Chapter Three

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"Don't you look comfortable." Like a deer in headlights, Daniella was held by Mr Vasilescu's gaze. He was standing too close for comfort and stood at least a foot taller than her. The proximity allowed for his cologne to permeate her lungs, clean yet earthy. It made her feel a little dizzy, her spare hand gripping the side for stability. "Eva told me to make myself at home, and I figured a grown woman asking for a glass of water would be rather ridiculous." "Rather," he said a few octaves higher in an attempt at mimicking her. "Listen - my wife may be at ease with your presence, but that doesn't mean I am." "You've made that patently clear." "I didn't finish. She may be comfortable around you but I'm not, so don't 'make yourself at home'. In fact, why don't you take an early leave?" "Are you asking me to leave?" Undeterred by the incredulity in Daniella's tone, his expression remained cold and distant. His features were set like stone but his eyes were alight with something else, she thought - amusement, perhaps? "I'm sure Nik would be more than understanding if his friend were to feel unwell and have to go home." "You can't be serious." "Oh, but I am, Daniella." Like before, his tongue lingered on the 'l's, elongating her name in a way that had her biting down on her lip hard. Mr Vasilescu's eyes were drawn to her mouth, a slight smirk curling at the corners of his lips. "I've done nothing to deserve this treatment. You've been nothing but rude since I arrived." Running a hand through his silky, dark hair, Mr Vasilescu took his own lower lip between his teeth, his gaze still settled on her mouth. Daniella felt a tension growing between them; Surely he must feel it too. It was as though there was an electric current between them, charging the air and causing her to gravitate towards him "You've got a backbone, I can respect that. But I don't want you in my home. You're complicating an already complex family dynamic." He stepped forward, closing the space between them entirely. His breath smelled strongly of mint, mixing together with his cologne to make a potent and heavenly cocktail. Although she thought he was impertinent, there was no denying she was attracted to him. With every additional second she spent in his presence, that attraction grew. If his mouth didn't spew such hostile vitriol, she thought he would be the most enchanting man she'd met in a long while. And he's your best friend's father, she thought. Despite her legs having dissolved to jelly beneath her, her voice came out strong and unwavering. "How am I complicating things?" As she inadvertently leaned forwards, Mr Vasilescu's strong hands found place on her hips to put some well needed space between them. Even though his touch was brief his thumbs had grazed over her hips; the friction between her soft blouse and her skin made her tingle. Anticipation grew in Daniella's stomach, rippling through her torso and limbs as he stepped back. "I'm attracted to you, Daniella. If you stick around, I don't know that I'll be able to resist myself." Mr Vasilescu's words were in direct contrast to the way he'd behaved to her since she'd arrived. Perhaps he was just trying to throw her off, Daniella thought. If his rudeness couldn't make her leave, then maybe he thought hitting on her would throw her off. Satisfied at the confusion etched across her face, he took his leave. Daniella stood in the kitchen grasping onto her glass tight enough that her knuckles had turned white. Whatever she had expected when she had agreed tostay, it certainly wasn't this. *~*~*~*~*~*~* After the incident in the kitchen, Daniella made an effort to keep her distance from Mr Vasilescu. She had gone straight to Nik and insisted they watch whatever Netflix series he wanted in his room. He'd been more than willing to comply. Eva had made sure to send her a pointed warning look as they retreated from the lounge. Two hours into their Netflix session, curled up on his bed and stuffing their faces with chocolate, she hadn't absorbed one bit of what they watched. In fact, she couldn't remember what the program was even called. Mr Vasilescu's words were on constant repeat in her head. "Daniella? Did you hear me?" Nik asked as he waved a hand in front of her. "I'm sorry, must have been daydreaming." "Well if you can get yourself out of that pretty little head of yours for just a moment, we're being called down for dinner." Dread and nausea curled in her stomach at the thought of being in a room with Nik's father again. He'd clearly meant to unsettle her to hurry along her departure. She wished it hadn't affected her, that she could simply forget about it, but a part of her wondered if he'd meant what he'd said. The table had been set more formally than it was at lunch. It was adorned with a pristine white table cloth, more cutlery than Daniella had in her entire kitchen, plus several bottles of wine and tealights. The four chairs were organised differently, with two on either side of the table. Eva must have arranged it to attempt a little more intimacy, and hopefully encourage more conversation. Nik sat opposite Daniella and beside his mother, leaving her with little choice than to sit next to Mr Vasilescu. He showed little interest, giving no hint as to their moment in the kitchen. It was beginning to feel like it hadn't happened - that she was delusional. After all, he was married. It was entirely inappropriate. He greeted his son more enthusiastically than earlier, Daniella's presence barely acknowledged. Once they had eaten dinner - a dish from Eva's native Bulgaria - she cleared away the dishes. She had refused Daniella's help, encouraging her to stay with Nik and spend time getting better acquainted with Mr Vasilescu. "It's definitely an interesting subject, but-" Nik stopped mid-sentence, grabbing at his gut with a look of horror. The sound of its growling reverberated through the room like an ominous warning. "I'm not feeling too good." Still gripping his stomach, Nik stood suddenly from his seat and gave Daniella and his father an apologetic look before scrambling for the door. "D'you want me to come with you?" Daniella called out to him. "No, you stay here. I'll be back in a bit." With the sound of his thunderous footsteps on the wood floor, Nik had left her alone, yet again, with his father.
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