XLVIII. later

2070 Words
Storm I wasn't sure what came over me. I just became so hyped after the kiss that never happened. Yes, it just almost happened. So close. I wondered if it would be just a kiss when the janitor did not arrive. Would it be just a kiss or would it blow up and get hot? Why was I even thinking about it? I should not. F*CK. I can't help it. I sighed, leaned away from the wall, and walked to the opposite side. I stood a meter away from the doors to the restrooms and kept waiting for Lulu to come out. I felt uneasy earlier that I had to act out of my comfort zone to lighten up the mood and not embarrass myself. When the kiss did not happen, I wanted to try again but I saw the look on Lulu's face. She was dying to get out of that tiny closet that beads of sweat formed in her temples. It was literally hot in there and our body heat made it worse. I thought she was cute when she hastily got out of the closet and walked like nothing was about to happen there. Damn. I never thought our youth would be like this but I was enjoying our moments together. Every second. every minute with her was special and I treasure them. We couldn't be sure that one of us might leave. Time is unpredictable. I also didn't expect her to come along with me and decide not to get in class. Olivia Marie Thompson was a bad girl. She just missed a class. Smiling, I shook my head at the thought. She was a silent badass nerd. That sounded cool. Speaking of the badass, savage queen, nerd, Lulu emerged out and I almost laughed when she looked confused not seeing me where I was standing earlier. That was when she turned her to the side and she got startled. She let out a string of curses as she walked past me in the hallway. “Hey, wait!” I called out, running after her. With my long strides, I caught up easily with her and snaked an arm around her waist. I almost sighed in relief when she didn't complain. “Come on. What’s with that face?” I pouted. It was obvious, she was not in the mood but I asked anyway. “I’m hungry,” She mumbled softly. It was almost inaudible but I still heard her. “Great. Me too.” I sighed in relief. As we walked in the hallway, I didn't miss the curious and shocked looks of some students when they saw us. I ignored the flares of some women who looked at the most beautiful girl in my arm. We couldn’t care less anymore. They could think whatever they wanted to think and judge whenever they want. When we finally got into the hallway, I went to buy us some food as Lulu scanned the cafeteria for a table to dine in. I got us some mac and cheese, salad, and diet coke, put them on a tray, and turned around only to hold the tray tighter. What the heck is he doing here? It's the cafeteria, Storm. Why are they talking and what about? That all made me curious. Dangerously, I walked towards them and slammed the stray against the table, startling both of them. I felt Lulu look up at me but my eyes were set on my mortal enemy s***h ex-best friend. "Davis." My jaw clenched just seeing his annoying face. My blood boiled just remembering a memory with him. Past is past. Forgive and move on. My subconscious reminded me. Our case is different. My mind argued back. From Lulu, he turned his head to look at me. "Oh, Storm." "Don't call me that." I gritted my teeth. "Sorry." He muttered. I saw something in his eyes before he blinked and said, "I was just letting know Olivia here that we have a task in Marketing due by Monday. It's a very important assignment and I don't her to miss it." "Oh, I see. Thanks for the info. If you don't mind, we want some privacy." I gave him a look. "Storm," Olivia called after sensing the rudeness and sarcasm in my voice. I just want this guy to disappear in front of my eyes. "No, I don't. I'm just about to go now." Davis said and left but not before tapping Lulu's shoulder to provoke me. Bastard. I pursed my lips, itching to go after him and give him a good punch to break his nose again but my rational thoughts got the best of me. I didn't want to cause a scene. Unless he started the trouble, I would add up to it and made him walk away as the last time in this very cafeteria. "What was that?" I asked Lulu as I finally took a seat opposite her. I sounded like a jealous boyfriend but I couldn't care less. Of course, I was jealous. Wasn't it obvious? "What was what?" Was Lulu's reply. I frowned at her. "Why were you talking to him?" "I wasn't. He just came up to me and told me about the project proposal that we have to make. It's a performance task, Storm." "And then? I guess he came to you because you're his partner?" She looked down and mumbled like she had no choice. "Yeah." I sighed. This is not good. I heard her sigh too. "It's not like I want him to be my partner in this assignment. You know how much I want to be as far as I can away from him." "Heck, me too. I don't want him near you." The latter statement was soft but I meant that. "I'm sorry." "Why are you sorry?" I asked, confused. "I don't want this." She was looking at me, trying to convince me. "Yeah, I know. I don't want that too. To start, I hate that guy so much. Second, I want to bury him alive." "Storm." She scowled at me. "Maybe, I should peel him off before burying her alive.