1. Isabella Williams

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Isabella is a cheerful, hardworking, and honest person, who comes from a middle-class family. She is called a beauty diva due to the fact that she has many pursuers. But she’s never accepted anybody, that is until she met Michael Andrews. As for Michael, he is a very introverted person, one may classify him as the nerd type. In highschool he was her upperclassman. Currently he is studying finance abroad. Though they hardly spent time together, he asked her out at his class graduation. She liked the way he asked her to be his girlfriend although he didn't try to do anything too hard, she felt it was genuine. She likes his independent nature. He told her that he is an orphan, and that he does part time jobs to earn money for his studies. Hearing that touched her. She is also an orphan too, but at least she has her Granny. So she accepted him and they are now in a long-distance relationship. She always finds time to call him and share their day to day life. Isabella lives with her Grandmother, Uncle, and his family in New York. Her Aunt treats her like a servant. Besides her Grandmother, nobody cares about her existence. Her mother passed away after giving birth to her and she doesn't know much about her father. She only has a photo of her mom and dad together when they were in love. She doesn't have anybody to support her financially, so in her free time, she babysits. She loves kids. She always felt that if somebody was there to take care of her when she was a child and gave her a mother’s love, her life would be different. Her Granny was there, but her mother's love is something else. It’s something she is still searching for. Isa has sky blue eyes, waist-length chestnut color hair, and awesome curves. She has Full lips, big eyes, and cheeks with dimples. She looks so cute yet soo sexy. She isn’t fond of brand names, and she never spends money on unnecessary things. She has a good fashion sense and she often designs her clothes. She gets many compliments about her clothes. She never asks for money or help from others, because she has the belief that nothing comes free. She often feels uncomfortable in her own family. Her cousin Edward always tries to seduce her. She fights back but then he blames her and escapes, then her aunt punishes her. Nobody listens to her except for Granny and Michael. Both Isa and Michael seem to have the same fate as there is nobody that helps support them. Often she helps Michael financially with as much as she can. She wanted to become a fashion designer, but she could never afford the funds for it. Her second option was to get a degree in business law, but there was a need for money with this option too. But Once she got the degree she could earn a pretty good salary. She had thought about skipping a year or two to work as a babysitter so she could afford to go to college. She noticed an advertisement by Knight Enterprises that said they need a nanny. Knight Enterprises is one of the top companies in the world. So even for the post of a nanny people were fighting each other. The main highlights were they had great pay and great reputation. She decided to try her luck. If she got the job then there would not be much difficulty in going after her dreams. ---------------------- Isabella On the day of the interview, I woke up early and found the best professional outfit I have, and put on a bit of makeup. I often skip makeup, but today I know I’ll need it. I can't show myself bare faced at a top rated company interview. I collected the basic documents needed and went to the place of the interview. As expected, the interview line was long. Damn! It is going to be a long day. I waited for my turn. Many who came for the interview were boasting about their experience, qualifications and the contacts that they got inside the company. Hmm… all these are making me worried. I only have a few months experience as a nanny, and don't have any recommendations. Soon it was my turn. I went through the basic verification first. Then one by one they led us to the room nearby. There was an elderly woman, who radiated power and elegance. She wore Brand name clothes and limited edition accessories that showed off her power. She must be a really important person, I thought. Another lady who seemed to be her assistant asked me a few questions about my experience and I responded with confidence. Then the elderly woman introduced herself as Mrs. Knight. Woah...!! She is Mrs. Knight! She is a very humble person. Then she started asking a few questions. "Why do you want this job??" "I choose this job because I love kids, it makes me happy and relaxes my mind when I spend time with them. I often see myself in those kids, they deserve to be loved and cared for. But most importantly now I'm here for the money. I could go for other better jobs as a barista or office jobs for better money but I prefer this. I want to pursue my dreams to study business law in college. So I need money, which I don't have now. So I thought about skipping a year or two and saving some money, then I can go to college. I’m sorry if you feel I'm a bit rude, it’s just that I don't want to hide anything to get this job" I was nervous, but Mrs. Knight gave a satisfactory smile. Thank God I think it went smoothly. The last hurdle is to handle the baby for 20 mins. Mrs. Knight kept the baby in a crib and I went to her. Wow, she is so cute and bubbly. Her eyes were sky blue just like mine. She is almost one year old. I worked my charm and she came to me. It was easy for me to handle kids. Kids don't know how to be fake, their innocence is the best thing in the world. I spent some time with her and got to know that her name is Nyra. "Hey baby Nyra, I'm Isa..." I started playing with her. And she was very comfortable with me too. Both Mrs. Knight and the other lady in the room were surprised. "She doesn’t usually get attached to anyone that easily. I think she likes you. You're appointed Ms. Isabella. You can join us starting tomorrow. " Mrs. Knight happily stated. I was so happy that I got the job. With that happiness I gave a kiss to Baby Nyra. It was quick. Then I turned to look at Mrs. Knight. She gave an amused smile. Afterward, the assistant led me to another room to discuss salary, scheduling, and other things. After leaving the place I called Michael to tell him the news. But he wasn't picking up. So I sent him a message. After 10 mins he called and congratulated me. He said how lucky he is to have me. He told me that his project will start in two months and he may need my financial support. And I agreed with him. With this salary, I think I can manage that. I went home and told Granny the news. She was also happy. I looked at her and she looked sickly as usual. I believe that if we treated her better she would be back to her full health. My Uncle could afford it, but he also has no interest in my Granny. Maybe this job could help me to solve all my problems. Tomorrow I will start working for the Knights’. Mrs. Knight seems nice. I hope the other people in the Knight family are as nice as her. I love baby Nyra too. She is so cute and lovely. I heard from the staff that Nyra's mother passed away after giving birth to her. She is just like me. So I'm going to take care of her very well. Every kid deserves happiness and love. I may not be her mother, but I can give her the love she deserves. Often I long for my mom... If she were here, she would have loved and cared for me. I would know who my father is. I lost everything when I lost her... Granny always says that she was an innocent soul, known only to love others. When she was pregnant with me, she didn't reveal the father's identity to anyone. According to her, he never knew he had a daughter... I could only blame my fate... One day when I'm rich enough, I'm going to build a place for orphan kids and elderly people so that they can take care of each other. Then they will have the feeling of a family. To relax my mood I started to draw some designs. I'm the only model for my designs. That is, by looking at myself, I design clothes. I get orders sometimes, and I make customized dresses for pre-orders. One day I'm going to be happy and successful.. I have to go to bed early since tomorrow is my first day. Before I did, I called Michael, but he didn't pick it up. So I continue to try to reach him. This time he picked up, but it was very noisy. He told me that he was at a birthday party for his friend and he will call me tomorrow. I was surprised, he was never into partying, or so I thought. It seems like he has changed so much that I couldn't even understand him... Hm, let him have some enjoyment as the studies might be taking a toll on him. He needs a break like this. Then I wrote my diary. It has been my habit since childhood. I like to keep my memories forever... I share everything in my diary. It helps me feel better. After that, I took a quick shower and went to sleep...Tomorrow is a long day...!
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