7: The Gala

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June 2009 C H AP T E R S E V E N: T H E G A L A Katie woke up with a sore head and a heavy mind. Emily came home from work late the night before when Katie was already in bed so she did not have time to tell her friend about the eventful day she had yesterday. In fact, Katie wasn't even sure she wanted to tell Emily anything, then her run in with Catherine would feel more real. Colin had distracted her from the more serious reasoning Katie needed to do yesterday. Her worrying thoughts that were beginning to creep up on her the minute she opened her eyes, nevertheless, she dragged herself out of bed and headed to the kitchen for some well needed coffee. "Hey girl, why are you up so early?" Emily asked before munching down on some toast. She was sitting at the small breakfast bar, looking at the TV as she ate her breakfast alone, until Katie walked in. She immediately noticed her sullen face and the bags under her eyes. "Couldn't sleep." Katie mumbled as she stuck on her coffee. "You want a cup?" "I'm good thanks." Emily eyed her friend with curiosity, growing more concerned by the minute. "Is something wrong?" she finally asked. "Oh god Em, I've made a horrible mistake." Katie covered her face with her hands then, thinking about her outburst in front of the planning committee yesterday morning. "Katie? Tell me, what happened?" During Katie's explanation about what happened with Catherine and her remark about Katie being bi-racial, she never once mentioned the other half of her day. Catherine was the main focus of the discussion, like she should be. Katie had already decided that Colin shouldn't be the focus of her attention when she wasn't even sure she would have a job after tonight's gala. She would worry about him later, if it was even necessary. "I don't even want to go tonight, what if she's kicked me off of the list and I'm not allowed inside? I need this job so bad Em. I don't know what I'm going to do, what if Catherine lies about everything and makes other things up about me?" "Stop panicking Katie, I'm sure if she does, you can tell the truth." "But I don't think my side of the story will matter very much to anyone, Catherine's working there a long time before me. I don't think anyone would believe me. I shouldn't have reacted so harshly-" "Oh stop it. It was bound to happen sometime. Catherine sounds like a major b***h and nothing justifies what she called you, that was completely unnecessary and uncalled for." "I- I don't know." Katie continued to worry despite talking to her friend. Anxiety only deepened within Katie throughout the day and the time she spent getting ready. She really did not want to go anymore. As she did her hair and her makeup, she was thinking about all the excuses she might use in order to get out of going tonight, but she knew if her job was still there, she was needed to help out. Katie put on her dress, then her shoes and got her things ready. Emily hugged her on her way out the door and told her everything would be okay, whatever happened that night. She took a deep breath and nodded at her friend before leaving to catch her taxi. In the cab on the way there though, Katie began to become curious. Colin was on her mind again and quickly, she took her phone from her clutch to search something. Being as nosey as she was, Katie wanted to find out what Colin's actual type was. She thought back to when she had her interview with Colin and how Emily mentioned afterward the name of his ex-girlfriend- Dahlia Stephens- the name suddenly came back to her. Katie was prying, she was sticking her nose where it didn't belong, but it didn't feel as bad because most people knew who she was already, all of the pictures of the two of them were on gossip websites although there were very few of them. She scanned through a couple of pictures but then decided to stop. Katie put her phone away for the rest of the cab ride but she couldn't forget the image of the glamorous woman who stood alongside Colin in the photos. Alice greeted Katie with a smile once she arrived at the hotel early to help out before the gala started. "Hi Alice, you look amazing." "So do you! How are you after yesterday morning?" Alice asked. "I don't really know. I feel stupid, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did." "Yes you should have, you did what the rest of us couldn't. Don't worry about Catherine anyways, I'm sure she won't say anything if you don't." "If I don't what?" "You know, say anything about what she called you. She knows how much trouble she would be in and also that the room was full when she said it so she can't really deny it. I bet from now on, she's going to be so much nicer to you because she knows what's at stake." "Oh, I never thought of it that way." Katie muttered, not being fully convinced. "She went way too far with you and she knows it- Anyways, I have to get back to work. You have a list waiting for you like the rest of us. It's just inside laying on one of the tables. Everyone's really busy, good luck Katie." "I'll see you at dinner." Katie smiled at her friend before heading into the dining hall to find her list. In no time, she was buzzing around the hotel, trying to get things organised for the guests that would be turning up in just a few short minutes. Katie knew she would not be able to rest until after the charity auction when the meal started, she just wished the first half of the night was over already so she could relax and at least enjoy herself a little bit. She was resetting a couple of tables in the dining hall after she discovered they were different to the rest when Colin spotted her. The hall was almost empty, with only one or two other people flying around organising things and it was mostly quiet. Colin couldn't help but take in the sight of her in her pale pink dress, the strapless gown exposed more of her bronze skin than he had seen in work before. Once she noticed his