Chapter 2

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It is a common thing for nobles of the Kingdom and Empire to disown or ignore children born out of wedlock and leave them to fend for their own especially if they are not firstborns, but even then, my father is the first son of my grandfather, yet still, the title was given to his young half-brother. Though both of them are born in a well-to-do family, they lead a simple life at the province under the guise of Tyler and Ria Sebert. They opened a small grocery store and lived happily until I was born. I was born in a small clinic in Lucena, Maharlika. They named me Heather because my mom always stayed near the hearth of our home when she was carrying me in her womb. The next fifteen years of our life as a family is a happy one. We lived a very simple but happy life. I grew up happily with my father while my mother taught me the basics of military strategies when I was just thirteen. I am full of emotions back then and as ordinary and carefree as most girls of my age back then. But my life was forever changed at the age of fifteen. A terrorist cell attacked our small coast town without warning. Several rouge battleships bombarded our little town without discretion. My parents threw me at the nearby forest as the bandits pursued us. The two lead them away from me and they were killed by a bullet fire. The army of the empire swiftly executed a counter attack but the damage has been done. Male, female, boy, girl, old and young regardless of religion and beliefs were shot without mercy. I am one of the twenty citizens who survived the attack and the only child who did so. The bodies of my parents were buried in a mass grave and I was forced to leave the town and live a simple life in the city. My mom and dad have a huge savings in a bank for my future so I get by easily. Then when I reached eighteen, I entered the academy and the rest is history. You might think that my life is pretty boring. But really its…boring. Since the accident happened, I was almost deprived of my emotions. Seeing the lifeless bodies of my parents really traumatized me. They are my life, my feelings, my motivation and hope. But in a blink of an eye, they were gone… I can still hear their final words to me… “Live Heather, live and survive. Be strong and brave… do your best and keep on holding on… and be sure to be happy… we love you so much my sweet Heathy…” Victoria said as she dragged me to the opening of the cave. I heard a gunshot and my dad’s arm was suddenly bleeding… “Don’t worry about me Heathy… I am more than a pretty face you know that… I am so happy that you got my looks and your mother’s brain… Thank goodness you got your mother’s brain… Haha… Heathy… keep pushing on, okay? Your mom and I may not be able to give you the royal life you should have but at least we are happy… so happy that you grew into a nice, beautiful and shrewd girl… Survive Heathy… for us…” Kaiser said and he suddenly punched my stomach and I blacked out… The time I opened my eyes again, I was in a nursing tent and that was it… They were gone… gone… and will never return… My dad knocked me out so I will not make any noise as he and my mom lured their pursuers as far as they can away from me and was killed… I made it my mission to eradicate the terrorist from the face of Scania so that no other children will suffer my own fate… -0-   “Earth to Heather, yoohoo… are you there?” Lenna waved her hand in front of my face as I was busy thinking about my past. I shook my head and nodded, “Yes. Sorry I spaced out…” “Well, that is very unethical you know. We, the crown countesses must be alert at all times… Hahaha….” She said as she sipped the coffee with her pinky finger stuck out jokingly. Lenna Montez von Selfer… or Lenna Alcor von Montez if we follow her bloodline. She was a daughter out of wedlock of the late Duke of Fournier, one of the three Grand Duchy of the United Imperial Dukedoms of Scandinavia. Her mother, Mrs. Leslie and Duke Dale was supposed to be married but the couple was killed in a terrorist bombing. Lenna was sent to the orphanage after that by her power-hungry aunt, Lady Matilde, so that her daughter, Creusa will be the crown countess instead. She learned this truth from a former chambermaid of the Alcors when she was fifteen. I met her at the academy and she became my only friend back then. She is a very talkative and lively girl, in contrast to me who is very quiet and dull. Lenna is the only person aside from my parents who can make me smile out of nothing. She had a habit to make fun out of everything. She also knew my back story and we became closer because our similar standings in life. “You know, being a Military forecaster is really bad for your life Heather.” Lenna said as she put down her cup and stare at me seriously. “Why is that?” I asked. “You became more and more quiet and absentminded! Not to mention you almost never get out of your room! The horror!” she said exaggeratedly.  I smiled a little to my over reacting friend, “At least my skin got whiter and what’s the use of getting out when you do not have a business outside the house?” “Well, you are already white from the start and you get out of the house to see new sights and refresh your mind! Why, the intelligence division thought you are a male for crying out loud!” Lenna said, rolling her eyes. “Let them speculate. It doesn’t matter to me. Let’s change the subject. You always head to the Kaliningrad headquarters every weekend, right? Any news on the ongoing tension with the terrorist country?” I asked as I can only get a handful of reliable news from the net and television. Lenna suddenly became serious, “The situation is getting bad Heather. The country of Iraq is getting stronger by the day. The empire and its allied countries are getting worried on how long this war can go on. It’s almost three years and we have yet to strike a decisive blow on the terrorist’s head.” “I see. That IS serious…” I spoke.
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