Chapter Sixteen

1325 Words
Ciara made a quick turn into a hallway when she realised that Mason had actually followed her up. She thought she'd lost him to Jake and Victoria, but she was proven wrong. He knew this hotel easily. She looked around and smiled when she saw two double doors ahead of her. She marched to it and pulled it open, right before her was a garden or courtyard, which ever one it was. It had flowers of all kinds, it was really beautiful and peaceful for her. The twinkling of the stars only helped illuminate the area. The soft green grasses were fresh from the smell and the cool breeze carried the scents of flowers around. She felt at peace. Ciara walked around the courtyard for a moment before she saw a stone bench and sat on it. "...Chloe, this is the only time I can talk to you without the cameras following me. Has Henry found anything yet? What?! He lost track of the guy?!" She furrowed her brows and turned around to see Jake Deon, making a call behind a bush. His other hand was ruffling his brown hair and his jaw bones were moving due to clenching and unclenching them. "God, I missed her, Chloe. I can't give up on her like that. I'm getting married to a woman I don't love next week and you're telling me this? How the hell am I supposed to-I'm sorry, I won't yell at you again... Bye," Ciara gasped when he looked her way with wide eyes. He swallowed and walked towards her while placing his hand in the inner part of his suit jacket. She felt the need to panic. She stood up and began to move backwards until she felt her back connect with a high trimmed bush. She stopped when he pulled out his wallet and brought out three hundred American dollar bills. "I'll pay anything for your silence. Just don't go posting this online because everyone totally supports Victoria and I," he said, stretching his hand towards her. Ciara stood straight and swatted the cash from his hand. He frowned. "If you wanted more, you could've just asked!" He barked while picking the money up. Ciara snorted." Listen, sir. I don't want your money or anything. What in the world concerns me with your life?" Jake blinked. "You're not a crazy Victoria fan?" She nodded and Jake exhaled in relief. Ciara chuckled at his body language. He was bent with his hands on his knees and breathing hard. "Look, Mr. Deon. If you're not happy with Victoria, why don't you leave her. I don't think it's healthy," she said, brushing her lace covered arms. Pot calling kettle black, she thought. Jake stood straight and walked to the stone bench. He sat on it after unbuttoning his suit jacket. Ciara took it either as an invite for her or that he needed space. She chose the first. "It's not as you viewers see it on TV or online," he replied as Ciara sat down beside him. He stared at the green eyed woman whose eyebrows were raised in unconscious interest. He looked away. "Being a celebrity isn't all about doing what you want whenever you can. It's more like living with your fears and insecurities," he said, running his hands through his hair, letting locks fall over his face. "I understand if your relationship with her isn't nice. But you should give yourself a break. Act like you're single even if it's for the night. Forget about your problems," Ciara offered softly and he snickered. "My problems are what is keeping me sane. I have to solve them, you know," Jake said with a smile. Ciara gasped. "Wait a minute, You love your secretary, don't you? For you to save your image, you had to let her go and be with Victoria, when you clearly don't love her." Jake's back went straight, he turned to look at her in shock. "Have you been spying on me?" She laughed. "No. It's obvious to me because I'm in a similar situation. I just want to let go of the man I'm with but I can't. He's my soulmate," she replied while Jake searched her expression. "I feel the need to tell you this. I feel like we have similar matters. But, if your boyfriend doesn't treat you right, doesn't love you, care for you, understand you or protect you, you shouldn't stay in a toxic relationship. This is your heart, not your mind. The heart tells the truth when the head can't. Not every love is pure. Sometimes, we love too much and lose ourselves with the wrong one. "I don't know your challenge, but from what I've been through and what I am going through. Don't waste your life on things that you can't benefit from. You need to live your life to the fullest. He's your soulmate does not mean he's the right one. Sometimes, there's always a bad in a good," Jake stated intensely while he maintained a steady eye contact with Ciara. Ciara felt her lips quiver at his words. He didn't know her, she didn't know him. But this stranger had given her the truth in a good way. She felt a tear roll down her cheek and she quickly wiped it off. She sniffed and was about saying something when she heard footsteps. "Ciara?" Mason called breathlessly. Ciara and Jake stood up to see Mason with a look of worry and then relief on his face. The two were so engrossed in looking at each other that they didn't see the way Jake was staring at them in amusement. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I'm sorry about-" "It's okay, Mason. I was just-Never mind," Ciara butted in with a smile. Mason had not seen Jack but when he glanced his way, he shook. "Oh, God! Jake!" He said, hands on his chest. The duo chuckled. "I can't tell if you have an eye defect or you're just whipped," Jake commented and Mason threw him a playful glare. I'm not whipped, Mason thought. "Uh-" "Mr. Deon, you're needed," a waiter interrupted and Jake nodded before he glanced at Mason then threw a smile and winked at Ciara who gave a thumbs up in understanding. Jake left and Mason raised a brow. "What was that I just saw?" "It's nothing. We just talked and he made me see things in a clearer way than before," Ciara said, sitting on the bench. Mason joined her by her side and stared at the curve of her back then her head, her long lashes then her lipstick coated lips. He licked his lips. "How are you?" He asked and she bowed her head. Ciara looked up at him and smiled. She caught his eyes drift to her mouth for a few seconds before blinking away. "I'm fine," she said and hesitantly took Mason's closest hand." Forgive me for hurting you the more last night. I shouldn't have do-" He placed his thumb over her lips and fought back a groan at the softness of her lips. He smiled. "I would never be mad at you. You are my friend, if not best friend. I can't be mad at you. I was just disappointed at you for staying with him. You don't deserve to be hurt. You're too beautiful and kind for that," he said, bringing the knuckles of his hand close to her soft cheek. "You're too amazing to suffer emotionally. I would do everything to take that away." Ciara bit her bottom lip at his words. Her heart beating fast and palms sweaty. She inhaled softly as his hand caressed her cheek. "As a friend of course," he added like he realised what he'd said and Ciara felt her heart drop. She nodded. "Yes. Sure, we're great friends." Mason smiled and immediately wrapped his arms around her body. Effectively pulling her into his body and felt at peace, so comfortable holding her in his arms, like she belonged there. He tightened his hold on her small body and inhaled her rose scented hair. "Promise me we'll be there for each other," she whispered over his chest as she heard his loud heart beat. "As I've come to trust you and feel so close to you over these few days, I promise you, Ciara," he replied and pulled back. She smiled. "Thanks. I've always needed a male pal." "Well, I'm the right one for ya'," he said with a little grin. They stared at each other for a few seconds before they heard the soft tune of the piano from inside. "Let's go inside," she said and he nodded. They rose and made their way back into the celebration.
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