XVIII. that night was amazing

2077 Words
Olivia “What time are you free?” Dylan asked as we walked out of the class. Dylan Wallace was a nice guy. He was kind and his height and visuals were adding to his package. He was a lean, blonde boy. I just knew him when he was partnered with me for a task in Econ. We were not seatmates. He was sitting in front but he got paired with me after counting. We were asked to go to a store and take note of the prices of the basic needs. That was how simple the task was but it made me uncomfortable at first. Dylan was literally a heartthrob. I saw the girls ogling at him earlier and how they got annoyed that I was paired with him. It was random. I didn’t ask for it. I’d rather do tasks alone than be with a partner or in a group. Anyway, I was uncomfortable because I was starting to be the most hated girl on campus. When I walked into Econ, jealous girls were glaring at me because they saw me walking out of Storm’s car and Storm walking me to class. Their faces were telling me how they wished it was me. I internally scoffed at the thought. Get lost, b*tches. “Tomorrow, after the second period in the afternoon,” I told him. “Oh, great. I’m free at that time, too.” Enthusiasm laced his voice. We disappeared into the stairs leading up to the second floor but we parted ways when we had to go to our respective classes. He waved goodbye at me before getting inside his next class. *** My next class was boring. I had to sit for an hour and a half in Chemistry, which was my least favorite. That subject was where I was very weak at. I wasn’t sure why I was so dumb in Science. I really wished I was good at it but brain cells just hated all branches of Science. They wouldn’t work and just in utter chaos. I was the first one to walk out of class when the bell rang for morning break. I intentionally sat in front, near the door so would always be the first one to walk out when the bell would ring. I couldn’t be happier when I was finally out and in the hallway. Students were heading to the cafeteria. That included me. Just the thought of food made my stomach growl. I didn’t get to have proper breakfast Mom was in a hurry and I woke up a bit late. She made me hurry so I just grabbed an apple and ate in the car on our way to school. When I finally walked into the cafeteria, I rushed to get a piece of banana, burger, fries, and a box of pineapple juice. Holding the tray of food with both hands, I scanned the room for a vacant table. It just had to be in the very middle of the cafeteria. Nevertheless, I walked towards it and lay my food on the table. While I was doing so, someone suddenly came to stop in front of me. It wasn’t just one but three. The same three girls who bullied me yesterday. Seriously? I thought. It was going to happen again. They loved putting me in the spotlight. What now? What’s next? “Wow.” ‘Barbie’ started. She shook her head as she looked at me from head to toe. Her smoky eyes were scary. She had a completely different look today. Dark. She was wearing all black. Maybe, her cat died? I wasn’t sure. A red top and black leggings. I almost laughed right there when I saw the familiar triangular shape between her legs through her leggings. Her top was a bit short. She could have covered it. She lost fashion right there. Her sidekicks were also wearing the same concept. The dark evil concept? Bad Barbie girls? The latter sounded more suitable. Anyway, I just calmly looked at them and waited. We had all the attention now. “You’re really something, huh? Did you come here because you have already f*cked all the boys in your previous school? Huh, transferee?” It was dead silent after a few gasps from the people watching. Where is she going with this? I swallowed, squinted my eyes at her as I waited for her to go on. I wasn’t bothered by that statement at all until she spoke again. “First seen with Levi Davis, next with Jackson Storm Butler, and now with Dylan Green.” She smirked, shook her head as if she was disgusted. “Who’s next? They’re all hot, aren’t they? Who’s next? Theo James Scott? Elijah Mendez? Ryan Edwards?” I did not have any idea who those people she was mentioning were. People started whispering and I was completely clueless. Still, that didn’t bother me because none of it was true. I knew she was just trying to provoke me but it wasn’t working at all. Crying because of they did to me yesterday was a weak move. I regretted it. I wasn’t that kind of person. Now, I put up a passive face and acted strong because that was who I really was. “I heard you’re from Sydney. Wow.” She breathed out. “That’s a long way to look for targets.” The room erupted in laughter. “What does it feel like to have your stomach full with a piece of hotdogs, two eggs, and a little bit of milk?” She winked. She thought I didn’t her logic at all or how she replaced one thing with different kinds of food. “Hhmm…” I hummed and stared at the long piece of unpeeled fresh banana on the table. I slowly picked it up and held it in front of me at my eye level. I stared at it and purposely licked my bottom