XXXVII. they have to pay

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Storm    I had seen those eyes before. I had seen that look when she saw me with Mara at the library. I didn't want to give it meaning because it would make me delusional and assuming but I couldn’t help but think she was jealous. She would not react that way if she wasn't jealous of Mara. Mara didn't know anything about me and Olivia and the same went with Olivia to me and Mara. It was just that Olivia might have thought of us that way—that Mara and I were in a relationship. The fact that she had seen us together at the library that day made her even want to think that something was going on between us. Mara calling me ‘baby boy’ might have added to her opinion. It was heartbreaking to leave without explanation but I had to talk to the two people behind me and confirm their status before I would go approach Olivia about it. I wanted to make things clear first between Theo and Mara before I would talk to Lulu about us. “Explain,” I told them the moment I stopped beside my car. I felt like a father who saw her daughter having a good time with a suspicious boyfriend. They just followed me out of the gym and I ended up going here in the parking lot. Turning around, I stared at Theo and Mara who were standing beside each other, facing me. Why weren’t they talking? Sighing, I leaned on the driver’s seat and crossed my arms on my chest. “Since when?” “Last year.” Good thing, Theo answered right away. My mouth opened in disbelief when he said that but I could only nod my head in understanding. Wow. How could they hide it, especially Theo, from me for a year? I felt… betrayed but I knew this would just pass soon. I couldn’t hold a grudge for this matter because I felt like they had a valid important reason. Now, I had to know why they were dating secretly. “Why, though? We’re buddies. Why hide it from us?” It was obviously directed to Theo. “My brother is watching us.” Mara sighed and answered for Theo instead. “You know Leo. He was overly protective of me and wouldn't want me to have a boyfriend until I finish college. He only trusts me with you because he knows we are just friends.” Mara looked down and played with her fingers. It was painful to see her this vulnerable. Theo walked to sit on the bench under a tree and lit a smoke. “That’s why she only interacts and even rides with you because I trust you and because of her brother. We are afraid Leo would see us together and wouldn't want us to see each other again. We don’t want to get caught. Leo is really strict. It’s frustrating, bro. I know I was wrong the moment I decided to hide it from you and realized too late that I trust you with our secret. Honestly, we are planning to tell you about it, though. I forgot you're clever and I didn't expect you’d find out this way. I’m sorry, bro.” Theo sounded sincere. He looked at me with hopeful apologetic eyes. At the moment when I looked into his eyes, I honestly didn't know what to say. Silence settled around the three of us in the night. I just watched my best guy friend inhale a puff of smoke before throwing the unfinished cigarette on the ground and smashed it with his foot, rolling his shoes on it. When the smoke finally vanished, that was when Mara spoke. “Did I do something wrong just earlier? Isn’t she the savage queen Deborah bullied on the first day of school? Why is she with you?” “Savage queen?” I repeated, turning my head to look at her and ignoring the last latter question. “Yeah. Since she fought back at Deborah twice, first at the cafeteria and second at the hallway with Andi Green, people stopped hating her and called her savage queen.” She explained. So, it was about Olivia now? I had always known she was a savage queen to me. I wanted to know their reason. “Who is she, though?” Mara carefully asked. “Lulu.” I absentmindedly muttered. “Huh?” Her brows raised. “Lily?” I shook my head and told her the full name instead. “Olivia Marie Thompson.” I also decided to tell them about her too. I leaned away from my car and walked to sit beside Theo on the bench. “The childhood best friend you told me before?” Mara asked, still standing as she faced us. I nodded. “Why didn't you tell me?” She sounded disappointed. I gave her a look, silently asking her, ‘Seriously? You dare to ask me that when it didn't tell me you're dating one of my buddies behind my back?’. She pursed her lips and gave me an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. I shouldn't have called you ‘baby boy’.” “Why?” I had to ask even though I know why she was apologizing. I wanted to know if Mara had the same thought as mine. “I could her eyes on me, on us. I think she’s jealous, Storm.” “Why did you call him baby boy then?” Theo suddenly asked, frowning at his girl. Oh. Wow. Is he jealous too? I couldn’t hold the laughter. He sounded really funny while asking that and looking at Mara with his forehead creasing. I only stopped when Theo gave me a look, almost glaring at me. “Why not? He’s like our baby bro.” Mara scowled back at him. I pursed my lips, watching the two having a love quarrel. Theo looked cute when he was jealous. I almost laughed again when I thought