presence and looked at him, he could not look away. "Hi." He spoke first. "Good evening Colin." He was glad she had used his first name this time. She went back to setting the table, looking away from him then. "You look beautiful." As soon as the words left his lips, he regretted it. He didn't know what he was thinking before he said them. "Thanks, I suppose." She continued on with what she was doing, not being phased at all by his words because all she could focus on was the ones he spoke yesterday. I would never bring Katie, god no, I don't want to bring any date, let alone her. "Listen Katie, I know you overheard my conversation yesterday with David. And I just want to say that-" "Don't worry about it Colin. I get it." "No Katie, you don't understand-" "Look at me. I'm practically the help, and it seems to disgust you." "It doesn't. God no." he was taken aback by her forwardness. "I just-" "Yo! Colin, your dad wants you outside for when the guests start arriving." David interrupted their talk before it had even started. Colin took a deep breath, he wanted to say so many things to her right then but didn't. "You should probably go, we both have a lot to do." The small smile that fell upon Katie's lips as she finally looked at him was full of sorrow, just like her eyes. But there was nothing Colin could do about it, he only nodded and walked off to leave her to her work again. The rest of the night only seemed to get worse as it went on. After the charity auction, everyone began to find their seats again for dinner. Katie looked over all the names placed around the tables but couldn't seem to find her own. Once she spotted Alice sitting down at a table nearby with a few others from the committee, she immediately went to check if she was supposed to be sitting at their table instead. "Hey, what's up Katie?" Alice asked quizzically. "My name." the other woman muttered as she searched the table thoroughly. "What?" Alice laughed. "My name, I can't find it anywhere-" "Katie." Catherina had appeared by the two women's side and looked expectantly at Katie. It was the first time Katie had seen Catherine since yesterday morning, she gulped at the sight of the older woman. "Yes?" "You're needed in the kitchen." "The kitchen? But what would they need me in the kitchen for?" "No, there must be a mistake Catherine, Katie was just looking for her place for dinner." Alice cut in before Katie had time to say anything else. "Oh shoot." Catherine pretended as if she had just remembered something. "I may have forgotten to put you down on the list for dinner. I'm so sorry Katie." She said in such an insincere way that made Katie want to crumble into pieces on the ground. She was too exhausted, her entire body aching, to even be angry at Catherine then. "I'm sure there's a spare space somewhere." "The numbers exceeded what we expected this year, all the free seats are taken. Katie, we need you to bring out some of the courses for the guests anyways. You should get going to the kitchen." "But Catherine-" Alice interjected but did not get the chance to finish off her sentence because Katie stopped her. "Don't worry about it Alice." She said, clearly deflated before she headed off in the direction of the kitchen. Her heels had begun to hurt her since the beginning of the auction and she wanted desperately to just have a break to sit down- but still, she continued. Katie figured as soon as she was done she could just leave, her night was already mad enough and she did not want to stick around for fear it would get worse. Colin couldn't keep his eyes off her as she whizzed around the huge dining hall in her flowy dress. Her attire was clearly not suited to the job she was doing and she stuck out among the other waiters in the room. Katie knew this, and couldn't help but feel slight humiliation from this. Jeffrey was quite puzzled by the discovery too, but decided to say nothing, his questions could wait until Monday morning after everything was over. Finally, the three courses were served to everyone and she could go. Although she wanted to say her goodbyes to Alice, she refrained from doing so. Her stomach was rumbling with hunger and she felt completely wore out. Katie contemplated getting a cab straight home from the hotel but then decided to take her shoes off and walk to the nearest place that served food at this time of night- the first thing that caught her eye was the giant, bright McDonalds sign around the corner. It was relatively empty and despite the strange looks she was getting from everyone around her, she ordered her meal and sat down alone at first. Little did she know, Colin had walked out once he saw she was leaving. Although he did not know where exactly she had went, it didn't take him long to find her as she was sitting at a window. It took a moment for Katie to realise he was there, she looked up from her food to find him walking towards her. "If I knew you were following me I would've walked much faster." Katie grumbled before taking another bight of her burger. Colin sat down in the seat across from her and rolled his eyes. "I wasn't following you, I was just looking for you." "I suppose I was easy enough to find, I stick out like a sore thumb in here." Colin laughed at her reply although he shouldn't have. "Not at all Katie." He replied sarcastically before a silence kicked in at their table. "What do you want? You should probably be getting back to the gala." "I don't want to go back." "Why not? You were practically ranting and raving about it a couple of days ago." "I guess I just can't get my gala on tonight." Katie almost choked on her fries once she heard him speak. She let out a loud, warm laugh that she couldn't help despite the horrible mood she was in. "Me either." After laughing with her, Colin could notice her mood lighten just a small bit. "Why not?" he asked. She looked up from her food then to rest her chin in her hand and fix her eyes on his. "I've had a terrible night Colin. Look