1450 Words

After a while they still refused to say a word so Kate said. "Guards! Take them away from my sight and make sure they are locked up. Do to them whatever you must until they are willing to speak." So they were both taken out of the throne room to the dungeons. Afterwards, Oakinshield said to the Queens, "You heard what the man said, Alonso is up to something which we must find out as soon as possible." "I think he is trying to win the heart of the people in order to contest for the throne but we won't let that happen. We must be ready for anything." Kate said. "The kingdom is really facing a very hard time. With Alonso waging war against us right inside the kingdom will surely give Lebental the chance to conquer our lands." Halley said. But Oakinshield said, "I shall see what I can do t

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