{Not so normal arrangements : Draco POV}

1476 Words

Mating wasn't part of the plan so early on but I was so caught up in the moment and lost within lust that I sink my fangs into his neck without him noticing, I didn't drink more then a few drops of his sweet delicious blood but I feel so warm and just a bit alive even though I know that I will always remain dead...nothing can change that, "I have to go into work tonight" I tell Kilton as he runs his hand up and down my back while we relax in the TV room "do you necessarily have to? I mean you could just stay and work from here" he says as he lifts me onto his chest "well yes I do it's my business who else is going to run it!" At this point I know he's just being a bit clingy and he can't help it (I want to laugh so bad) "besides I don't have a office space here"  I explained as I peck his

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