Chapter 2

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Lukas I lay awake in my king-sized bed. My body was on top of my navy blue comforter, watching as the hours ticked by on the clock that served as my screensaver on my iMac. It was five in the morning, which meant that I still had at least two more hours before Juniper would wake up for the day. Two more hours before I could text her and ask her to meet me. About three hours before I could see her, before I could tell the world that Juniper Costa was my mate, my future luna. Three hours until I could take her into my arms and hold her perfect, tiny, soft body against mine in something more than just a quick hug between two best friends. I could kiss her plump, pink lips, and be able to place my mating mark on the creamy, smooth skin of her neck. And she — she would know that Selene meant us for each other. She would feel the tingles and sparks of the mate bond I had felt for the last two years, since my own 19th birthday. I wish I could say that those two years had been easy for me, but that would be a bald-faced lie. They had been the hardest two years of my life — to know that Juniper was mine, made for me and only me, and not be able to tell her, not be able to hold her in my arms every night and wake up to her sparkling emerald green eyes every morning. I had to settle for just being around her as much as possible, and calming myself and my wolf with her scent whenever we were. It wasn’t difficult to find reasons to spend time with her, since we were together almost all the time, anyway. Although we were never really alone. Drew and Everly were always there as well, my best friend and future beta, and my sister. The four of us had been almost inseparable since Juniper and her family moved into our pack when she was a baby. I had also had time to prepare myself for my mate not recognizing me when I recognized her. Selene had warned me I would feel the bond before my mate would. I still have a vivid memory of that night, on my 18th birthday, when she had visited me in a dream. She told me of the difficulties I would face in the coming years, the first of which was knowing who my mate was before being able to claim her. I was glad for the warning, but angry with her at the same time. Why did it have to be me? Why did I have to go through these hardships? Why couldn’t I be with my mate? Why was I pining for her and not able to have her? Being the enigmatic deity that she is, she, of course, refused to explain her reasoning. She only said that it would make me a stronger wolf, a better leader, and prepare me for the other challenges I would face throughout my life with my mate. Cryptic as f**k. But who was I to question the moon goddess? So, I spent the year before my 19th birthday training harder, and spending more time integrating with my wolf, so we would both be strong enough to hold back and not claim our mate on my birthday. But in all honesty, nothing could have prepared me for that moment. Nothing prepared me for seeing her and recognizing that Juniper Costa, my best friend, the girl I had been in love with for years, was the woman destined for me. I had tried to turn down the traditional 19th birthday party that almost all werewolves have. I didn’t want to stand in front of the entire pack and have to pretend that I didn’t scent my mate. I didn’t want to lie to everyone, including all of my best friends and my family, that I didn’t yet know the identity of their future luna. But my mom, being the strong-willed woman that she was, would not take no for an answer. My dad, of course, gave in, because no wolf could ever say no to their mate, alpha or not. So, there I stood, on a raised platform in front of the pack, the arches behind me decorated with streamers and balloons in our pack colors of navy blue, silver, and white, waiting as everyone counted down the seconds to midnight. All the female members who were already 19 or older stood right at the edge of the platform, all clamoring for my attention, clamoring to be the closest one to me. They all hoped they would be the one, that they would be the lucky girl mated to the Future Alpha of the Midnight Moon pack, the lucky girl who would become my luna. I didn’t spare them a glance; my eyes were instead scanning the crowd behind those females, looking out at the younger girls who were not yet 19, the ones who weren’t waiting for midnight. Or, I guess, they were waiting as well, hoping that maybe I wouldn’t find my mate tonight, because that would mean that they still stood a chance. My eyes found the trio I was searching for, my “mini pack” as I liked to call them, standing at the back of the crowd, huddled around one of the raised fire pits, Drew and Everly on either side of Juniper. Drew’s arm wrapped around June’s shoulders, and her face tilted up towards his, listening to some stupid joke he was telling, I’m sure. Her smile caused her eyes to crinkle around the edges, and her nose to scrunch up as she laughed. At the exact moment that she turned to look at me, the clock chimed from the town square. Midnight. The most beautiful scent of a pine forest after the rain reached my nose, and I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to calm my wolf and hide my likely dilating eyes that would signify that I was scenting my mate. Hopefully, everyone would just think that I was just taking a deep breath, would think that I was just trying to see if there was a scent to catch. My wolf stirred in my mind, trying to break through and stake his claim. But I held him back, reminding him and myself that it wasn’t time yet, that we couldn’t tell our mate or anyone else until she could recognize us as well. Once I could tell that he wouldn’t force his way through and claim anyone, or force me to mark her, I opened my eyes again. Her eyes, those emerald green eyes that sometimes swirled with golden flecks, were still on me, still watching me. I could tell she was holding her breath, could tell she was waiting to see if I would