* "I don't feel like eating now." She mumbled and I suddenly felt guilty. "I'm sorry. I'll stop now. But I really despise that guy so much. Just let me know if he does anything wrong again." "Okay." "Come on. Try the mac and cheese here. It's good." Thankfully, she started eating. She chewed slowly, trying to judge the food until she closed her eyes and let out a moan... in delight. Damn. Why did she have to do ghat? Watching her, I swallowed and tried my best to look away from her but I found myself just staring at her face. Her cheeks were slightly puffed, filled with macaroni, as she engulfed herself with the food. How can someone look so hot and sexy whole just eating mac and cheese? I absentmindedly licked my spoon. Just in time, she opened her eyes and smiled at me. F*ck. Don't do that. "You're right. It's really good." "See?" I cleared my throat and finally ate my mac and cheese. To be honest, I wasn't really a fan of this food. I was just forcing her to eat because I was nervous she would totally lose her appetite. I hate macaroni. But she made it taste good. "Storm? I didn't know you eat macaroni now." A very familiar voice just sounded out of nowhere. We looked up to see Theo. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised anymore to see Mara linking arms with him. They look... happy together. "Mara!" Lulu suddenly shrieked as she stood up and hugged Mara. Mara laughed and rocked Lulu in her arms. Theo and I frowned at each other. Since when did these two girls become so close to each other? We didn't know. Nevertheless, we were happy about that. "How are you feeling now?" Mara asked Lulu softly as they sat beside each other. "Better Lulu smiled holding a tray with burger chips and fries." Theo sat beside me and opposite Mara. "I don't know what's going on," Theo whispered. " I don't know, as well," I whispered back. "Just let them be." "Of course." Theo chuckled and shook his head as he started eating potato chips. They were ultimate favorite snacks. Mara and Lulu talked about some stuff while Theo and I talked about soccer. "There would be a practice later this afternoon," Theo said between a mouthful. "What time?" I asked. "Five-thirty." "The District Athletic Meet will be in a month and we haven't practiced yet. The team captain has to be in the field later." "Fine. Fine." I put my spoon down and popped open a can of lemon-lime soda. I took a huge gulp of it. "Deborah is likely to be suspended for a month." That statement from Mara caught my attention. Putting the soda down, I listened to the two girls. "Bree and Margaux are likely to be suspended for two weeks." Mara continued. "They'd deserve the punishment, Olivia. What they did to you, especially, Deborah, won't be compensated by just community service." "I feel bad," Lulu mumbled, staring ahead into space. "Are you serious?" Mara asked in disbelief. "Why would you feel bad? How could you? They should be the ones who'd feel bad. They are ugly and insecure b*tches who think the whole world loves them." "Woah. It's rude not to let us know we'd be having a meeting." Another familiar voice sounded out of nowhere. It was Ryan with a silent Eli towing behind him with his hands in his jeans pockets. "We're not having a meeting, dude." Theo chuckled and moved to my side to let Ryan sit. Eli sat beside Mara. Elijah was quiet. I wondered what was bothering him. He was avoiding my eyes too. Did I do something wrong? Or did he have something to share with me but would be so shy to do it? It was either of the two but I had a huge feeling it was the latter. It was because Eli and I had never gotten into a misunderstanding. Never. Ever. "We were talking about Deborah and her sidekicks. She is likely to be suspended out of school for a month while the other two barbies for two weeks. I had to report it to the office. I'm a strong witness and so are you guys. Let's fight for this. They need to learn manners." Mara explained. "Sure. I'm strongly up for that. I'd gladly be at the Guidance Office." Eli surprisingly talked. I couldn't help but secretly frown at him. "Heck, me too. I hate those b*tches especially, the ugly pink one." Ryan added, secretly creeping his hand into Theo's bags of Lay's but received a slap from the owner before he could even get a handful of the chips. I shook my head, almost laughing when Ryan pouted at Theo, giving him the most adorable puppy look he could muster to Theo. It wouldn't work on Theo, asshole. "Not my chips. Buy your own." "Potato lover." Ryan stuck his tongue out at him. "We have to be there at four in the afternoon." "Great. We have soccer practice at five-thirty.". "How did you know?" I asked Ryan. "Our lovely coach texted me." Ryan answered in a 'duh' tone. "I don't think I can attend tonight's practice," Eli said all of a sudden. He looked at me in the end but it was a very short glance. "But I will come to the Guidance Office, though." Something is going on. I would have to talk to him later. "Why? Is there something wrong?" Eli was so quick to shake his head. "No. Nothing's wrong." He was lying. I knew him. He was not meeting my eyes. "I just have to be home and look after my sister tonight." I squinted my eyes at him. When he mentioned his sister, I almost believed he was telling the truth. Maybe, he was. But I was sure there was more than that. Later, Eli. The entrance doors to the cafeteria opened and disturbing high-pitched laughter erupted. We turned our heads and saw no other than the living overdone barbies. And there was one thing I could silently tell them as my jaw clenched, seeing their faces. Later.
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