LXXXII. how lucky do i get

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Olivia       “Where are they?” Emily muttered when the front lawn of the cabin was free from any human being. The chairs were empty. No one was just there.   I thought they were just making of us and hiding when we heard voices coming from the lake. I was sure as hell that it was Mara’s laughter and Andi’s squeal.   “How dare they never waited for us?” I muttered, shaking my head.   “Come on. Don’t be angry.” Emily chuckled while walking ahead. She turned around to face me and said, “Who refuses the lake?”   “Right.” I sighed and followed her to the lake.   When we got to the dock, we just watched over our friends but my eyes were seeking instantly Storm. To my surprise, he was not in the lake. Emily had already jumped and swam towards Ryan. Eli was just smiling at the side, watching Theo, Mara, Andi, and Dylan fighting, with the girls on the guys’ shoulders. The water was steaming cold but it did not seem to bother them. They were having so much fun.   But, where is he?   As if they knew what I was worried about, Ryan spoke and answered my silent thoughts. “He’s in his car.”   “Thanks.” I gratefully said before leaving the dock and heading to the car.   There were some lamps at the sides of the pathway to the house, lighting up the space in the woods where the cars were parked. It was not difficult to look around for Storm when I didn’t see him in the car. Instead, I found him sitting on a log not so far from the car. I suddenly made out a cloud of smoke and realized he had a cigarette in his hand. I didn’t like him doing that because it was bad for his health but I never once told him that I did not want him to do that but when he saw approaching, he flicked the cigarette away on the ground and stomped on it.   “Hey.” He greeted me with a smile.   “Hi.” I smiled, sitting beside him on the log. “Why didn’t you go with them?” I asked softly. He seemed to be in something deep but I didn’t want to ask him about it yet. I didn’t want to ruin the night.   “I was waiting for you.” He replied and suddenly held the side of my head before laying it down on his shoulder.   The gesture made my heart skip a beat. There was something sweet about it, I didn’t know. In the middle of the woods, under the starry night, with my head on his shoulder was just a moment I would never forget. There was just something so special about it. A picture forever painted in my heart.   “It’s cold,” I said out of nowhere.   The night was chilly but the lake was tolerable for sure. I was not that excited to take a dip. Every moment with Storm alone was more exciting. I knew some could relate to me. It was more different when you were alone with someone who gave you so many reasons to be happy. When I was with Storm, I seemed to forget almost everything and everyone. My attention was all on him. I could look at his face and listen to him all day. That was more fun.   “Come here.” He whispered, snaking his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his side. “Better?”   I nodded and nuzzled my face deeper onto his shirt. “Much better.” He smelled great. I could never get enough of it.   “Did you just sniff me?” He asked, chuckling.   “Yeah.” I giggled, looking up at him.   Smiling down at me, he suddenly leaned in and kissed my forehead. My eyes closed in an instant, savoring the feeling of his lips on my skin. Kisses on the forehead were the best.   Comfortable silence enveloped us. He was just staring ahead while I was waiting for him to say something. I could hear his heartbeat and it was steady. He was calm but I was not sure if he was inside. Thinking about it scared me. What if he was getting curious again but just didn’t want to ask me? What if he was dying to know? What if he could not take it anymore when it bothered him so much? What if he would force me to let it all out?   The problem was I would not do that. Of course, I could do it. Just not yet. I was just waiting for the right time.   And when is that?   I don’t know.   “What are you thinking about?” There, I finally let it out. I was nervous but acting like I was totally fine. I didn’t want him to sense that I could know what he could be possibly be thinking. I was working on it, trying to read people’s eyes.   “Us.”   That one two-letter word was enough for me to get even worried and scared. What about us? I wanted to ask but my mouth had gone shut on its own accord again. Emotional, I chose to stay calm but I was silent. With my heartbeat starting to pick up its pace, I was hoping he would say something more about us.   “I’m courting you. You’re aware of that. I don’t know when you’re going to let me be your boyfriend but I just want to let you know that I’m going to court you until you say yes. I know the label doesn’t really matter as long we’re together but I want to let the people know that you’re mine. It’s something I can’t wait to tell my family and my friends.”   I felt him take a breath. Where was he going with that? I absorbed every word he said and it hurt me. It hurt me because I knew what he was trying to let me know. But he said those things out of nowhere. There could be something he wanted to talk about more. They were sweet and possessive but it just broke my heart. I was scared that he’d get tired of waiting and leave me with mistakes and regrets.   “You might be wondering why I am suddenly saying all that. It’s because I like this.” He paused and looked at me. “I love us.” He whispered. “I love being with you. If I could say with you all the damn time, I would. I don’t care as long as I’m with you. I want us to reach our dreams and achieve our goals together but can’t do it if only one or neither of us will stay. I’m staying, though. I hope you will too.”   Staring up at him the whole time he was looking at me while talking, I teared up. I got emotional. My heart tightened in pain as I saw the fear in his eyes. I doubted he couldn’t tell I was scared too. Maybe even more scared than he was. The tear rolled down my cheek helplessly. I might not know what he could be talking about but my overthinking mind couldn’t help but give it a deep meaning.   I will stay but until when?   That one was the question I could not answer. Only One knew.   “Of course, I’ll stay,” I assured him. “Please stay.” I felt the urge to ask him that even if he already voluntarily told me he would.   “I will.” He whispered, leaning a little closer until his lips landed on mine. He kissed me slowly and I responded just as soft as he was moving his lips against mine.   When we pulled apart, our eyes locked in silence. I didn’t know what to say. I just wanted to cry but I was holding myself back. We were young, I knew that but I also knew what I felt for him. This wasn’t just puppy love. I personally felt it. Growing up together before, I knew what he was like and especially how he treated me. He was not difficult to love.   “I love you,” I whispered. My chest felt so tight.   “I love you more.” He smiled, pecking my lips and then the tip of my nose. He chuckled when my nose scrunched up. “Cute.” He muttered.   Silence took place again after that. Words were unnecessary for us as long as we were comfortable. The moment was too perfect to be ruined. But of course, he had to ask me though.   “Don’t you want to join them?”   “I do,” I answered. “But they’re all in their underwear.”   He pulled away just to look at me, a smile wanting to break on his face. His eyes were squinted and I was having an idea what he could possibly be thinking.   “What? I’ve never been swimming in a bikini or underwear.” I sighed. “It’s not a problem, though. I can totally go for a swim in these clothes.” I was not sure who was in an argument with me but I crossed my arms and just stared ahead.   I didn’t want to look at his face because from the corner of my eye, he was holding back his laughter.   “What’s funny?” I asked, frowning at no one in particular. I still kept my face ahead, refusing to look at him.   It was until he poked the side of my head that I was made to look and glared at him. “What was that?”   “You are too worried about it.” He shook his head. “I know you’re just shy. Come on. Everyone is beautiful no matter what their size is. We have flaws, obviously. But there’s nothing to be insecure and shy about. Every part of you is beautiful.”   I pouted. I couldn’t help it. His words were so meaningful. I thought he didn’t know why. I was insecure about my body. I knew it was not good to compare yourself to others but unlike Emily, Mara, and Andi, I didn’t have their supermodel bodies. I just had curves and I was not even sure if they were in the right places.   “Come on. You’re overthinking again. The lake is so beautiful to get ignored.” Before I could even say anything more, he held my hand and pulled me up with him. “You are the most beautiful here and everywhere.”   I laughed, shaking my head. I was just glad he had boosted my self-esteem. Somehow, I started to gain confidence. I needed someone to tell me that and Storm knew exactly what to say.   How lucky do I get?                                 
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