claim anyone tonight. And I… I wanted to stare at her forever and never stop. It was her. My June. My little witch. The only female I had ever had eyes for, and now, the only female I ever would have eyes for. The emotions I felt were almost indescribable. Relief, that she would be mine, that the girl — no, the woman — who I was already in love with was going to be with me forever, was going to be my mate, my luna, my other half. Relief, because we were already best friends. We had already known each other practically our whole lives, had lived through many awkward stages with each other, and she had never judged me any less for how I had behaved, had never wavered in her loyalty and friendship. And then… sadness. Sadness, and anger that I couldn’t tell anyone, that I couldn’t stake a claim on her and protect her from other males in our pack paying attention to her. Because she was beautiful, both inside and out, and I knew I wasn’t the only wolf in our pack who thought that way about her, or looked at her in that way. But now, I was the only one who should think about her or look at her, and I couldn’t let my jealousy get in the way for the next two years until her own 19th birthday. All of this happened in a mere second, and I forced my eyes away from hers. I forced my eyes to scan out over the rest of the crowd, to act like I was looking, searching for my mate among the females in front of me. I finally turned to look towards where my parents, Alpha Eric and Luna Claire, were standing, and I softly shook my head at my father, letting him know my mate wasn’t among the of-age females that were present. I made my way off the stage quickly as my father addressed the pack. I barely listened to what he was saying as I walked towards my mini pack, where they were waiting for me at the back of the party. Drew still had his arm around June, and I had to control my wolf, control the growl that was threatening to rip from my throat. I had to remind myself that he didn’t know. He meant nothing by it; he was just hanging out with his friends, while casually letting other males in our pack know June was off limits to them because they would have to deal with either him or myself if anyone tried to make an unwanted advance on her. I had to remind myself that he was my future beta, my future second in command. He would be just as important in June’s life as he was in mine, and that they were just as close of friends as the rest of us were, as we had all been since childhood. “Looks like our future alpha gets to live the bachelor’s life still!” Drew exclaimed as I reached them. Juniper breathed out a small laugh, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Are you disappointed?” she asked softly, her quiet voice like music to my sensitive ears. As I grinned at her, I let some fake confidence spill through my voice and said, “Nah. I’m sure she’s out there somewhere. I’ll meet her when I’m supposed to. For now, I get to spend some extra time learning how to run the pack, and extra time with my best friends.” She returned my broad smile, her eyes actually sparkling this time, the gold swirling in them as it always did when she was feeling powerful emotions. I grabbed her hand, needing to touch her, wanting to feel that feeling that everyone always spoke about having when their skin touched their mate’s skin. I had to suppress a gasp as the most delightful tingles spread from where our hands met straight to my stomach, causing tiny fireworks to explode inside of me. “Let’s go get some cake,” I told them, grabbing Everly’s hand on my other side to not raise any suspicion, making us look like the close-knit group of friends we have always been. Drew trailed behind us, trying to catch up as the girls and I sprinted away from him, Everly threatening to steal the last piece of chocolate cake before Drew could get any. I opened my eyes, immediately checking the clock on my screensaver. Seven-thirty. I had finally fallen asleep, the memory of my 19th birthday bringing me some peace and letting me rest my mind for a bit. I immediately grabbed my phone out of my pocket and shot off three texts to Juniper. Me: Happy Birthday petite sorcière (little witch) Me: I have a gift for you. I was hoping I could give it to you before your dinner tonight. I stared at my phone, waiting impatiently for her response, bubbles of anxiety forming in my stomach as I watched those three dots appear that signaled she was writing her response. My June: Thanks, Wolfie! My June: Mom made breakfast, so I can meet you in 30 minutes? My June: At the well? Me: Perfect I sprang off my bed, rushing to my closet to change my shirt, not caring that I was still in my sweatpants from yesterday, or that I wouldn’t have time to shower before meeting her. Besides, she wouldn’t really care. Not after she actually saw me, and touched my hand and realized we were mates, that we would get to be together forever, that I would make good on my promise from years ago to always protect and care for her. I grabbed her terribly wrapped gifts off of my desk and sprinted down the stairs from the third floor, taking them two at a time to get to the kitchen on the first floor. There were a handful of pack members milling about the large, open space. Most of them were drinking coffee and grabbing food from the quick-serve baskets that were set out every Saturday morning for those who came to the optional weekend training sessions. They were all leaning against the massive butcher block island in the center of the kitchen, or sitting on the bar stools that lined the opposite side of the island. I smiled at them, raising my hand in greeting, and they all responded with their own waves and smiles. “Hey, Future Alpha. Thought you might need this,” Drew said from behind me. I turned to face him, and he had a large, black coffee in a to-go cup in his hands. A knowing smirk formed on his face as he took in my slightly disheveled appearance, and the dark circles that were probably under my eyes, signifying the lack of sleep