Chapter 1: Bitter Beer and Bitter Memories

1961 Words
The night following graduation, Ella will surprise Gerald with her award. She wanted to share her excitement with him. Gerald was her first thought after her parents departed. She had no clue the surprise would be heartbreaking. Ella noticed the door slightly open as she approached the room where her classmates saw Gerald enter. She opened it carefully, confused, expecting Gerald’s sweet embrace. But what she witnessed rocked her world. Ella watched Gerald and Monica embrace in the dimly lit room, unknowing. She was stunned as she stood in the doorway. The room grunting and moaning shook her. The betrayal broke Ella’s heart and made her cry. She felt dragged down as time stopped. “Cheaters!” “Ella!” “Babe!” Ella trembled with anger and anguish as she confronted Gerald and Monica. Ella immediately approached her best friend. Slapped cheek. She kicked her boyfriend right in the crotch. “My disgust for both of you is beyond words!” Gerald realized the seriousness of his actions as Ella ran out, sobbing and trembling. Knowing the damage had been done, he had to explain himself before she left. Frantic and guilty, he chased Ella down the corridor and into the parking lot. Despite the chilly night air, they were tense. Gerald called Ella’s name as she approached her vehicle, crying. She was searching for her vehicle keys when he caught up. “Ella, please, just hear me out,” Gerald said, his voice trembling. Ella turned, her eyes swollen and teary. “I screwed up, and I can’t express my regret. It’s a horrible mistake,” Gerald mumbled, regretful. Ella gazed at him, attempting to be calm. “A mistake? Gerald, this is beyond a mistake. You duped me with my best friend.” Gerald approached, realizing his actions were severe. “I know and can’t justify it. I messed up everything. Please let me try to make things right.” Ella shook her head, furious. “Fix things? Gerald, you broke my trust. I can’t digest this right now.” Gerald touched her arm, but Ella retreated. “Don’t touch me; you no longer have that privilege.” “I’m not sure if I can forgive you both. Monica went too far.” Ella expressed her thoughts with conviction, conveying a strong emotion. “I have just one desire for you and Monica,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “May hell burn you!” Ella shoved Gerald out of her vehicle door. She got in the vehicle and drove off. *** “Gerald, you’re an *diot who doesn’t realize it. You abandoned me for that s-x after eight wonderful years. Why?” Ella hid from her mental tempest in a dimly lit pub. She retired to a quiet room with wine-scented air and distant conversations. She ordered a glass of red wine and sat alone in the dimly lit room, thinking it would ease her heartache. “Monica, you are such a disgusting b*tch!” In a rage, she said. Ella cried openly, feeling betrayed and heartbroken. The secluded room’s walls appeared to absorb her pain, providing a momentary refuge for her spirit. It turned out the room wasn’t as private as she believed. In a shadowy corner, a guy quietly nursed his wounds. Distant glasses dulled her thoughts, clinking and the bar patron laughing. Ella’s grief echoed across the room, making her presence unmistakable. “Hey, could you quiet down?” A voice pierced the sorrow, exposing the stranger. The words were both angry and sad at the same time. Ella turned her tearful gaze toward the speaker, startled. The poor light made it hard for her to see a man. Swallowing hard, she said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think anybody else was in here. I paid for a private room, but even the crew fooled me.” She giggled as tears filled her eyes again and fell down her cheeks. “It’s okay,” the stranger said, softening. “Everyone has a moment. But I’m also looking for peace here.” Ella nodded, wiping away her tears, realizing she wasn’t alone in need of comfort. Their mutual grief connected them unspoken. “Why do you drink wine?” he asked. “How did you know I was drinking wine?” Ella asked with confusion. “I smell it,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m afraid that won’t do the trick. How about a beer?” He boasted, “This is bolder.” Ella asked, “Is that free?” He smirked. “Yes, it’s free.” A cold bottle rose. Ella touched her arm, feeling an intense urge to take it immediately. A man’s gulping sound and a satisfying musical chuckle filled the room, causing her to notice the man’s beer consumption. “That’s drug-free." He said. “Beer is best enjoyed when cold, in my humble opinion.” Ella sipped a beer, revealing her emotions and inner thoughts. The bitter taste flooded her mouth, causing an uncontrollable coughing fit. Over time, her taste buds grew accustomed to the bitter taste, making it less peculiar. She adjusted to the distinct flavors and smells, gradually understanding their essence. The stranger’s presence made Ella curious and vulnerable as she wiped her tears and collected herself. After silence, the guy said it contemplatively. “I like action. Did you catch them red-handed? You slapped the girl, right? Have you struck his crotch?” Ella giggled. “Yes, I hit my ex-best friend solidly in the face. With my knee, I struck my ex-boyfriend’s ball.” Ella stopped smiling. “But it doesn’t make up for what they did to me and my ex-best friend,” she added. Ella enjoyed beer without sacrificing