Who is he?

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(Kataya P.O.V.) The door to the cell block opened and there was foot steps the sound was so loud it made my head hurt even more than before. The sound of foot steps stopped in front of my cell. I then heard Master Marcus and a Lord I have never heard before in the castle start arguing, I guess he did not know that it was pointless to argue with Master Marcus he was stubborn beyond words, especially if he thought he was right. I laid there with my hand covering my eyes the sound and light was almost unbearable, but I listened to what they said. “My Lord she is here for an act of disobedience.” Master Marcus said in a flat tone. “Hmm. So starving to her to death is acceptable punishment for disobedience?” asked the Lord in a very cold tone. The new Lord that was here must have been the company that the household was preparing for. I did not know him, because of this I could not read his voice, he seemed cold and distant, even harsh. Somehow his tone was more than just a harshness, it was almost as if he cared, but that could not be right. I must be farther gone mentally than I thought. The light and the sound had caused me so much pain that I had started to cry slightly. I knew better than to sob, that would end with be getting beaten or worse. “My Lord, this was not her first offense.” Master Marcus said calmly as he could. “From what I have seen, anything can be considered disobedience. So I must ask, what did she do to deserve this treatment?” the lord said coldly. Almost as if he was angry about this. But why? “The Headmistress informed me that she purposefully broke a dish.” Master Marcus said. “Hmm… Did anyone else see what happened?” The lord asked. “In this house if you have no title you have nothing to say.” Answered Master Marcus. Master Marcus had just finishes saying this when a servant came running down the stairs, paused as she saw the situation and entered the cell block and spoke very quietly to someone, I assumed it was Master Marcus. I decided to brave the light, I cracked my fingers ever so slightly then peeked through with my eyes barely open. I saw Master Marcus I was right she was talking to him, then I saw it. Fear and panic on his face, the color in his face drained at what she had said. I wanted to laugh but was to exhausted to even hold my eyes open anymore. I knew from his face that The Master had returned from his trading trip to the Highlands. The Master was actually reasonable for the most part, unless he was angered. “My Lord, I have an urgent matter to take care of, the Quartermaster can guide you back if you like.” Master Marcus stated. After Master Marcus said this he did not wait for a response and turned on his heel and left as if death himself was behind him. The servant girl left as well which left the Quartermaster and the guards. The Quartermaster shifted on his feet, I could hear the leather of his shoes adjust to his weight change, he seemed uncomfortable. “I can find my way back.” Said the Lord. The Quartermaster shifted again, I then him playing with his keys the noise sent sharp pain through my head, finally he said: “Yes, My Lord.” With that he walked out almost as quickly as Master Marcus, the sound of the guards leaving the cell block, but they stopped, I guessed they waited at the door of the cell block. The light was less but the amount that was still here hurt my eyes. I knew that the Lord was still here I dare not move I did not know this Lord nor did I understand his intentions both of these thing scared me. I was also left to his mercy, oh Mother Nature protect me. I laid there as still as I could, hoping he would leave like the rest of them did.
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