have more people in my decoration company. If you dare to cause trouble again, I'll break your legs together with your small penises..." I asked my workers back to work. I took a look at my neighbor's house. It was a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, one more room than mine. "Buddy, thank you. If you hadn't been here, I would have..." The girl was wearing my clothes. Her dress had been torn, and there were fingerprints and wood chips on her face and legs. It was a pity that I couldn't see her body... "Well, you can call me Hassan..." "I am Cherry..." Hearing that, I almost laughed. Cherry! Sounded like a stripper... Of course, I like cherries... Well, I like Cherry... It was okay to say so. There was nothing to say at that moment. Only the two of us were left in the room. It was a little embarrassing. She was a woman in a coat but disheveled inside. I was a man who had just divorced but was red-blooded. I took a look at the door. Those workers were stupid. If they closed the door and opened the wood cutting machine, it would be very noisy. No one could hear what they were doing in the room. This woman was so pretty. She could raise my erotic desire. Although her face was a little dirty, she looked more attractive. I even wanted to take advantage of her difficulties. She didn't dare to call the police just now. If I wanted to do anything to her, she might not resist. ~~~End of Chapter 2~~~ See you tomorrow, Leo... Leo was speechless for a while. Was Hassan, who had been shot, really going to tell him a long story?
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