1. Isabella

2015 Words
It was hot. I could feel the heat everywhere, sweat drenching my forehead, trickling down the side of my face as I tried to push in between the sweaty bodies. I sucked a deep breath as I was squished in between two entities. To whoever said hell isn't real might have not experienced this. I thought to myself.  "If you want to kill me, please use peach fuzz instead of squishing me to death" I grunted finally tugging myself away and holding on to the bar for my dear life. Dying from the thing I was most allergic would be better than this. They rolled their eyes and went back to wriggling in that small space. Men. I tell you.  I was going to kill Sharon as soon as I get out of here! I thought to myself. Only if she learned driving like I pleaded her to, okay maybe taunted her few times, this would not have happened. Like an amateur dumbass, she crashed my car into the pole so I had to take the subway.  When Nia called earlier, I should have told her I had enough and stayed home for the day. I let out a sigh. Why didn't I do that? My Manhattan apartment was so much better than standing in between smelly sweaty bodies, dreading if I will ever get out of the train alive. Just imagining myself with a tub full of ice cream and an entire season of my favourite show. Thats heaven right there!  Suddenly a wince escaped my lips as someone stomped on my feet.  "Kill me, seriously do it!" I exclaimed, glaring at the guy who stepped on my feet. He was wearing thinly padded sneakers which hurt even more.  He gave me a weird look and turned to bop into his music. Welp there goes my attempt! He didn't hear me at all. I slumped back, leaning against a sliver of space, praying for my station to arrive soon. There was nothing smelly and disgusting than the sweaty poles of the subway but I had no choice. As if the heavens above read my mind, the announcement blared, and the doors opened. My eyes twinkled, and I lifted my head in gratitude as both of my hands were holding onto the pole. People started shuffling out and I was automatically pushed out along with them even though I tried to go in another direction. After a while I just gave in, letting them escort me out.  As soon as I stepped out, I breathed loudly, throwing my arms in the air. The onlookers gave me a weird look. Glaring back at the train I muttered curses under my breath. That was the only way I could get to Brooklyn. The cabs in my area are always full, and most of them take more than two hours because of the early morning traffic. A smile stretched across my lips as I stared at my office building, it was five minutes away from the station. It was one of the tallest building which overlooked the station and adjoining area.  "Hey, Isa!" Sierra, the receptionist, chirped. Her eyes narrowed at me. I was sure she was racking her brain to think about why I was using common entrance. "Hi. Good morning"  "Morning. Coffee?" She pointed at the machine behind her. I shook my head because I hated the way she poured three sugar sachets in the coffee. Like have the decency to ask atleast!  "No, thank you. I already had my breakfast" Lies. My stomach was growling with hunger.  "Oh. No worries. See you at lunch."  "Sure!" I waved at her and shuffled inside the elevator. There was a considerable possibility I would see her at lunch because I had only one project at the moment.  I pressed the button to the elevator and the doors slid shut. Our cooperate office on the eighteenth was the typical chic office. The sole owner of that firm is Nia Perry. Coincidentally we went to the same school but never met before. That's why we instantly clicked, which irked most of my colleagues.  As soon as the elevator dinged, I moved out and rushed to my cabin. I was already running five minutes late, even after taking that horrendous subway.  Anish was the first one to greet me, a broad smile on his face.  "Had a nice weekend?"  I pressed my lips together, "Don't even ask about it."  "It wouldn't have happened if you had hung out with me instead" He sweetly smiled and I tried not to roll my eyes. That was the fourth time I rejected him but he can't take a hint.  "Sure"  "Isa" A loud screech made me halt. I blinked my eyes as Sharon waved at me. How was she not hungover?  The previous night was crazy. She drank eight shots and crashed my car near her apartment. As it was late at night, no one saw her or else she would be behind bars. Her boyfriend was kind enough to drop me back to my place after that incident.  I grind my teeth together, "What?"  "We got the new fabric from Mullers. They are amazing!"  I hummed, not even bothering to take a peek at them. As much as I was interested in delving in something new, Mrs Smith, my new client, wasn't letting me. She was a retired old lady who was remodelling her entire three-storey building, and I was stuck with her. In the beginning, I had planned on going with the back to the black theme as Matt black was in trend, but she wanted something rustic. With mixed styles and ancient idea, which was a tricky thing. I scraped the plans thrice by now, and she was still not satisfied.  "Great," I said in a monotone Sharon pouted, "Are you still cross with me about the car? I told you I'd pay for it."  My lips pressed together, and I flared my nose, "That's not the issue here Shar. I had to take a f*****g subway here, and every minute of it was hell."  "Why didn't you call me?"  I gritted my teeth, "Because I thought you would be sleeping since you drank your body weight."  She gasped and shushed me. I shook my head because I would rather not quarrel in the morning.  "I'll see you later. Bye"  Turning around, I huffed and waved a few more people before finally slumping in my cabin. The best thing about working was having my booth. It's always messy, and food is still lying around, but it's mine.  We were not huge, about forty employees but Nia was featured in Forbes. She had the best selling book under her name about the tips and tricks of the latest trends in the interior. I lied to her about reading the book, but I slept halfway because it was that boring.  My phone buzzed again. I pulled it out of my bag and stared at the number of notifications. It was mostly people tagging me in their photos—snaps from my ex-boyfriend. And twelve missed calls from my dearest mother.  I dialled her, leaning back in my chair, ready to be yelled by her. She called last night as well, but I was too busy getting drunk.  "Hello?"  "Hey, mom."  There was some static from the other side before she squeaked, "Hey? Hey?! That's all I get? I thought you were dead!"  I cringed at her loud voice and pulled my phone away for a few seconds. My ears rang because of her voice. Someday I have to invest in a machine just because of her.  "Sorry mom I was busy working last night" I chewed on my lips  She snorted, "Working? I saw Sharon's story. That is some work, huh."  Another strike for Sharon. I mentally thought. One more and I was going to put pineapple in her pizza. She has it coming.  I rolled my eyes, "I thought you said you unfollowed her."  "Why would I? My daughter doesn't let me follow her, so I have to get updates from somewhere."  I stifled a groan. There was a reason for that. My mom likes every post and comments some holy s**t which I'm not ready to read.  "Okay, ma. Why did you call?"  She spluttered, "I almost forgot! Mr Batra called me last night-" "For a date?" I teased, resting my legs up on the table. "Haha very funny." "What did he say?"  "They recently moved back to Queens, and he asked me to bring you along for their house party. His son is single as well". I slapped my forehead. Not again. It was the fifth time this month. She had been finding ways for me to meet her friend's son. As soon as I broke up with Alex, she made it a mission to find someone new for me.  "Mom not this again! You said you wouldn't force me again."  "I'm not! Just come along to the house party."  "No"  She took a breath, "It's on Sunday, Bella! We can go shopping after that." As tempting as that sounded, I didn't want to indulge her anymore. She thinks that just because I work all the time, I will end up alone like her. It's her doing for not seeing anyone after my father passed away. I suddenly made a sound from the desk, "Mom...my boss is here. I'll call you back."  "Fine, we will talk later." "Sure" I hung up the phone and let out a breath I was holding.  *** Nia called me on the intercom a few minutes later. I hurried to her cabin, aware of the eyes following me, maybe if they focused on their designs for once! I knocked on her door. "Please come in."  "Good morning" I greeted, pulling a chair. She looked decent for someone who partied till midnight. When Sharon invited her, I thought that she would pass off the offer.  "Morning. Did you reach home safe? I forgot to call you."  I hummed, "I did. Seth dropped me."  "Seth?"  "Sharon's boyfriend."  "Oh nice" She nodded her head. I cleared my throat, "You called?"  Nia hummed and started going through her drawer. I looked around the cabin. She designed her office all by herself, and it was pretty. Even though people say grey is out of style, she used grey and soft tones for tiles. She combined some of the Scandinavian design; for example, the potted plants along her window were handmade with the ceramic colours. The staircase leading to her office was painted in HQ to match with her office theme. Her walls were timber panelled, unlike the office space.  Nia made an acknowledging sound, "Found it!"  I frowned at the blue file she was holding. She handed it to me. "This is a mansion in Italy owned by some guy called Pisano." I opened the file and stared at the mansion. My mouth parted in wonder. It had to be atleast 2000 acres land. There were two houses connected by a short pathway and a pool on the far side. They were all made of stone walls and bricks.  Nia licked her lips, "It's one of the oldest ones in the town, so it collapsed."  I gaped, "The entire building?"  She shook her head, pointing at the other side of the building, "This section is collapsed, so they want someone to redesign it as soon as possible."  "In Italy?" I asked, my eyes still on the photo. The photo was so captivating that I wanted to be there—experience living there. Just the thought caused my stomach to flutter.  Nia let out a sigh, "Yes that's why it's a problem. We haven't done any project overseas. The most we have gone is to Boston. I don't know what to do, but it's such an excellent opportunity."  My eyes twinkled, "I'll do it."  She opened and closed her mouth for a few seconds, "Are you sure, Isa? It's in Italy. And if you accept their offer you have to stay there for a few months."  A few months away from my mother's matchmaking behaviour and Alex's annoying messages? Of course, I was interested. No more subways and microwaved macaroni.  "Please let me go."  "Huh?" Nia raised her eyebrow at the sudden shift in my voice. "This sounds like a job just for me. I promise I won't disappoint you."  "Umm...what about your current project with Mrs Smith?"  I waved my arm, "Sharon will handle it."  This was my ultimate revenge for her.  There was a beat of silence before she looked up, "Are you sure?"  "Yes...I want the go." ***
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