
1364 Words
Wena nearly fainted as Sheila struggled in disgust. Their courage had previously shattered. The pressure of his grip on my skin was palpable. My soul wanted to flee, but I tried to calm down my entire system. We discussed going to the agreed-upon location rather than being dragged into a car. “Relax,” said the man who was clinging to Sheila. My brow furrowed as I noticed the man’s grin. He was tall, brusque, and handsome. Who exactly is this man? They did not say that someone would come after us. Isn’t this the wrong person? Isn’t it possible that this person is a bad guy and wants to kidnap us? “Who are you?” I pretended to be brave in front of him. I hid my trembling voice. It was pretty clear from the man’s appearance that he was strong. I can’t handle it if something terrible happens to me- to us. He’s dressed in a black leather jacket, denim jeans, and black boots. His aura is strong and had a set jaw. Even though there is darkness where he is standing, I can see his entire body. The post is on the opposite side of the road. Because the fancy car was blocking the light, we couldn’t see much. “Damian,” As he looked at me, I swallowed. He scrutinized me from head to toe. My face remained expressionless, and my jaws tightened. The man is very enigmatic. What is his relationship with Sir Regino? Is he his father, grandfather, or superior? He doesn’t appear to be an awful person. I’m hoping he’s not that type of person. “Are you a minor?” Regino will make millions off of you.” His jaws tightened once more. “You have many other options, but why did you choose this one?” He looked at the three of us. It appeared as if they couldn’t believe the situation we were about to face. But, as far as I know, the job offered to us is legal. Why does it appear that something terrible will happen because of the way he spoke? Why does this man seem to want to say something else? “This is not Don Regino’s order to you, Sir.” I cast a glance at the exiting driver. It is also attractive, but Damian’s grace and courage are more dominant than the younger driver. His skin is white, and he has a gentle face. “Every time you...” Damian, the one who introduced himself, shook his head. “Ladies, there is still time. Leave- Right now! Because otherwise, the paradise that should be yours may become hell...” Sheila burst into tears, Wena stiffened in her position, and I wanted to run, but my feet felt as if nailed to the ground! “When your father finds out...” “Shut the f**k up!” Damian yanked on the young driver’s collar in annoyance, and I almost closed my eyes. Wena and Sheila exchanged hugs. “He’ll kill us if we make a mistake here!” When Damian was about to punch him, the young driver didn’t move. I squeezed my eyes shut as a shiver ran through my body. As I thought of Dad, I bit my lower lip. He was never wrong in his doubts, and he was always right. “I’m done with this life, Rex!” His jaw tightened and turned to me again. “Run…” I burst into tears because I was so terrified. My entire body shook, and my knees went soft. “I told you to run...” We three ran together, gasping at the same time. We were running away from the scene, holding hands, but before we got very far, a car stopped in front of us again, making my heart skip a beat. I could sense Sheila’s anxiety and see Wena’s frailty. We still held hands when the car door opened, and the elder who had offered us a job spat in the car. I was too quick to believe his sweet promises that the salary was good and that I could buy everything I wanted anytime. But- “Dad, this is against the law!” Damian stated emphatically. Is it true that they are father and son? And he is against his father’s bad behavior? “Where have the others gone? Why just you?” He was wearing a hat that he adjusted. He was already wearing a hat during our first meeting and conversation. The thick necklace around his neck sparkled in the light, and he still wore the rings that denoted his wealth on his fingers. “S-Sir...” Previously, I could hide the tremor in my voice, but now that Don is in front of me, the rasping is obvious. “W-We will not go on...” He smiled, and I saw a different person in him. His face lost its kindness, and hardness replaced it. His face darkened as well as if possessed by a new personality. “No! You signed the contract.” His expression terrified me! “Besides, you look priceless, my dear.” I fight my fear so that I can think clearly. “But, sir, I don’t think I remembered signing a contract? Wena, right?” I was even more terrified when I saw Wena’s regret on her face. “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry, Letty. I didn’t tell you- I’m sorry...” As tears streamed down her cheeks, I frowned. Sheila shook her head in terror, appearing to hurt Wena. “You’re a traitor!” Sheila, enraged, yields to her. Don Regino laughed, and I turned to face him. “She’ll do anything for money, and I’m hoping you will as well.” “Wena...” it perplexed me. “It was me... I signed the contract,” she wailed, almost nailed in front of us, but I stopped her because it was not the time to point fingers. We both agreed on it. We accepted it because we thought that the outcome would be positive, but it turned out that we approached the wrong person. “Specifically you, my dear,” my entire body shivers in rage! It disgusted me with this man! I allowed him to approach me. He gripped my jaw, and I spat on his face because I was so disgusted with him. They differ vastly from my father, who will go to any length to ensure I have a good life. But this heinous man! He is only concerned with his well-being and the accumulation of vast wealth! “Where has your conscience gone?” I’m shaking with fear. He burst out laughing. One of his staff approached him and handed him a white handkerchief to wipe the spit from his face, but he stopped and grinned again. “It’s all right. It is clean- so clean- and paid,” These words weakened me. “You have no heart!” “I’m sorry, dear, but you already signed the contract.” Out of rage and disgust, I pushed him so hard that, despite Don Regino’s thin stature, I could back him away and then grab my companions. “Run!” I yelled. I could hear my friends complaining, and all we wanted was to get a job, so why do we have to go through this? We are minors, and working as prostitutes is not in our plans. We were all three stopped by a gunshot. We haven’t gone far, and because we’re in the province, we can hear gunfire even in the far corner of the building, but will anyone come to our aid? Will anyone risk assisting us in our recovery from demons masquerading as good people? “You’re threatening them, Dad! They’re only kids!“ Damian was contradicting his father. “They’re minors who will add to my fortune.” “This is against the law!” he was adamant to his father. “You will not inherit from me!” The father and son argued, and during their argument, I glimpsed the back of the waiting shed, where I saw my father, worried and silently watching...
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