her taste receptors because it was comforting. She came to relish the bitterness of the beer and yearned for the opportunity to let go of the day’s hard memories, even though she hadn’t tried alcohol. Ella glanced at the man next to her upon hearing his lovely chuckle. “You almost vomited those terrible words. They seemed to hurt you a lot, your best friend and boyfriend.” “Excuse me—ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend—” past tense” or “past.” Do not get lost in verb tenses,” she advised. He chuckled. “You teach, huh? Have you punished many pupils for getting so worked up about word tenses?” “I am not a teacher,” Ella confirmed. “Hours ago, I obtained my BA in Fashion Design and Marketing. I’m no teacher.” Surprised, he said, “Really? Congratulations! How about a free hug and kiss as a reward?" “I don’t want hugs or kisses.” Ella responded, “I’m fine.” "Are you sure?" He asked as he slumped back, fading into the darkness. “It’s sad when you find you weren’t enough for someone you cared about.” Ella nodded. “Yes. It was like you were there but not. So much time wasted.” Ella felt unusual comfort in strangers’ presence while they spoke. She stared at him even though she couldn’t see her face. The man chuckled. “I wondered if you could see my face in the dark.” Ella blankly said, “What?” “Your eyes are on me.” He chuckled. “I see your shadow and know you’re staring at me. Do you wonder how I look?” Ella saw a guy drinking beer in a poorly lit area. He took one deliberate drink from the bottle. Ella saw a little chair change, suggesting he had moved away. After tracing his shape, she resumed her posture. He chuckled. “You probably think I’m handsome. I seem better lit.” “Despite not seeing you, I believe women flock to you, and you have a way with them.” “You're prejudging me, Miss. Don't you think it's unfair?” She giggles. He joyously said, “Aw, cute!” Ella wonders. “What’s cute?” “You laughed infectiously! Sketching my interest to attract my attention is engaging.” Ella was flushed and felt a deep thrill. She failed to ignore it. Unexpected praise from strangers astonished her. A mystery guy with a beer bottle captivated her with his vision. He recognized Ella’s hand and snatched the bottle quickly, showing his expertise. He promptly replaced the bottle with a new one, showing off his ability. Ella savored each beer sip as vital. She boldly placed the glass on her lips and swallowed the delectable, dark liquid. She loved simple pleasures. Ella graciously handed him the empty bottle. She got a new one in return. He asked, “I couldn’t help but overhear. Have you never had intimate moments with your boyfriend after eight years? What did you do together? Stare at each other." He chuckled. “Your boyfriend may have considered you dull and indifferent. You know,” he said, “sometimes relationships need spicing up. Keeping things interesting and sparkly is crucial.” “Hold on.” Her voice was silent. Ella sought advice from the stranger, still reeling from her betrayal. “I can’t get the sense that my ex-boyfriend strayed because I was dull and numb. Is that an acceptable motive to cheat?” Before replying, the guy considered his words. “Understanding that cheating is difficult and rarely justified is crucial. People cheat for many reasons, and it typically reflects on their faults rather than the other person.” The man sipped another drink before saying, “Being bored or numb in a relationship could point to more serious difficulties, but it doesn’t justify breaching trust. Addressing such issues requires communication. If your ex-boyfriend felt that way, he should have told you, so you could work on rekindling the spark or improving the relationship.” Ella nodded. “I wish he had told me instead of betraying me. It stings to think he turned elsewhere for intimacy because of me.” The man smiled sympathetically. “It’s not your fault. Both sides must work on relationships. Someone dissatisfied or unsatisfied must talk and engage in conversation to discover answers. Cheating is never right.” He drank the golden beverage again, liking it. Seeing Ella quiet, he looked at her. “What are you thinking?” “I considered what you said.” “And...” Ella cautiously placed the glass on her lips to wake up to the chilly, bubbling liquid. She liked the great taste. Ella said, “Let’s do it,” with determination. “Have s-x with me.” “Are you serious?” he asked. “You might be drunk.” Ella shook her head. “Your words affected me and helped me see my weaknesses. I should learn from my failures and pursue love and relationships more adventurously and fulfilling. I need to learn and expand myself.” “O-okay?” He drank another drink. Perflex. “Are you willing to do it with me because I’m single and free?” The man smirked. “You don’t know me since you haven’t seen my face. Why should you trust me with s-x?” “This is better for strangers. No promises, regrets, or strings.” A time passed before the guy spoke. While contemplating, he stared at her. “It’s alright if you have no experience. You know how to start, right?” Ella asked, seeing that the guy was silent. “Miss, I can drive you crazy in bed. I don’t do virgins,” he said. “I can offer you the pleasure of s-x without ruining your innocence.” “Really?” She was astonished. “How?” He spoke in Ella’s ear. “Make out.”
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