Chapter Three Part Two: Cami

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Allie gave a half-grin, and led her through the cavernous foyer toward a quaint looking area set out against tall windows with a view of a beautifully maintained small garden beyond. Cami guessed that when the weather was fine rather than chilly, chairs would line the porch outside with umbrellas set up for the patrons. In the back of her mind she tucked away a fleeting dream that she would get to see those shaded tables, perhaps even sit at a few. The seating arrangement was a layout of booth style benches, each unit separated from its neighbor by a leatherette divide. She let Allie decide where to sit, and slid in opposite her when she had."You are so right, you know? This is a great spot""Mm... must be even lovelier in summer," she replied, voicing Cami's exact thoughts. Impressively, the place was serviced, which was unusually old fashioned. A waiter came over to assist."Skinny Latte," Allie selected to Cami's plain filter. The waiter disappeared to fetch their drinks."So, how did it go?" Allie braved the all important question."Guess, we'll have to wait and see, there's little use speculating," she answered cautiously."Well, I can tell you, straight out, that she hated me. We got off to a frosty start when she made a joke about my name 'you know, Allie is everyone's Ally and therefore a great legal aide'. I didn't find it funny , and things only got worse when I told her I was likely to be the single most qualified person for the job and needn't laugh my way into it. Her face contorted into a pinched caricature of distaste at my truthfulness, which I think she saw as rudeness and full out bragging," Allie chortled, confirming Cami's suspicion of Celia's stealthy methods. She felt lousy for Allie, instantly realizing that the girl was making light of the situation to cover her disappointment. "Oh, don't give up. She seemed, to me, to be the type to admire honestly," this admission made Cami blush slightly for hiding her own success. She didn't want to jinx anything by admitting that her own experience had been more promising. A momentary lull caught them both, as if Allie could sense her fears. Meanwhile,  sounds of a low conversation drifted in to fill the silence. Two guys, knee deep in a discussion on female wiles. "So, she's been calling me all week. Looks like I really did her a favor." Cami looked over the table to Allie. Without design they were riveted. It's not common, after all, to be in a position to hear exactly what the opposite s*x actually thinks--particularly of woman."I can't believe you slept with her after what I told you," a gruff response, somewhat louder than the previous hovered tones."Ha! you put yourself in a ridiculous situation, Man, you were purely looking to get wiped by doing her in her old man's office. Even Shaun wasn't stupid enough to attempt that," a barely contained guffaw followed this remark. The disbelief on Allie's face was comic. "Three dudes, she slept with three guys. All of whom know each other?" Allie mouthed, wide eyed. Cami couldn't suppress a grin. It seemed that now it was her turn for fun."I didn't know it was his building, you know that, and besides he was quite violent. Actually, you should feel sorry for me!" His companion was laughing flat out by now. God what a 'Player', what a cad.  Cami kept the thought to herself, but she could see similar ideas floating across Allie's mind, her thoughts were in her eyes. No doubt about it these two were the type of men every parent prayed their daughter would never bump into, or date.While, these uncharitable feelings ghosted across their space, Allie sat silently with her ears pricked for more. Cami felt slightly hypocritical, what with judging them, but nevertheless listening as if glued to the spot. Out of the blue, the smutty story from behind their seat, changed. One minute it had been all comedy and snigger, the next, it was panic and the obvious sounds of a man choking to death on his breakfast.  Distinctly, it appeared that guy one was attempting to save guy two's life, without either the knowledge or the calm attitude needed for the job.Cami sighed, for the blink of an eye, not an actual option of course, but a fleeting thought that the world might be a better place without a guy who loved himself a lot more than the women he was supposed to love. Then, reality hit. This person, might die!  Reluctantly, but knowing her duty, Cami pushed herself, hurriedly, along the squeaky leatherette bench, and swung around the divide to grab the threatened individual from behind. His pal had had him bent over the table, awkwardly, while slapping him ineffectually on the back. Cami, gripped firmly beneath the dudes ribs, then with a deft upward thrust she dislodged the nasty obstruction in perfect execution of the Heimlich Maneuver. Mr.Cassanova, belched, gagged, and coughed-- rackingly, in that order--to the sound of clapping and cheering from the patrons. Cami was, at last, the hero of her day. After a lot of throat clearing and shaking, the guy turned toward her. Cami's jaw dropped, it seemed, she had just saved the life of the guy she had been so attracted to earlier that morning, on the train. It was a small world indeed."Well, I never!" blurted 'Mr.Gorgeous',  "seems like you've finally done something to thank me for trying to help you this morning, haven't you?" His cheeky response elicited a rebuke from his friend."Hey Kenzie, she just saved your hide, man. I think you should at least buy her a cup of coffee.""If you think that was a class act, you should see what she can do with an umbrella!" Kenzie's pal simply looked confused, but Allie and Cami laughed despite themselves.  Kenzie offered to provide more coffee, but Cami quickly demurred. What with what she had heard moments before her death defying act, she didn't think she wanted to get to know either of them any better than she already had, even considering how Kenzie's eyes were the most dazzling shade of navy she had ever seen.  Eyes like that could surely make a girls heart skip a beat or three!"No thanks, I really must get home and find something more suitable to wear than this borrowed coat, I've just worn it to the most important interview of my life. I was hoping it would give me luck, but now I don't want to push my karma, you know?" Allie laughed, and gestured over to the waiter for their bill. The waiter indicated that he had second guessed them and that if they came over to the till, he could move them on their way without further delay. Leaving, Cami turned furtively to catch a glimpse of Kenzie staring after her thoughtfully, despite herself she was glad that she had made some sort of  impression on him. "Where the hell did you learn to pull a move like that, Cami. I reckon it could come in useful as a chat-up-line, you know?" Allie was struggling to talk through her grin."Yeah, but look at the type of dude I managed to meet. I really don't think this has been one of my better days.""You still haven't answered my question." Cami sobered, they had left the building behind and were on their way to the subway. Allie had already indicated that she lived in the same general direction and also hadn't brought her own car to the building. They were bound for the same train, although they were set for different stops."Uh, my sister was sick all the time we were growing up, she caught a deadly virus when my family were in Egypt one year. I did a lot of first aid classes, just in case--for all the good they did--which they didn't," Cami had tried, but she couldn't stop pain sneaking into her voice. Her grief held her, vice-gripped as always, even after all the time that had passed since her sister's death. "Jeez, that's rough,"Allie said, regretfully. Cami knew that death was the "great" taboo, lots of people were willing to discuss s*x, drugs, terrorism, even, but mention death, especially death of someone close to you then they dissipated rapidly, like vapor on a sunlit afternoon. Cami didn't blame Allie her sudden reticence, she knew it was a cultural thing. The only place people were willing to talk about it was in specifically formed support groups where like minded, or rather similar victims congregated for comfort, but there, Cami had found that their self pity was equally daunting. In those groups it was difficult to get people to shut up. Cami had dispensed with that option, also. She rarely mentioned it, but Allie had been so receptive. Now, she regretted baring her soul, but Allie was about to prove herself better than most people.
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