1414 Words
 Lucifer's P.O.V >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ....................................... Today , finally Derek got married. I  am too much happy for  them. Ananya is really a beautiful kind hearted girl. Her nature , behavior everything like Neha. I really felt bad for Neha , because of my stupid bet she lost her life. I really regret for that . Whenever , I saw Jahaan, I feel  like  I am  watching the mini version of  Neha . I wish that, if I have the power to travel the time, then I will go back to the past and made everything correct.  Leave it!!!!, Now I should have to focus on my future plan. I checked each and every arrangements by myself because it's  the special occasion of  Derek's  life.  As per his wish , I  ordered to decorate the hall with white orchids and stars . When , I  saw that decorations ,   Tara's face flashed  in front of me , I  don't know but why can't I forgot her. Why she leaved the deep impact inside my mind , Ohk!!! she left that impact  inside my heart but I pretended like nothing happened  and she is no one to me. Although , after she left ,I don't feel any type of excitement or happiness to come back my house. My room looks empty without her , even in my every single thought she is present there . I  am totally possessed  by her. In , fact after her death , she is still fresh in my memories .  May be my hate doesn't allow to forget her. I should have focus on the wedding of my buddy.  I can feel the emotionless face of Derek and that really pissed off my mood. How can't he forget her??  I mean it's not good to thought about his  friend's late wife on his wedding .he should  have to focus on his present and future not on Tara. "OH!!!! seriously Lucifer, now you are jealous of that he is thinking about Tara and the irony is that she is no more. Are really that much possessive about her that after her death you didn't want any man to thought about her . And for god sake he really loves her that's why it's not easy for him to forget her ", my subconscious asked to myself.  " Leave it!!!!, I don't care about that any more", I mocked  myself and started chugging alcohol at the corner of bar.  Soon , Ananya walked down the aisle . She looks beautiful but not much more than Tara. She looks fabulous even in simple dress and in our wedding day she looks so f*****g hot that ,it's hard to control myself .   '"And that's why you raped her on that night brutally even after knowing that she was virgin!!!!", my subconscious  taunted me.  " She deserve that , because of her greed she ruined many innocent life", I excused myself but deep down my heart I  am  in great turmoil , that is she is   slut type of god digger selfish  b***h  or she is innocent  because last time I saw only greed of love and care . It's really confusing but then , I brushed my all thoughts by giving excuse that maybe she regretted for her sin and so she pays for it by saving the life of Jahaan. I  brushed off all my thought and attended the wedding . This really sucks!!!!. It's really boring . Soon ,all the rituals got over and after that I go to my  house.  I really hated to come back to my mansion because it reminds me of Tara. And specially my room , it's everything screams for Tara. It smells like Tara , may be I am really possessed by that b***h!!!!.  I got restless , and I decided to go to the club. I go to club because I badly needed to f**k to remove my anxiety . I  ordered the manager to send the best prostitute of the club. He obliged it and within few seconds a  women came inside the room. She wore too short clothes that barely hides her private parts. I didn't give any f**k to her clothes and ordered her to strip. She stripped and then came towards me with her naked glory.  Such a b***h!!!!, she thought I  will get impressed by  her but she doesn't know I had seen too much sexiest girl in the world . And that slut is nothing  in comparison to her. That slut kneeled in front of me pulled my d**k out of my pant. And started to do blowjob. She stroked my c**k and then  put my full length inside her mouth. I didn't got any type of pleasure even I got frustrated . Even she tries many tricks but didn't got any satisfaction. Finally , I got frustrated  and pushed her.  " Get out from there!!!!, you are useless. Even you can't do that single thing for which you  got money ", I yelled on her and in fear she immediately grabbed her clothes and goes from there.  f**k!!!! , that's really frustrated . It's been a month but , I can get  out her memories out of my mind. Every time when , I tried to f**k any random chick or slut, I got sexually frustrated ,  why can't I get pleasure like I used to have earlier while f*****g . I know Tara is best for f**k. No , one can replace her . Even having s*x with her really awesome but now , I had to accept the reality that she is no more and I had to live my life like I used to do.  I took a  glass of alcohol and chugged it. Whole night , I spend like that plus the thoughts of having s*x with Tara and guess what!!!, I came ,even the prostitutes failed to do that but a mere dirty thoughts about Tara  made my d**k hard .  Next morning , I woke and then go to my mansion to prepare myself for  a business meeting. After, that I got prepared , suddenly , I found my phone ringing and the call is from Derek . It's really shocking because Derek merely talked to me , may be he had something important to talk . I answered the call .  Derek informed me that Ananya is is danger and asked explained everything. Without any second thought I ordered my men to come with me and within few minutes they reached there , after that we directly goes to the house of Derek.   Derek explained each and every thing from beginning. My  men were still processing to hacking the phone of Ananya and to found her last location.  I , Alex and Derek, we both got really tensed but one thing really disturbed me that  who the hell is that  person who wanted to harm Ananya. As , I clearly know that she  never does wrong with anyone and she had no enmity with anyone so ,that anyone can  harm her.  It's been half of the ,my men were still working . I really got frustrated, we still didn't got any single information about her. One of my men handed me the call records of Ananya's phone and something weird that the Last call is from Kavya .It's really weird because Kavya called at that time when everyone got sleept. Actually , the fact is I didn't trust Kavya and in mafia world we didn't trust our shadow.  Oh!!! I forgot to tell you that Kavya also belonged to Indian mafia and from India to U.S she handled all the deals and shipments. No, one knows about her even my stupid buddy Derek.   Then , after some time my men traced the last  location of Ananya. When , I saw that I got shocked because that's the place where usually most mafia men traded. It's a forbidden place and no outsider came out of there alive. This place is really dangerous for Ananya.   When, Derek  saw my horrible expression on my face , he asked me about that with concern and I informed each and every thing .  After that ,Derek immediately run towards his car to reach there and save Kavya. I ordered all my mens to surround that whole area and apply the double forces and  asked my best trackers to search  Ananya. I also followed  Derek and soon , we reached there . This place was a forest place where many wild animals lived . I asked Derek to be careful and then we started searching Ananya . 
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