Chapter 13

1502 Words

Bell Even though I’m a demon who shouldn’t care about mere mortals, I feel guilty when I leave the school grounds to meet with my brothers deep inside the forbidden forest. “You’re late,” Satan snarls in his childish voice. He is supposed to be a grownup now, but he doesn’t act like one. Satan is grumpier than a grandpa who’s been sitting out in the sun for too long. “I had things to finish first,” I say and fix my tie, something that makes Lucifer snort. “You’ve spent too much time with the humans, brother. Since when do you care about your appearance?” My eyes narrow. “Since always.” He rolls his eyes. “Please, you’re the demon of gluttony and only care about hamburgers.” A snarl rises to my throat, but I keep it down. Starting a fight with Satan and Lucifer would be dumb when

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