lip. I saw her staring at me in confusion. “You see, this banana looks so fresh.” I moved it away a little, wrapped my right hand around it, and started rubbing it back and forth. I looked at Barbie in the way as I slowly peeled off the banana. I knew what I was doing and I went with it. “It fits the mouth perfectly.” I moved the head of the banana to my lips before filling my mouth slowly with it. I took a bite. “It’s smooth. So good.” I closed my eyes in goodness. Her face was so satisfying. “It really makes the stomach full. I took a step forward until I stood close beside her. “Why are you asking an innocent girl when you completely know what it feels like?” I dramatically gasped. “Maybe, you’re jealous and want to have some?” My facial expressions turned saddened but it was all fake. “That’s sad. I bet they already had a taste and never want to have a taste of a rotten egg again.” Her eyes went wide in disbelief and her nostrils flared. She was fuming mad at me. Breathing hard, she raised her hand and attempted to slap me but I caught her wrist and gripped it hard before she could even hit my face. “B*tch.” She sneered, trying to free herself from the tight grip but I only added more force. “No one has ever tried to slap me,” I told her with a warning tone before pushing her hand away. Taking another bite from my banana, I walked past her, bumping my shoulders against her, harder than how she did it to me yesterday. The ‘audience’ gasped but I ignored them and continued walking towards the exit. “We’re not yet done, w***e!” The psycho shouted. I stopped and pursed my lips. w***e? I lifted my hand and gave her my middle finger before I continued on walking. I ate my banana on the way and threw the peel in the trash bin right beside the doors. My heart raced, realizing what I just did. s**t. I was going to be really popular. That wasn’t me. I might have looked and sounded like a badass there but I was nervous as hell. I wasn’t sure if they had noticed me shaking there. I shut my eyes closed, balled my hands into fists, and screamed with my jaw clenched when I was finally out from anyone’s sight. Or so I thought because when I opened my eyes, four guys were staring at me with expressions on their faces that I couldn’t figure out. My mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say. I cleared my throat, unable to speak. Were these what Barbie was talking about? They must be them. My eyes landed on Storm. Our eyes met but something was just off with him. He just looked away. I couldn’t miss that crease on his forehead. He had a bored expression on his face and his friends seemed to be in an awkward situation as they looked at me to Storm and then back at me. Suddenly without saying anything, he walked past me and his friends followed him. Standing there shocked, I felt my eyes tear up realizing what just happened. My lips quivered but I held myself back from sobbing. Hurt, I angrily wiped my tears with the back of my hand before walking away. What was that? *** The next classes weren’t fun at all. I wasn’t in my mood. I felt unproductive. I couldn’t focus on listening. I didn’t take note of the teachers I just met. All I knew was that I just wanted to go home. When it was finally lunch break, Starr texted me that she would be eating with her friends. She thought her brother and I would be having lunch together. I didn’t tell her that we were not on good terms again. I skipped lunch and indulge myself in reading at the library. I did my assignment and English and fell asleep until the bell rang for the first period in the afternoon. The same thing happened. It was lost in my world for the rest of the afternoon. I couldn’t stop thinking about my encounter with Storm outside the cafeteria. We were just fine this morning. What had gotten into him? Why wasn’t he talking to me now? Did I do something wrong? I couldn’t stop myself from thinking too much. I couldn’t help it. He was driving me insane. In the last period which was Statistics, we were classmates. He sat far away from me at the back. Really far. He was near the door and I was at the other end near the window. When it was finally time to go home, I had to watch him leave without saying anything to me. What would he say? Right. There was nothing to talk about. Was there really nothing to talk about? He could’ve at least told me what his problem was. Here I was, walking on the sidewalk on my way home because he already got inside his car. All I could do was watch him drive away with a dark-haired tan lady in his passenger seat. A sad smile appeared made its way on my lips as I watched her smile at him. It hurt enough but I still watched them until they appeared very small in my sight and disappeared somewhere. What was last night all about? He told me we’d go home together. Was he just playing around? Was he embarrassed that he was seen with me this morning? Why couldn’t he just tell them we were nothing but friends before? With a heavy heart, I just kept on walking and it rained. That night was amazing.
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