he was jealous. He was a big guy and it was just a bit funny when he was acting jealous. What Mara said was true, though. I was younger than them and they both treated me like their younger brother. It was the kind of friendship we had. As it was just me and Star and being the eldest child, I was forever grateful I had Theo as an older brother and Mara as a big sister. It was just funny how I only found that they actually knew each other and even dating. “Come on. You know I only love you.” My eyes widened and my mouth hung open Mara suddenly stood in front of us and leaned down to kiss Theo’s cheek. I dramatically gagged as I stood up from the wooden bench. “Oh, gosh. Seriously? In front of me?” I shook my head as I started walking back to the entrance of the court. “You just say that because you’re not dating Olivia yet,” Mara called out as they followed me. My steps halted then I turned to face them. “So?” I raised a brow at Mara?” “So when you start dating her, you can’t stop wanting to kiss her.” I scoffed and shook my head. I ignored what she said and turned to keep on walking. Thankfully, they stopped teasing me and walked with me back inside. We headed back to the table again. However, when we reached it, no one among our friends was around. I even checked if we were at the right table. It was exactly the same table. I couldn’t be wrong. “Where are they?” Theo muttered as he stood beside me. It was when I realized it was time for the dance. Even the dance was retro in style. I scanned the room. I found Ryan with a random dark-haired girl he picked and Eli with a brunette. Dylan and Andi were not that far from them too. “Where’s Mara?” “Where’s Olivia?” Theo and I asked at the same time. “Oh. She said she wanted to use the restroom.” Theo answered. “I’m starting to have a bad feeling about this. I can’t find Olivia. She’s not here.” He was only making me even more nervous. What if some guy walked up to her? I sighed, getting mad at the thought of it. “Come on. Let’s ask the boys first. She might just be around.” He suggested. I nodded and started walking towards Ryan. I was silently praying Lulu was alright. Somehow, I felt like she was my responsibility. She was fragile, tend to be clumsy and reckless and I felt the need to look after her. When Ryan saw us approaching him, he whispered something to the girl he was dancing with. The girl left with a smile. He met us halfway. “Have you seen Olivia?” “Oh, a guy walked up to her and asked–” “Where is she?” I cut him off. He suddenly laughed. My eyes squinted at him before that frowning turned to glaring. He shut up in an instant. “Uh… She said she wanted to use the restroom.” It was what exactly Mara told Theo. “Come. I’ll help you look for her.” He must have had sensed I wasn’t kidding around. My friends would know I was dead serious when I didn’t really speak. We were already heading to the hallway where the restrooms when we heard Eli catching up with us. “Where are you guys going?” I didn’t answer and just keep on walking. “Looking for Olivia,” Theo answered. “Oh, didn’t she say she’s going to the restroom?” Eli sounded so confused until he said, “Oh. That was like fifteen minutes ago. She must be back at the table by now.” F*ck. She’s gone for fifteen minutes. Is that how long girls use the restroom? I picked up my pace and turned to another hallway towards the ladies' restrooms. It was very quiet when we stopped in front of the door. My friends just watched me leaned my head and ear to the door because I thought I heard someone crying. The voice was very soft that I couldn’t almost hear it. I listened very carefully until I was starting to recognize it. My heart paced up and without waiting for another second to pass, I pushed the door open and barged in. “Lulu?” I softly called out. From the mirror at the sink, she looked at me. My heart was squeezed painfully when I saw her tear-stained face and puffy red eyes. She looked at me with so much emotion, especially pain. Without even bothering to close the door behind me, I made my way towards her in a hurry and gathered her in my arms. “It’s okay,” I whispered, running my hand through her hair. Thankfully, she stopped sobbing and just let me hugged her in comfort. Her hands were on her sides. I thought she was too weak to hug me back when she suddenly put her arms around me, buried her face deeper on my chest, and clutched on my shirt. I closed my eyes as my jaw clenched when she cried painfully and almost without a sound on my chest. I was so f*cking mad. I badly wanted to know what happened and who made her cry so bad but she needed comfort at the moment. “I’m sorry.” whispered. “I shouldn’t have left.” I felt like it was all my fault but I felt her shaking her head. “No. I shouldn’t have left.” “It’s not your fault.” She whispered between her silent sobs. Her voice was so broken. “What happened?” I finally asked. “I don’t want to think about it.” She mumbled. I sighed for the nth time. “Tell me.” When I realized I sounded too demanding, I softened my voice. “Please,” I begged. +Whoever made her cry and hurt her has to pay. They have to pay.          
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