Chapter 3

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"Lyra? Whatever happened to your hand?"   My heart's pace quickened as I darted my eyes on all palace exits. Given my short stature, I was sure I could dash in between my father's parted legs and head for the one in close proximity. I bit my lip in anticipation, waiting for him to avert his scrutinizing grey eyes from my bleeding hand.   "Is it painful? Should I summon the physician? Who did this? Was it Earl? Do not protect your brother Lyra, if he is the one I will surely bring pandemonium upon him."   My nerves relaxed at the idea provided oh so graciously by my father. There was a way out of this that would save my tiny feet from tiring. I could simply place the blame on my brother. I whimpered in pseudo pain as he grazed his fore finger on the blood oozing hand. It was not the first time I had injured myself therefore the pain was not new to me but it was new for my father and if he knew where his little princess had spent the afternoon, well he would simply go mad.   "Yes father, Earl chased Mitchell and I around the castle staircase and I stumbled and fell horridly...the pain is excruciating father."   I looked up at my father after spewing deceptive sentiments, his face was impassive, I was in big trouble. Rethinking my first idea, I started redrafting how I would swiftly fit myself in between his legs and sprint to my chambers.   "Lyra, do you know when I became king? "   My window of escape had dimmed the moment my father pulled me to the elevated area in the palace, was it possible that he actually knew what had transpired and was simply baiting me?   "No father."   "I was about your age, in fact a year younger."   I gasped in awe upon hearing this, was that even allowed?   "But father, I am but only a decade old and I can hardly face your wrath when I do something bad-"   My palm flew to cover my mouth to halt my rant. I had confessed that I was at fault, here came my doom. I waited for my father to summon the guards to escort me to the dungeon where all criminals were taken.   "Lyra look at me."   I lifted my green eyes to meet the misty ones beside me, was he...smiling?   "Yes, I was nine years old when King Michal lost his life on the battle field. My coronation was done on my birthday, imagine how comical my small head looked back then with this crown."   I chuckled as he pointed to his crown, an image swiftly forming in my mind of how humongous the crown must have been for his tiny head.   "My point is, I have been King for a long time Lyra. I have passed judgements on my people  and almost all of them have tried to deceive me."   I lowered my head in shame, I had actually thought I could outwit him.   "One day you will be queen Lyra and I am assuring you, you will yearn for people to be honest but they cannot do so if you yourself cannot take responsibility for your own actions."   Bobbing my head, I let my father lift my face to gaze at him. He was a remarkably handsome fellow and I could not help but feel intimidated by his wisdom, yet something he had mentioned did not sit well with me   "Father there is something I do not understand, Earl is older than me, why are you saying I will be queen?"   My father sighed as he patted my head.   "All in due time Lyra, all in due time. One day when I am gone, you will be queen."   Present   My chamber was crawling with servants. Each one was currently playing a hefty hand in preparing for the king's burial ceremony. I was sprawled on my bed, my nerves numbed, uncertain at how I was supposed to act during this moment.   "You need to adorn your apparel princess Lyra, the ceremony is about to commence."   I deliberately ignored one of the servants, could no one fathom the profound emptiness I was feeling? Was I not allowed to mourn for my father?   "Leave, all of you."   I revived myself from my daze upon hearing the voice of nanny Theresa. The servants scurried away muttering to themselves. I caught wind of one particular coherent statement.   "What is this?  I just heard you are no longer working here? Is it true?"   My own voice was foreign to my ears, raspy and strained, very unlike me.   "We will discuss that later little one. Now... now we have to choose a dress for you to wear to the ceremony."   I threw myself aggressively on my bed, I had thought that among every one else she would understand.   "I know that you want to be in solitude as per now but Lyra you are the princess and right now this kingdom needs you and your brother to show a brave face lest the whole Kingdom falls into despair. You will have your time to mourn little one but not now. Now you need to send your father off properly, the way he deserves."   She was right. My father was not only my father, he was also the leader of our kingdom, the people needed hope, they needed my brother and I would be right there beside him. I got up and went behind the dressing compartment. My ears caught wind of the door closing with a thud and once again opening with a slow creak.   "Nanny could you come and help me put on the dress?"   "I do not think we are quite allowed to see each other nude with us being siblings and all."   I choked down a chuckle despite the heaviness in my heart as I hurriedly finished getting ready. The dress was snowy white christened with shimmering diamonds that glimmered under the faint light from the sun through the small window. As much as it was magnificent, I loathed it, it was too beautiful for such a gloomy day.   "Earl don't you think this is a bit much -" I froze, my eyes darting from the choice of clothes my brother had worn to the skin draped carrier in his left hand.   "Earl what...what are...what is this?"   My voice cracked as tears formed in my eyes. I quickly blinked them back afraid to break down in front of my brother.   "I am so sorry Lyra but I have go, my love for Melanie... it's it's too much. I can't stay Lyra...if I stay and become King I won't be able to marry her,  they will kill her...Lyra I'm eloping."   Acrimony engulfed me as I blindly passed my brother and headed for the door. Opening it, I mustered enough strength to face my him.   "If you leave my chambers right this instant, if you choose to neglect your duties and the throne for your selfish feelings for a woman who is already married to another...then I am sorry but you are no longer my brother and you will be declared a wanderer, unwelcome in this Kingdom...The choice is yours."
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