at me... I'm a mess." Katie laughed lightly but sadness still shone through in her appearance, her eyes and facial expression. "You look beautiful to me." "Despite me sitting here in the middle of a McDonalds, stuffing my face and getting my dress dirty?" She quickly replied. "Of course." There was no doubt in his words, but it made Katie's smile fall from her lips immediately. "You shouldn't say that." She wasn't sure what she wanted then. He was taking back the words he had said yesterday that made her annoyed, only to make her want him to take the new ones back instead. Katie confused herself, and if she had have told Colin, he would've agreed that she was confusing too. "Why not? Why can't I give compliments where they're due?" "You know why..." she sighed before picking up another fry. "You want one?" she pushed the tray toward him a little in a giving gesture. She wanted the change the subject then. "Why were you serving food earlier?" "They needed more people." Katie shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly at him then. "But that's not your job." "It's my job to do whatever Catherine wants me to do, that's been my job since the very first day I started working on that committee." "You didn't get anything to eat?" he asked. "I wouldn't be here if I did." Katie chuckled then. "Let's go outside, I could do with some air again." She picked up her tray and carried it to the bin. Colin followed, her clutch and shoes in his hands. "Thanks." She smiled at him once they were outside and she sat down at the steps of a building a couple of doors up, figuring her dress was already dirty enough. Colin eyed her with curiosity but stood in front of her. "Aren't you doing to sit down?" Katie laughed. "I don't want to get my tux dirty." "Oh come on... I'm in a pale pink dress- your tux is black you'll be fine." She patted the ground beside her before he hesitantly sat down. "I'm sure you have a million of them at home anyway." She joked as she nudged him but he seemed to be somewhere else for a moment. "I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever." Colin said unexpectedly, causing Katie to look up at him with complete curiosity. "But we talk every day. I'm your assistant." She chuckled. "I'd be doing something wrong if I didn't talk to you, now wouldn't I?" Katie teased him, a smile spreading across her face and lighting up her eyes. "I know but I mean talk talk." "Well, we've both been very busy the past while. What with you actually doing work lately, it's very strange actually." She remained light-hearted still, but he held a more serious tone when he talked, as if he was genuinely concerned. "I don't think I know anybody else who's allowed trash talk their boss all the time Katie." He smirked at her then, deciding to join in on the joking around. "Maybe it's just me but- it feels like I've always worked for you. Like there's never been a time when I haven't. It's weird." She laughed lightly again at her realisation. "I thought I was the only one." He admitted as she rested her head on his shoulder then, taking in his scent although he did not know it. She took out her phone and hired an Uber, still leaning into him. "I'm sorry about yesterday by the way... and today." Katie decided it was the time to bring that up. "I wasn't snooping or anything, it's just that sometimes it's hard not to hear. It was none of my business anyways, it doesn't matter." "I'm the one who should be sorry-" "No Colin, honestly, you don't need to apologise. I get it, I'm not your type. I suppose it's a good thing actually, considering I work for you." "Will you let me speak for a minute, god Katie." Colin said as he laughed aloud. "I didn't mean any of it, it's not true. It's the exact opposite of what I think actually." Katie took her head from his shoulder and sat up for a moment then, taking in his word as she looked at his face that seemed to be very close to hers. "You shouldn't be saying any of this to me. You're my boss-" "I wish you didn't have to keep reminding me..." his voice was quiet and low, he was too busy looking at her lips. "I wish I didn't have to too." Katie trailed off as they moved closer to each other, but she stopped then at a point where it didn't necessarily look like they were going to kiss or not. But were they? Katie was unsure whether it was a good idea, but she still regretted stopping it. "But you are my boss, and you will be for as long as I work for you. I just have to remember that." There was a mutual understanding that night between the two of them, one that was left unspoken. It did not pass their lips but they certainly would remember it in their minds. He had been so close to feeling her lips on his, something he had to admit he wanted to do for as long as he could remember. It was strange because he felt as if he knew Katie years, although it had only been months. Colin wanted to know more about her, but that would only happen during their time working together, a relationship outside of the office was clearly not on the cards between them. Both came to a mutual understanding about that although they wished things were different as each felt there was something more- but were too afraid to go for it. "That's my Uber." Katie said as a car beeped it's horn a couple of feet up from them on the road. "Do you want me to come with you? Make sure you get home alright?" Katie gave him a pained look then, if only, she thought. "I think we both know that's not a good idea." Her lips met for a small yet grim smile. "Thanks for cheering me up tonight Colin. I'll see you Monday." Katie leaned down to pick up her things then kissed him lightly on the cheek before walking away. She knew she shouldn't have done it but she couldn't help it. The kiss marked an end to something that had not even begun- they both understood that. "See you." Was all Colin could say then, as he watched her walk away and get into her cab.
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