02 ~ Done Wishing

1374 Words
Deciding not to open the gift yet, she puts it in her drawer and sighs as she grabs her phone. Her brother, in one of his rare moments of acting his age, is quietly observing her with sharp eyes. With Teddy, it’s always better not to let your guard down. One minute he would be fooling around like a playful puppy, and then all of a sudden he’d be in full lycan prince mode. “What?” she asks, her tone defiant. “Did something happen that I should be made aware of?” Alys’s heart pounds but she rolls her eyes and smacks him on the stomach as she passes by. “You’re chasing your tail like a crazy dog again. I should remind Mom and Dad about your rabies shots. You might be overdue.” She ignores his crude words, chuckling as she leaves the room and heads towards the garden of the villa, where a few selected friends and family gathered for her simple celebration. Alys doesn’t enjoy parties, but a small intimate gathering with her chosen few doesn’t exhaust her social batteries as much, and she smiles brightly as she steps into the garden. They start singing her the happy birthday song as soon as they see her and she gasps in pleased surprise at the lovely birthday cake Aunt Lila made for her. “Make a wish!” they chant. She closes her eyes, praying to the Moon Goddess for her usual wish, and blows the candles. As the party progresses, they tease her about her wish, but she tells them wishes must remain a secret, otherwise they won’t come true. “Oh please, everyone knows what you’re wishing for. It must be why it’s not coming true.” Her brother mutters tactlessly, rolling his eyes as he stuffs his face with cake. She pales a little, secretly hoping that’s not true. That not everyone knows. But she’s not going to give Teddy the satisfaction of ruining her night so she quickly recovers and dons a mask of confidence. She grabs a beer for liquid courage and takes a swig. “I’m done wishing for what I want,” she declares as she puts the cold bottle down. “At twenty five, I should be going after what I want, don’t you think?” Her friends cheer and she feels a boost of genuine confidence. “Ooh! This ought to be good!” “Go, Alys! Go Alys!” “We should record this—hey!” “No phones tonight, remember? Or you’re not invited next year.” Alys takes a deep breath, feeling a little daring but not yet entirely sure. She glances around and finds Jayden in a quiet corner, drinking the same beer she has in hand, quietly watching her with an inscrutable expression. She hisses under her breath, tired of the waiting game. It’s been seven years since she first found out who her fated mate is, but apparently the guy has known for a long time and has not said a word. She’s the most patient person in the world, and truly, she understands the trauma he’s been through. As a healer herself, she knows firsthand that healing, true healing, takes time—but even an angel’s patience has a limit. Alys has just reached that point. Slowly she lets out her breath and glances at her parents, who are sitting together and watching her curiously. “Baby, you know we have no problem if you want to wait a little longer to find your fated mate,” the king assures her teasingly. “You can stay home as long as you like.” Queen Raya chuckles. “I agree with your father, darling, but only up to a certain point. I wish for you the happiness of being with the person who will accept you and love you for the rest of your life. Fated or chosen, since you have that gift, it doesn’t matter. I only want to see you happy in the arms of that special someone who will always hold and protect you. No pressure, of course. It’s just… we’re not getting any younger…” Everyone chuckles and Alys forces her smile a little more. ‘How do I tell them?’ she wonders, her heart aching. ‘How do I tell them my fated mate is right there in the garden, and has always been here next to us… only he would not acknowledge the mate bond?’ She glances at Jayden again, who is now smiling at an omega girl serving grilled meat, and she is overwhelmed by a wave of jealousy so bad it nearly makes her see black. “Since my fated mate is MIA, I have decided to take a chosen mate,” she declares loudly, making everyone turn to stare, and her cheeks burn with embarrassment at being the center of attention. But at least Jayden is staring back at her now, his eyes suddenly alert and focused. “Are you sure, baby? You’re still young, there’s no rush—” “Hush, love. Let your daughter speak!” Raya smiles encouragingly at her. “Do you already have someone in mind or are you about to start looking?” Alys takes another deep breath. “I know who I want,” she admits. Scattered gasps of surprise and intrigued whispers go around as everyone waits with bated breath for her grand reveal. “Who is it, darling? Is it someone we know?” “It’s hard to guess, she has never shown preference for anyone…” Heart pounding wildly in her chest, she glances around again, and sees that Jayden has stood up and is starting to walk away. There’s another warrior beside him and she can only guess that they are about to do perimeter control. 'Coward!' She wants to shout. He wouldn’t acknowledge their bond, and yet he would not even care to find out who will be her chosen mate!? Does she really mean so little to him? Suddenly more furious than afraid, she raises her chin defiantly and clears her throat. “He’s right here. In this garden.” She watches him stiffen as he turns around slowly, his stormy eyes darker than usual when they meet hers. As the guests look around wondering who she is talking about, Alys looks away from him, unable to stand the message he is sending her. Don’t do this. Please don’t. He might as well have hit her in the stomach. “Well, who is it!?” Teddy asks impatiently. Alys glares at her brother. “None of your damn business.” “Hey! I was only asking…” She bites her tongue, tasting the bile in her mouth. “Sorry. I’m just… tired. I need… I need to… rest for a bit…” she turns to her guests with an apologetic smile. “Sorry everyone, I just need a moment, I hope you understand…” She runs back inside the house and rushes to her room before anyone can say anything and she breathes a sigh of relief as soon as she has closed the door. She goes to the bathroom and splashes her face with cold water, cursing herself for being too impulsive. Why did she have to tell everyone? She could have done this better. In private. Without announcing it to the whole world. What the f*ck was she thinking!? She can blame the beer, even the jealousy, but heaven knows it’s the accumulated years of frustration and uncertainty that broke the camel’s back. Alys groans. How is she supposed to go back out there again and what is she going to tell them!? That she was just kidding? They’re not gonna buy that! Oh, and her parents… they would be on the hunt now! ‘Damn it, stupid, stupid, stupid Alys—!’ As she wipes her face dry and slowly makes her way out of the bathroom, she doesn’t notice someone standing near the window, until she’s already lying in bed with one arm over her eyes, and then that someone speaks. “Well, that was quite a show.” She bolts up and gasps. “You!”
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