Chapter 9

3252 Words

Amelia; I must have fallen asleep still sitting with my back against the door because a loud tap, tap, tap woke me from my sleep. 'Who is it?' I croaked forcing myself to stand up, I yawned and stretched my arms out, I still hadn't gotten changed. My clothes were still damp, and I was frozen to my core. It felt as though my bones had turned to ice. 'It's Matt.' A familiar voice called. 'And me!' Piper said softly. I opened the door to my two new friends and forced a smile at them. They were both holding silver trays, one had a cup of tea and biscuits on it with a note and the other had pancakes and waffles. My stomach grumbled begging me to eat, I stepped aside letting them come in my room. 'How are you feeling?' Matt asked taking the old tray still with my dinner from yesterday on

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