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As the day gradually passed and still Olivia had not seen Fili who said he was coming, she hurried to the place of Kyle. As she got there and knocked on the door, Victoria opened up for her. Seeing her, Victoria embraced Olivia as she said. "Aunt, you are welcome." "Ah! Olivia you came over?" Kyle asked. "Yes my dear, I could no longer wait for Fili who ran off telling me he was coming back so I came to check if he came by." "Oh!, yes he is here with Alvat and Clifford." Kyle replied and then to Victoria she said. "Go tell Fili that his mother is here." "Okay ma." Victoria answered as she left the room to the animal hut where they were suspected to be getting ready for their journey. She soon came back and said, "Ma, they are gone." "What do you mean by that ate gone? Where is Fili?" Olivia asked. Instead of Victoria answering the question of Olivia she said to her mother. "They are no longer there, I think they've gone." "What!!" Kyle exclaimed in shock. "Please can someone tell me what is going on here?" Olivia asked again as she stared at the both of them expecting a response but none did so she said once more and was direct this time to kyle. "Can you explain to me what she means by they're gone?" "They planned on going after their father but I told them not to go that Merry and Nicolas would return safely yet they insisted and that must be where they've gone." "Well if that is the case there is no need to worry they will return on good conditions." Olivia replied without any form of doubt. "Are you not worried about them?" Kyle asked as she was amazed at the reaction of Olivia. "To be honest with you dear, I'm more worried about the old men than the young ones. They would always find their way back so don't be too troubled." She replied calming Kyle down with her words. "But how are you so certain about that?" Kyle still asked with doubt. "If only you have seen them practice you would never worry about them at all. Only a thousand soldiers or a large number of beasts can be able to scare them when together." She said still trying to give Kyle some assurance. "Since you say so then I'll have to put away fear from my mind." Kyle responds as she turns to Victoria and asks. "Have you ever seen your brothers practice before?" "Yes ma, I have and aunt Olivia is right no one can defeat them in a contest." Victory gave an answer. "Okay, so I guess you would be spending the night here with me and Victoria since there is no one home." "If you say so, who am I to say no." Olivia replied and they both laughed. So the ladies stayed together all night as they guest amongst themselves on a different topic. Meanwhile in the woods, Clifford, Alvat and Fili spied the camp of the intruders for their father because they were certain the soldiers had got them. Towards the breaking of the day after they had the camp they found them where they had been prisoner by the soldiers. "What's the plan?" Fili asked in a very gentle voice. "We lay our traps and draw them into it." Clifford replied. "See I told you we shall be back here." Alvat said. "Seems you saw this coming?" Clifford asked. "Not really but I knew something would bring us back so soon." "Now you are sounding like a seer." Fili said. "And what if I am now a seer, would you like me to tell you something about your future?" He asked and they all laughed softly and then moved away from that spot to begin setting the traps for the soldiers. When the sun was finally up Clifford, Alvat and Fili split themselves as they began to lure the soldiers on guard into the traps one after the other. Soon the soldiers noticed that their men were reducing in number drastically to the point of them sounding an alarm notifying every man to be on guard. Despite their increase in sensitivity, it still had no effect on the young youths because they knew the forest very well and made the soldiers move in circles. As the soldiers were scattered around the woods with Clifford and Alvat creating different kinds of diversion, Fili was opportuned to break free Merry, Nicolas, Tory with four other men which were captured by the soldiers. At their release, Fili tried leading them out of the woods but it was not as easy as he thought. They had to kill some soldiers for the rescue to be successful. The killing of the soldiers started when one dragged Merry to take him captive again but Tory stopped it as he drew the soldier's sword and pierced it into his chest. At first Merry was not pleased with his actions but soon accepted it as the soldiers began to attack with full force which resulted in a series of bloodshed and Fili also took part in it as he too must protect his life and that of his two fathers. The fight went on for about an hour before Alvat and Clifford returned from trapping the soldiers that ran after them. On reaching the scene they had no option than to join in the fight. When Merry and Nicolas noticed the rate at which their sons killed the soldiers without pity, they both stopped fighting and watched them as they slay the remainants of the soldiers alongside with Tory. "Where did you learn those skills?" Merry asked after they were done fighting and resting for a moment. Well the three of them kept silent as they paid deaf ears to what Merry asked. "Who are you?" Alvat asked, referring to Tory. "My name is Tory." "You've got a great skill in fighting." Clifford said. "Thanks a lot but I would like to meet with your master and I have a lot to learn from him." Replied Tory as also praised them. "I guess your master trained you well." Fili said. "I must say that yours did a better job than mine." "Don't say such a thing, so many desire to fight, but they lack people to train their skills so you always be grateful to your master." Alvat said as the four youths shaked hands together. "Okay boys let's wrap it up and head back home form we have a whole lot to talk about when we get back.'' Merry shouted. Remembering their fathers were there the three of them turned and said in one accord. "Dad, thank you for coming after us." "It's nothing." Nicolas said and then they all came out of the words. As they turned to the direction of their house, Tory followed them so Nicolas asked. "Son, are you not going home?" "No sir, I'm coming with you. I don't think I am ready to behold my father's face now." Tory replied. "Won't he search for you?" Nicolas asked again. "He would be looking for me but I will go back when I am ready to talk to him. Or when he seriously wants me to come home." Then Nicolas looked at Merry as watched to see what his response would be. As Merry was about to respond in objection, Fili said. "Dad, he can come with us because we would like to get to know him better." He pauses and turns to Alvat and Clifford. "Isn't that right?" And they both answered in agreement. "Yes we will be pleased to have him company." "Okay then... you can come with us." Merry replied as he stared at his sons. With smiles on his face, Tory said. "Thank you sir." So he joined with the young youths as they all walked down to Merry's house. "Thank you for allowing me to come along." He said while they were behind Merry and Nicolas with a gentle voice. "It's alright, but you will still have to explain to us why you don't want to go home." Alvat said. "Is it really necessary for you to know?" Tory asked. "Yes it is." Replied Clifford. "Okay I will, but at least let's get back first." "That is no problem." Clifford responded. "But please it must be between us." Tory pleaded. "Why...?" Fili asked with a more gentle voice. "It has to be because I myself neither love to talk about it nor do I want people hearing of it." "We can't promise you that. Not until we hear the reason and maybe if it's something we can keep between ourselves then we will." Alvat said.
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