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Before Alonso was able to say a word in regards to what Oakinshield had said, Tory and Fili entered the throne room as he asked with anger. "Where are they father?" "Who are you talking about?" Alonso asked back. "Those you have just arrested. A father and his two sons." Tory replied. "Oh! They are safe, hope there is no problem at all?" "There would be no problem if only you release them immediately." "First of all, who is this boy you brought with you?" Alonso asked. "It is none of your business who he is, just release them and we'll be on our way." "What! You have only returned and then you talk about leaving." Alonso said. "Tory we would love it if you don't leave again." Said queen Halley. "Mother I don't want to stay in the palace any more, life outside here is better so I will be leaving till when I am needed back." "Son, remember the oath you took?" Alonso said. "The promise will be fulfilled only on certain conditions." Replied Tory. "And what is your condition?" The king asked. "That is not what I have come here to talk about." "Then why are you here?" Alonso asked again. "I'm here to see that those you have just arrested are set free instantly." "Then I think your mission would not be successful because they still need to defend themselves before the council and the people." Alonso replied. "Well that would be after you are done with your trails." Troy said as he turned to leave with Fili. But his mother stopped him by saying. "Troy, we have something to discuss with you before you make any decision to leave again." "I am not ready to talk about it now." "Then when would you be ready to talk?" Kate asked. "That, I don't know yet." "Okay at least tell us, where do we find you when you are needed?" Asked queen Kate once more. "I will be found when needed." He replied and then took his leave with Fili. "So back to our business, what do you have to say pertaining to what Oakinshield had said." Kate said as she faced back to the king. "I think we should make it clear to him. That which Oakinshield spoke of are they true or false?" The first counsellors asked. "My son is about to leave the palace and none of you plans on stopping him. Yet you all sit here asking me irrelevant questions." Said Alonso. "You heard the Prince, he said he does not want to stay here for the time being. So answer the question which you were asked." Oakinshield said. "We shall come to talk about the Prince, but first let us handle the situation at hand." The third counsellor said. "Do you mean to say that the Prince's situation is not important?" Alonso asked, referring to the third member of the council. "What he means is this, we were already talking about you before he came in, so let's handle one problem at a time." The fourth replied. "I am still the king so I command that we deal with matters concerning the Prince first before talking about that of mine." "You have lost the right to give orders in this room and soon you will also lose the right to give orders in the entire kingdom, so we are saying you mind your words or else." Said queen Kate. "I feel like becoming scared but your words pose no threat to me at all, not even for a bite." Alonso replied and then smiled. "I don't need to threaten you but only take actions." The queen responds. "Oh, I feel scared." Said Alonso and then paused. "So tell me what are you going to do? Read the note to the public, well you are welcomed to try for the people will not believe you because there is no evidence to prove this." "You shall know if there is any evidence or not." The commander said. "Well since you want to hear what I have to say, here it is. I have no hand in that which I'm being accused of. Is that okay by you?" Alonso said out of anger. "Will you be able to defend what you have said before the whole congregation of Moria?" Kate asked. "Would you have me change my words and admit doing that which I am innocent of?" He asked. "No, there is no need to change your words. But you will have to prove it to the people." Kate said. "You mean I would be held captive?" Asked Alonso. "Well considering the fact that you are the king, you shall not be put in prison but if we realised that you are guilty then you will surely be punished for both lying and treachery." Kate said. "If that is the case then the trial can begin but I would love my son to be present while I defend myself." Alonso demanded. "Your request shall be granted, so start preparing for trial." Said the queen. As the gathering was about to be drawn to an end, a guard from the dungeons entered and said. "My lord, the Prince is leaving with the prisoners." "What prisoners?" Alonso asked. "Those which you have just captured." The soldier replied. "And why didn't you stop him?" The king asked. "We could not because he gave us an order not to." "Will you sit there and do nothing?" Alonso asked as he turned to queen Kate and other members of the council. "What would you have the queen do?" Asked the fourth counsellor in return. "Send the soldiers after them, let them bring those prisoners back." He replied. "It's the Prince we are talking about here, he has every right to reverse the order and send the soldiers back." Said the first counsellor. "Then let us send the commander with them because he is the only one who has the right to disobey the Prince's order in times like this." He said, referring to the queen. Then he turned to Oakinshield to observe his reaction. Getting up from his seat Oakinshield said. "My lady, I won't like to go after the Prince. Come to think of it, if these men did what they were accused of, then the Prince won't order their release without your permission." "You are right, but notwithstanding, the Prince has to come back so as to witness the trial of his father." Kate responds. "In that case there is no need for me to lead the soldiers, maybe lieutenant Taylor can go with them or any other captain." Oakinshield replied as he took his seat. "Your opinions are good but it would be better if you carry out this task, the Prince would listen to you more than any other soldier. Also we still need to hear for him why he had done what he he did." Halley said, insisting that Oakinshield still lead the soldiers. "The Prince listens and respects a lot of soldiers in this kingdom, so we send one of them." The commander replied, still insisting that he does not go after Prince Tory. "They are my prisoners so I have to decide what happens to them so I want them back for judgement." Alonso angrily said as he got tired of their argument. "Well even if they return, you have no right to pass judgement on any one till we are done with your trials and you prove yourself innocent." Said queen Halley. "You said Tory listens to a lot of soldiers right?" Queen Kate asked Oakinshield as she paid no attention to what Alonso said. "Yes my lady, he does." Answered the commander. "We could send Phil or Bilbo, I know he respects them a lot." He added. "How would send his guardsmen to bring him back?" Alonso shouted. "They maybe his guardsmen, but he has high regards for them, so they are fit for this task." Answered Oakinshield to the King, then to queen Kate he asked. "My lady, what do you say? Should I send them after the Prince?" "Do you really think Tory would listen to them?" Halley asked. "Yes my lady, I believe so because I've seen it before." "What is the reason why you don't want to go after him?" Queen Kate asked. Not knowing what to give as an answer, Oakinshield kept silent. Then Alonso said, referring to Kate. "You see, there is no reason. The commander just doesn't want to follow your instructions." "Commander, I ask again, is there a reason why you won't follow the instructions?" Kate asked and this time she was looking very serious. So for Oakinshield to prove Alonso wrong, he said. "Yes my lady there is reason." He paused briefly and then continued. "I'm afraid of starting up a scene, if Tory refuses to harken on my words." "Well that is a good reason, so send for Phil and Bilbo." The queen replied. "My lady, they are still in the dungeons." Said Oakinshield. "What!" She exclaimed, turning to Alonso. "So you still haven't released them yet?" But he gave no response, so Kate ordered. "Release them immediately and bring them here." "Yes my lady." Oakinshield replied, then he signalled a guard to do as the queen had commanded. Within a short while, the soldier who had gone to bring Bilbo and Phil from the dungeon returned alone and said. "My lady, they are not in the dungeon." "What!" Exclaimed both Oakinshield, Alonso and Kate in unison out of surprise. "What do you mean by they're not there? Where have they gone?" Oakinshield asked.
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