Chapter 30 surprise engagment

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~~Kelly’s P.O.V~~   It had been a few weeks now and I felt like Noah was avoiding me. Every single time I would try to talk to him he would just make up an excuse and quickly leave. Did I do something wrong? I know he’s not cheating on me because I would have felt his betrayal through the bond and I hadn't, but there was something wrong with him, with us. Had he grown bored of me? Did he not want me anymore? Is that why he was avoiding me, hoping that I would reject him so that he wouldn't have to? That's it, I’ve had enough of this s**t, I need to find out what is going on, I thought to myself as I stormed out of my room and straight to his. I didn't bother to knock and just shoved the doors open, making them slam against the wall. I was furious when I saw what was in the bedroom, but he just came out of the bathroom smiling at me.   “WHAT THE f**k IS ALL OF THIS!? WHO THE f**k ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! YOU HAVE BEEN IGNORING ME FOR TWO f*****g WEEKS AND NOW I WALK IN HERE AND SEE YOUR BED FULL OF ROSES! SOFT MUSIC PLAYING AND YOU WALK OUT OF THE BATHROOM SMILING!! TELL ME WHO THE f**k SHE IS!! REJECT ME NOW AND I WILL LEAVE!!!” I screamed at him and he was stunned for a few seconds, but quickly recovered and started smiling again.   “Kelly, calm down. There is no other woman, I’ve been ignoring you because I have been planning this and if I hadn't ignored you then I would have snapped and told you everything. If you remember it's our anniversary, five years ago today we met and claimed each other, right here in this room.” Noah said and I was so confused. He walked over to the dresser. He took something from the chest that was on top of the dresser and walked back over to me, hiding whatever it was behind his back.   “Do you remember what I promised you on that day, Kelly? Do you remember?” Noah asked and I nodded. I remembered that day like it was yesterday, he promised that if he was still alive in five years time that he would ask me to marry him. He didn't think he would live this long whatwith being a warrior and all because most don't, but he did.   “Yes, I remember.” I replied and watched as he went down on one knee.   “Kelly, I’m keeping that promise. You have no idea how hard it was to keep this from you….” Noah said and my eyes widened when he pulled a small ring box from behind his back.   “Will you marry me?” Noah asked, opening the box. I stood there in shock, I didn't think he would remember, I didn't think that he would keep his promise, but he did. I kneeled down in front of him and looked deep into his eyes.   “Ask me again?” I said.   “Will you marry me?” Noah asked.   “One more time.” I said and he started huffing.   “Kelly, marry me already?” Noah said and we both started laughing.   “YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!” I shouted and he put the ring on my finger. He grabbed me and kissed me before picking me up and twirling me around. He walked over to the door with me still in his arms and locked it, making sure that no one was going to disturb us or walk in on us. ~~Rogue Wolf’s P.O.V~~   I’ve been sensing this huge shift in the balance of power for the past two weeks and started to smell the scent of something extremely powerful, but I wasn't sure where it was coming from, so I decided to follow it. I had been checking territories ever since I smelled the scent and I knew the other territories, but I have never been to the one I’m about to go to. The Black Bear pack, strange name for a wolf pack, but I’m nearly there. As soon as I got there I figured out real fast why it was called that, holy motherfucking s**t they are all bears, I thought to myself. I just walked into a bear territory and I knew I needed to be careful as I stood there watching everything. I looked around while still hiding and saw the training grounds, where I saw this beautiful girl.   “Wow, she is amazingly beautiful, but who is the guy with her?” I quietly said to myself and then the guy kissed her, making me softly growl at the sight before me, but not loud enough to let anyone hear me. I watched as they trained and then she did the most amazing thing ever, she created water in the palm of her hand and let it drip down, then it came back and disappeared into her palm again. She was the one, she was the one who’s scent I have been smelling, she's the powerful one. I wondered what other powers she had and I didnt have to wait long to find out as she set the log that was in front of her on fire. I had to blink a few times to make sure that I wasn't seeing things, but I wasn't and it really happened.     “I have to have her, I must have her, I just must. With her by my side no one will be able to stop me.” I said out loud to myself and quickly shifted into my wolf, running back to my rogue pack. I need and I must get them to band together and then we can grab her. ~~Nash’s P.O.V~~   Star and I were in the yard and I was helping her train with her powers. They had developed quite fast since her first shift, but she was scared to use them without training first, which was understandable. We both wanted to know what she was going to be capable of. We had been training for a while and Star was having fun. She created water in the palm of her hand, let it drip out of her hand and come back, she set a log on fire and she even thought it would be funny to have water splash on my head. We both laughed when I shook my head and the water splashed on her. Now it was time to practice the earth element. Star took a deep breath and then slammed her hand down on the ground, making it rumble and open up some.  “Holy s**t, did I do that?” Star asked, shocked by her powers and I started laughing.   “Yeah, you did. Just wait until you get angry, I wouldn't want to be the one that makes you that mad.” I said, laughing as she innocently smiled at me. I had tested her powers left and right, I even tried to lie to her last week and she called me on it straight away.   “Well, I know not to lie to you now, if I’m going to face that lot.” I said and she smirked at me.   “You better not or I’ll have a huge garbage can of ice water on your head.” Star replied and I started to laugh.   “Good to know.” I said, as we started to walk back to the house. Suddenly we heard a rustling noise coming from the far off bushes and when I went to go and look all I saw were footprints and then pawprints. I hurried back to Star and grabbed her hand, taking her back into the house.   “Go up to our room, I need to go and talk to my dad.” I said and she nodded, going upstairs. I went straight to my dad's office, knocked on the door and walked inside. I knew that if it was locked to just leave him alone, but it wasn't, so I walked inside.   “Dad, we need to talk, I think we have rogues watching us.” I said and my dad stood up from behind his desk, growling.   “How do you know? Did you see them?” My dad asked and I shook my head.   “No, I didn't see them, but I did see footprints and pawprints. I think whoever it was saw Star when she was training with her powers. We need to put guards and warriors in every section of the forest, for now. We don't need anyone trying to start a war or trying to grab Star.” I replied and my dad agreed.   “We have many, so for now we will have four guards and four warriors posted where Star trains, so if anyone tries to get in or out we will catch them.” My dad said and I nodded. I was glad that he was listening to me and helping me with this.   “I’m proud of you, son. You are learning to be Alpha fast and I’m impressed.” My dad said and it made me feel so proud when I heard him say it that I puffed my chest out, making him laugh.   “Just calm down, we will handle this and we will handle it the right way.” My dad said and I nodded, smiling at him. We talked for a few more minutes, planning everything out and then I left to head back upstairs to Star. When I opened the door Star jumped me, pushing me against the wall. I reached for the door knob, shutting and locking the door behind me and grabbed Star, kissing her back just as hard. She had not marked me yet, until today. We fell on the bed and she started kissing down my jaw and to my neck, hitting the sweet spot as only she could. She licked my neck, earning a growl to rumble in my chest and then bit down, making me moan and grab her head, driving her canines deeper into me. When she let go she licked my mark, just as I did with her so that it would heal and sat up, looking deep into my eyes.   “MINE!” Star said, growling at me and it was such a turn on. I sat up and ripped the buttons open on her shirt, then spun us around so she was under me. I lowered myself down, grabbing the waistband of her shorts and pulling them down her legs, taking them off. She looked down at me.   “I love you.” Star said, when I looked up at her.
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