Chapter 4

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The rest of the day went by in somewhat a blur but I couldn't be bothered anymore. My heart felt too heavy, my eyes were too filled with unshed tears and breathing was becoming too hard to do..... I shouldn't feel like this... I had no right to feel like this. This guy was nothing but a class mate to me. I shouldn't care about whether he is gay or not. I shouldn't care that he was with Hawk Peters. I shouldn't care that Hawk made him smile like an angel that was just told that all the problems of the world had just been fixed. I shouldn't care that I will never be able to make him smile.... and mostly I shouldn't care if he date Hawk or any other guy. I shouldn't..... But I do. As the last bell rang, my body seemed to move with its own will towards my car. I got in and sat there trying to gather my feelings. NO!!!! IM NOT GAY!!!!! UGH GET IT TOGETHER RANDY..... UGH.... Suddenly in the middle of my inner chastising someone was knocking on my window....... nah man wtf... cant this i***t see he hurting my beautiful car fuck.... I looked up to see whose ass I was about to kick and I saw Skyler. I rolled down the window to see what he wanted. I knew what I wanted. I wanted to go the f**k home and sulk on my bed for a while....='( S* Sup man what's up with you. I been here for like 5 mins of my life that I aint never gonna get back. He said with a grin that at that moment I didn't find funny at the moment. R* Nah man there aint nothing goin on ya know... Im just.....tired I guess. I just wanna go home and attend an important appointment with my beautiful bed... S* sorry you can't we have football practise today and you cant miss this one we got an important game with St Andrews Academy next Monday and you know that they are getting better every time.... we gotta practise there is no excuse.. nah dude- R* ok ok ok ok.....geez imma just head home for a bit then come back. What time's practise? S* hmmm 5:30..... but we gotta be there by five. Coach has something to tell us.... and don't be late R* I wont......see you later... S* check ya pretty boy I smiled a winked at him... I had a few hours to get my head straight before practise. So I backed out of the school parking lot and drove my empty mansion...... Angelo's P.O.V Oh mon dieu!!!! Hawk est le plus intéressant et beau mec que la monde ! Il est parfait... Amusant, sympa, beau, sportif et intelligent... Oh my goodness I had an awesome day with hawk. He was in all of my classes after biology. I was ecstatic. I mean hes just awesome. Omg. The day went by awesomely If I do say so myself. When the last bell rang I was kinda disappointed....if I knew school could be this interesting I would have come here long ago. I also met this girl. Her name was Shumi {pronounced shoo-me} she was a really cool chick. She black but with a medium brown complexion-not to dark not too light, long black hair that fades into a darkish brown that reaches the middle of her back, dark brown eyes and such a contagiously bright smile. She is kinda chubby but curves in the right places and biggish boobs and flaunts her size like no one I have ever seen... She is absolutely psycho and funny and mean but I love that swag... Anyway as I was walking out of school Shumi was telling me about how the swimming team was looking for new recruits this year. I thought about it and decided that I really wanted to swim. Swimming was my escape from realities that I didn't want to live or face; it was my stress reliever, my consoler....just like music. That's how I met Nate. He is on the swim team at my previous school and he was just getting out of the pool on day and like the cliché moment goes he got out with water dripping all over that delicious body. His electric blue eyes seemed to shine with some sort of relief like he just got the best news in his life and his pink lips....oh those lips they just seemed so delicious at that moment that I thought that I was just gonna jump him and rape his mouth or something but luckily for me I have/had a friend Ricky who smacked my shoulder just as I was getting up. Now don't think im weird or anything because really it is normal for someone to want to mouth-rape someone who is too sexy for their own good. And eventually one thing led to another and we ended up dating for 7 months next Tuesday. Anyway back to the present. I went back to listening to her and then just suddenly said A* you know I think I'm going to try out. I was on the team and won quite a number of awards for swimming S* Really that's awesome. I mean that would be so cool. Now I have a reason to go to one of those swimming events. I never had a reason you know, so my other friends wouldn't go but now......hahaha I have found my excuse She said a with a wide grin and her eyes lighting up with excitement A* Why do you wanna go so bad anyway? S* Dude have you seen the swimming team? OMG They ARE the definition of sexy. Only sexy people like yourself swim and actually make the team. The team is like any girls' or gay guys' paradise. Oh my goodness A* I know right. That one of the reasons I love it so much I said laughing as her face changed from half-serious to concentrated to excited... S* oh my GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE---- you're--- I mean----WOW! YOU ARE.., she said all but screaming as we stood by my car still talking. OMG I HAVE NEVER HAD A GGGGGGAAAAAAYYYYYY Friend before now we can go shopping and chat about guys and cry on each other's shoulders and everything! She went on jumping up and down. Damn this girl is hyper. I love the positive energy. I just laughed and playfully rolled my eyes... then I saw Hawk approaching us and I started smiling before he even got here. H* Hey Shumi, Hey Angelo A&S* hey S* dude you will never guess what........ Angelo JOINING YOUR SWIM TEAM.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it so exciting... I bet he's gonna be better than most of your team and probably even you. Hahahahah H* that is awesome news and we will see about that. Practise is at 5. I just wanted to talk to you quick Angelo. S* okay then I might as well go. I got s**t to do. Check ya.. She said giving us both hugs then looking at her watch and running towards her sleek, black convertible Jaguar. She is jus something else...hahaha A* so what's up? H* well I was wondering I could......uh.......have your number. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH COOOL He asked for my number ahh. So I gave him my digits and then we talked a bit more before deciding that we would meet at practise so I got in my sexy car and I turned up the radio and started bobbing my head to some classic Bon Jovi - Living on the Edge ( I think that's what its called) and pulled of the parking lot and drove my sexy self home! Oh besides the weird staring.......Best First Day of School EVER.....Now off "home"......
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