I had that night. I had never specifically told Drew, or anyone, that I had feelings for June (and I obviously had told no one she was actually my mate). But he wouldn’t have been a good friend or a good future beta if he hadn’t suspected that there was something more there for me, if he hadn’t picked up the subtle signs, the longing glances when I thought nobody was looking at me. He had even asked me about it, once, and I had adamantly denied it and changed the subject quickly to avoid any more discussion about it. But he had smiled at me, and I knew he had likely read straight through my bullshit lie, but he never pushed me on it, and never brought it up to me again. Honestly, it would surprise me if he, Everly, and my parents hadn’t figured out my feelings for June over the years. As careful as I had been, I knew there was no way I had been completely perfect at hiding my feelings. If none of them suspected anything, then I probably deserved some sort of acting award. “Thanks, Beta,” I told him with a wink, grabbing the mug from his hand and continuing my walk through the house towards my parents’ office. Drew saluted me as he turned on his heels to head out and assist his dad with the first part of training. I rolled my eyes at him, and he flipped me the bird over his shoulder — he always knew exactly what my reactions to his antics would be. When I reached the large double doors to my dad and mom’s office that they shared, I paused to mindlink them before entering. “Hey Dad, you and Mom decent in there?” Both doors opened outward with a slam. My dad’s face was level with mine, his dark eyebrows raised in a challenge. “That was one time, Lukas Daniel, and it was over five years ago, and—” I burst out with laughter, watching as his eye began twitching with his outburst. He hooked his arms around my neck, pulling me into his office, his other arm roughing up my already messy hair. “Yield! I yield!” I yelled out as quickly as I could, not wanting to look any worse than I already did when I met June at the well, or spill coffee on myself. Dad gave my hair one last ruffle, then let me go, allowing me to straighten myself out while he walked back to his desk. “Good morning, Lukas,” Mom said from the other desk in the office. It was even with my dad’s, a path between the two desks for them to enter and exit their shared space. Her eyes were still looking at her computer, completely ignoring my father and I roughhousing with each other. “Looking lovely as ever, Luna Mother,” I told her, setting my mug down and walking to her desk, leaning over the top to kiss her on the cheek. She reached up to pat my face absentmindedly, her attention still focused on her work. “What are you wanting now, son? You only act like that with your mother when you need something from one of us. Whatever it is, the answer is no,” my dad said without a pause, not even letting me get a word out in my defense. “Wow, thanks for the words of support Dad, really means a lot to me.” I rolled my eyes, and his lips twitched from trying to hold in his laugh. He was pushing my buttons this morning on purpose. Like he always did. I held up the wrapped gifts in my hands and said, “I am going to meet June. I wanted to give her these…” “And skip out on training?” Dad asked, eyebrows raised. “Optional training,” I pointed out. “Future Alpha,” he retorted, crossing his arms. “Your father is right. It isn’t a good look for you to just skip training,” Mom teased from her desk, still not even looking at us. “Others will start getting ideas, thinking they can do the same and—” “You know what? I’m just gonna go. I don’t even know why I came here to tell you both I was leaving to see her, since you’re both just making fun of me for every word I say.” With that, I turned around and ran out before either of them could reply. The sounds of their laughter followed me down the hall and out the door, making me smile, even though I wanted to be annoyed that my parents were acting like teenagers. I slowed my run to walk as I reached the path that led to the well, closing my eyes and letting my nose lead the way, following her scent as it reached me through the trees. My wolf stirred in my head, and I let out a small rumble of pleasure as the scent passed through me, wrapping itself around me like a blanket. Mine, I said in my mind, smiling to myself at the fact that I would finally say that out loud to her, imagining her reaction to discovering that she was my mate. I walked through the arched trellis, and there she was. My mate. My June. The sun shimmered off of her blonde hair, making it look as if it was threads of pure gold, shining around her and causing her entire being to glow. As if she sensed my presence, she turned to watch me come towards her. I smiled widely at her, my eyes completely focused on her as I moved closer. I knew my eyes wouldn’t give me away to her. I had spent too much time practicing masking my emotions from her for her to read anything in them. Before I claimed her, I wanted her to feel the bond first. She looked away for a moment, and I used that time to get as close to her as I could, until I was standing right in front of her. I breathed deeply, taking large whiffs of her intoxicating scent to calm and settle myself and my wolf, to keep us satisfied until she finally touched me and felt the witch mate bond. “Happy birthday, little witch,” I whispered, holding her gifts out to her, trying to control the shaking in my hands. She swallowed nervously, and I tried to read the emotions on her face. I tried to find any trace of longing or need or want in her eyes, but, as always, I found nothing. I kept my jaw relaxed, even though I wanted to grit my teeth together, as I waited for her fingers to brush mine. I tried to keep my eyes open at her touch, her touch that felt too good to be true every time I felt her skin. I waited with bated breath as she touched me, waited for her to realize that she was mine, and I was hers.
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