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On the marrow, Alonso is seen with Halley after she was returned to her cabin as they had some conversation. “What were you so busy with that your brother had to be the one to come see me before you?” Halley asked her husband. “Please forgive me for doing the wrong thing and I’m deeply sorry.” Alonso pleads. “So is that going to prevent me from holding my son?” He added since his wife did deprive him of even touching the lad. “Okay, you can hold him for a moment.” She replied. As he held the little child he said. “Oh! How cute he is.” Took a pause. “To make up for my mistake I’ll say you name the lad. Added Alonso. So Halley remembered the name which the king had earlier wanted the boy to be called and said. “His name shall be called Troy.” “So Troy it is then.” He said. Some m

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