Chapter nine finding out what it means

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~~Star’s P.O.V~~   I knew exactly what Kelly was talking about and I’ve been ready for that to happen for a while. I’ve heard people talk about it and how great it feels, so when I was alone in my room and knew my father was asleep I wanted to experience a little bit of what it felt like and so I would touch myself. I’m sure everyone does it, but there was no way in hell I was ever going to admit to something like that, so all I did was nod. I wasn't about to tell people that I play with myself and decided it would be best kept my secret, so I nodded and smiled, but I was grateful for Kelly to explain what a girlfriend did because I had no experience in that whatsoever. I never really thought that Nash would go for someone like me, I thought that Kristie was more his type and the way she acted over him made it seem like they had something going on, that's why I thought she had put him up to talking to me and everything.   “I think I understand.” I said and turned to face Nash.   “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend, but I honestly thought you would go for Kristie. She is well known throughout the school, especially with the boys and I saw you that one time in class. I don't know what you were talking about, but she is really into you.” I said and he instantly shivered at the thought. I guess I was wrong about him and Kristie then, maybe I had been wrong all along, but you never know, especially where Kristie’s concerned and after she dared someone to kiss me just for the fun of embarrassing me.    “No, she caught me walking down the hall and started talking to me. I was trying to get to class so that I could see you, but she kept chatting about something to do with her parents wouldnt be at her house if I wanted to come and see it. I wasnt really listening to her and I don't like those kinds of girls, those are the ones that don't keep their legs closed. I feel sorry for her really, she will never be anyone's wife and she smelled. I didn't like her scent at all, she smelled wrong.” Nash replied and both Kelly and I nodded, but I still didn't understand. What did he mean when she smelled wrong? Do I smell? I’ll have to ask him about it later and see what he says. We got to the pool area, just as a young guy came climbing out the pool and Kelly walked over to him, handing him a towel.   “Star, this is my boyfriend Noah, Noah this is Star.” Kelly said, introducing us.   “It's nice to meet you, Noah.” I said, smiling.   “Ditto.” Noah said, hugging Kelly and kissing her cheek. They looked so cute together.   “Sorry, I’m a man with small words. I didn't know we had a newbie, when did you get here?” Noah said, kissing Kelly again. I thought it was sweet that he kissed her, but when he said newbie it made me wonder if Emma and Leo took in a lot of abused waifs and strays.   “I got here last night, Nash and Kelly were just showing me around.” I replied and he nodded, shaking his wet hair over Kelly and making her squirm.   “Well, I’m going to steal Kelly away from you for a few hours, I just got home and want to spend some time with her.” Noah said, taking Kelly’s hand and leading her away from us.   “I’ll be up in your room in a few hours and we can talk about the shopping trip tomorrow, okay?” Kelly asked, looking back at me over her shoulder and I nodded. I watched Noah and Kelly walk away, but now I felt really nervous about being alone with Nash.   “So, what do you want to show me next? What are those guys doing over there? They were doing the same last night when I pulled up as well. They looked like they were wrestling, but then I saw them actually punching each other, is that normal?” I asked, but Nash looked really nervous for some reason. ~~Nash’s P.O.V~~   I was so happy that Star had agreed to be my girlfriend and I was even happier that I was her first boyfriend because that would also make me her last, her one and only and that felt amazing, it was the best gift I could have ever asked for, besides actually having Star as my girlfriend. She was so strong and brave, but I knew she was still holding a part of herself back from us, she was still unsure about us and I couldn't say that I blamed her. This was such a big transition for her and it would take some time for her to get adjusted to it, let alone the fact that she could now trust people. I know she was slowly letting my mom in and I could only hope for the same, but I was dreading all of this, not the being with Star part because that felt amazing, I was dreading all the questions that she was going to ask. I didn't want to lie to Star, but I couldn't tell her the whole truth either because one it was against the rules and two she would freak out and I couldn't blame her for that, so I decided to just tell her the truth with a little white lie mixed up in certain parts.   “It's what you call training, we have guards all around our home and they well, er guard it. They train to fight bad guys and sometimes the bad guys come with lots of other guys, so we have to train hard and become strong.” I said and looked at Star. It looked like she was thinking hard about what I said, but something told me that she didn't believe a single word. I didn't exactly lie to her, I just changed a few of the more important words.   “Okay, well maybe I can watch one of the days and see how they train. Why would someone want to come here and hurt anyone here? Your family seems really nice.” Star said and I shook my head unable to answer her question honestly.   “I don't know why, they just do. Come on, I'll show you more.” I replied, hating the fact that I was having to lie to her, it felt like I was betraying her in some way.                  ~~Unknown’s P.O.V~~   I watched from afar, wondering who the new girl was, I had never seen her before. Maybe if I get to know her she will tell me the secrets of this place, I thought to myself.   “Go, find out who her father is. Make him tell me who she is and how to get to her, how to make her answer my questions.” I ordered, turning to the one next to me. I have completely forgotten their name, but who the hell cares as long as they do what I tell them, when I tell them I’m happy.    “I want this territory, even if I have to torture every single one of these bears to get it.” I said to myself, while still trying to stay quiet as to not alert them to my presence. I turned around to find that whatever their name was had left, following my orders and going to find her dad, hopefully he would be able to help. Well, either he would help or I would use him as leverage to get to the girl and make her talk that way, it makes me no nevermind about how I get answers as long as I get them.
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