Chapter 2:- The Familiar Police officer.

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Chapter 2:- The Familiar Police officer. The sky was gloomy with no form of light, having the earth shackled in it's darkness. Damilola rolled helplessly around her bed with her hands on her neck trying to free herself from the strong hold of the strange man. With a loud scream, she jolted out of her sleep, sweating profusely, like she ran a marathon. She began to breathe heavily, unable to make her breathing stable. After calming down a bit, she immediately looked at her right arm where she had been hurt. There was nothing, completely nothing, no scar, no blood, no injury. Her arm was completely normal like nothing actually really happened. Amazed, she fell into a daze. "How is this even possible? I was obliviously injured. I even felt the pain, how is there not even a sign of injury?" Holding her arm tightly, she stared at the ceiling, in thoughts, trying to figure out what could have happened. "It was real, it looked real, or......." She paused, then raised her eyebrows in realization, "This couldn't have been a dream, could it?" She asked herself. At that thought, she spaced out for a bit. It felt good to know that it was nothing more than a dream. She calmed herself down for a while, turned on the bedroom lamp and checked her arm for the last time with the lamp on. When she was convinced that there was no injury, she took her medicine from the drawer beside her bed, a bottle of water from the top of the drawer and took her medicine with the aid of the water as prescribed by the doctor. After contemplating for a while, she decided to sleep again. She still had one hour to have some sleep before her phone alarm rings. Damilola kept rolling on her bed. She couldn't bring herself to sleep again. Nothing in this world would make her want to have such a nightmare again. Just what does this guy want? Why was he tormenting her in her dream? She asked herself various questions which she couldn't answer, neither could those around her. So deep in her thoughts, she didn't realize how many minutes and hour had gone by. It was like she had subconsciously traveled to another world and was oblivious to the happenings in the world she was coming from. An hour later, her alarm rang just as she had set it. The sound, jolted her out of her thoughts. She lifted her hands to the top of the drawer to switch off the alarm. That was when she realized that the alarm rang an hour later than the designated time. She immediately jumped down from her bed, ran into the bathroom like she was being pursued by a masquerade. She took a quick bath, got dressed and made herself breakfast in no time. When she was done, she took her bag and ran to the parking lot where her car was parked. She was dressed a bit roughly today. Her dressing made her look more of a boy than a girl. She wore a white T-shirt, a Jean trouser, and a white sneakers. She immediately got into her car, started it up three times, before it headed to her call. It was like the car knew she was in a rush and decided to act unfriendly. After starting up her car, she zoomed out of her compound, making her way to the high way in no time. She was driving at 90mph. On getting to the highway, she began to drive faster at 100mph. As she drove, she felt like she was being followed, she looked at her side view mirror and saw a police car, following right behind her, urging her to pull over. "Arrgh! I hate this police men", she said gritting her teeth, as the police man urged her to pull over. After she stepped on the break and parked, he pulled up right behind her and walked towards her car. Seeing the police man alight from the vehicle, she began to think of excuses to make him back off. As the police man drew nearer to her parked car, she immediately recognized him. This was really bad. She would definitely not leave this place today. She stared at the police man like he was her karma, walking towards her to destroy her. At that point in time, she wanted nothing more than to run as fast as she could, away from him but she was not willing to get into another heap of trouble. Helplessly she stared at the police man as he stopped by her car and began to knock on the window.
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