Chapter Eight

1180 Words
Mason made it down the stairs as soon as he was done with dressing up for work. He walked into the large kitchen to find Fiona making their breakfast. After staring at her for a few seconds, he walked close to where she stood and brushed past her to the fridge. Opening it, she blocked his view with a wave of her hand. He frowned. "What?" "No good morning kisses?" She asked, playing with his blue tie. Mason furrowed his brows and pushed her hands away gently. He moved away, ignoring the confusion on her face. After picking up an apple from the fruit bowl on the ceramic table, he bowed his head in thoughts. "Look, there's something I've been meaning to say to you. More like a discovery. But when I think of telling you, I think of how much I care for you a-and I don't know, Fiona. I also don't want to lose you," he said, and took a deep breath. Fiona tilted her head side ways, with her eyes narrowed and walked towards him. "What'd you mean? Are you trying t-" His phone notified him of a text. He pulled it out and smiled when he saw it was a morning text from Ciara. He was about replying when he caught Fiona's suspecting eyes on him and his phone. He put the phone back into his pocket. "Sorry, Er. When I come back from work, we'll talk more about this new development," he stated and was about leaving but Fiona caught his arm. "Who texted you, Mason?" She asked, her voice laced with venom. He shrugged. "A friend," he replied, raising a brow. "Have I not made it clear to you that you should never doubt my fidelity to you?" She flinched and took her hand down.  "Um. Yes, you have. It's just, that kind of smile is usually a smile when you- Sorry I'll stop now," she smiled blankly. "Okay. I'll be off to work. I might be home late," he announced in a light tone. "Late?! Why would you be late?! You're not having-" Mason watched as Fiona caught her self mid sentence. He watched as she smiled again. He pursed his lips and left the kitchen. When he got outside, he spotted Nora in front of her house, across his. She was in a red high waisted skirt suit. While her red hair was up in a tight bun. She waved at him and he waved back. Before he entered his car, he pulled out his phone and read Ciara's message. Ciara Pattinson: Hey, Good morning, Mason. Hope you slept nice. I'm sure you're going to work now. Lol, anyways. Wait what was the subject to this text again? I totally have no idea. Anyways, just to let you know. Jerome also got the text about the gym camp thing. He also found out that you're coming and well, he was furious. He stopped me from going. But I'm very stubborn, so I asked him to come instead. Though it won't be easy with the way he behaves towards you. He shook his head and got into his car. He strapped on his seatbelt and began to reply. Me: Hey, everything is fine. You don't have to worry. He's your man anyways. He's looking out for you. If I were in his shoes, I'd be possessive of you. Knowing how attractive and beautiful you were. I gtg now, heading to work. Mason did not proof read his text and immediately hit send. It was when the blue mark notified him that it was successful that he realised what he did. He groaned and almost ran his fingers through his hair, but stopped when he realised that he'd ruin it. "Why do I have to be a fast Typist?" He asked himself and threw his phone on the passenger seat beside him. He banged his hand on the steering wheel and exhaled harshly. He could hear his heart beat in fear to what Ciara would think when she sees the text. But he wasn't going to deny it, she was actually very beautiful. He stopped his train of thoughts and placed the key in the ignition. The car roared softly to life before he reversed out into the street. He began to drive past other houses before he slowed down when he reached Ciara's. As if on cue, Ciara walked out and he felt his breath hitch. She was really stunning. She was clad in a Navy blue knee length pencil dress. The dress revealed just her smooth looking arms and legs while it had a round neckline. Her hair was in a ponytail and for her feet, she wore stilettos. Damn, she was hot, he thought. He hit the gas pedal when he remembered his embarrassing text to her, speeding past her. He was glad she didn't see him. He watched from his rear view mirror as she boarded her car before he tore his eyes away. ••• Ciara walked quickly through the hallway of her work place. She causally greeted her work mates as she walked towards her office. She got to it but before she opened it, Nora stopped her. "Hey, boo," she said and Ciara rolled her emerald eyes at the red haired beauty. She opened her office door and inhaled the sweet office smell it had. She secretly loved the smell just as much as roses. "What is it, Nora?" Ciara asked, opening the curtains and windows. "Oh. Nothing, just wanted to know what's up with you and that hunk next door," she replied, grabbing some gummy worms on her table. Ciara pulled out her chair and sat down. "There is no way I'm having that discussion with you, Nora. And don't you have paper work? You're our boss' secretary and he hates it when you go AWOL on him," she stated. "Leave him. He's just a prick in my bottom. Besides you're his Assistant manager," she said. "I basically don't do anything as an assistant. He does all the work," Ciara added while going through some papers. Nora took them, causing her to frown. "You haven't answered my question, Ci," Nora stated in a serious tone. Ciara rolled her eyes and sighed. Yes, Mason was extra handsome that she found it sort of unreal. A man with such strong jawline,  dark blue eyes, voluminous brown locks and such a great physique. He was in conclusion, a good looking man, she thought to herself. She smiled. "He's okay. Besides I have a fianc-" "Don't bloody complete that sentence with me in this room with you. I can't believe you sometimes. God, you don't deserve him neither does he deserve you. If you ask me, Mason is a gift from the Almighty to you. It's a sign that you should dump that fool," Nora said, standing up. Ciara shrugged. "Well, he has a girlfriend." "Easy, look for means of breaking them apart," she replied. "Are you insane?!" "Ah, come on. I'm kidding. Mason would never like you if you'd do that to him. And it seems like he likes you, like a friend. He's a loyal looking kind of guy. So, I'd advice you to be his close pal in case Jerome somehow gets run over by a truck." Ciara chuckled and leaned back. "You're unbelievable." Nora shrugged." I know and I gotta go, Ci." With that, she left the room, leaving Ciara contemplating on what she had said. She blinked out of her thoughts and pulled out her phone. She unlocked the device and saw she had a reply from Mason. She smiled and tapped it open. Mason: Hey, everything is fine. You don't have to worry. He's your man anyways. He's looking out for you. If I were in his shoes, I'd be possessive of you. Knowing how attractive and beautiful you were. I gtg now, heading to work. Ciara dropped her phone in shock. Her cheeks heated up at such text and her heart felt funny. She bit her lip. Did he actually mean it or it was a joke? Was she all that to him? She locked the screen and swallowed.
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