Chapter Seven: Middle School Outcasts

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“Okay you ready Tam? Remember what we’re going to say?” I asked as we walked down the hall past all the paintings of past Kings and Queens on the walls. “You’re gonna propose our idea to them then I’m going to add how hard it has been for me to be different. Oh and I’ll add any really mean stuff I’ve been called.” Tamara said. I nodded. “Yes! Oh and cry if you have to, my mom can’t say no to you crying.” We stopped before going in and both took a deep breath. “Good luck princesses.” Timothy said as he walked by us, he thinks Tamara is a princess too and she wouldn’t let me correct him.  We smiled at him then walked in, my parents were behind a big desk with all their paperwork on it. When they heard the door open my mom quickly got off my dad’s lap and onto the chair next to his. “Yes Dawn?” She asked and cleared her throat. “You know we just started grade 7 a week ago.” I started as we walked further in and sat in two chairs that were in front of their desk. “And it’s been kinda hard. I can’t tell you guys how many rumors have already spread about me. Jr high is cutthroat.”  Tamara nodded. “In elementary school the worst thing we had to worry about was my height being made fun.” “Or some edgy kid calling us birds.” I added on. Dad frowned because it became a derogatory term for dragons when more started moving here which still wasn’t a lot. Dragon's only ever moved here for job opportunities but they still had a ton in the dragon kingdom so only a few moved here. “You never told me about that.” “I told Mom.” I shrugged. “We didn’t tell you because you’d kill them or their parents.” Mom chuckled nervously. “You know how you are Scorch.”  I could tell my mom anything, she was reasonable and caring. She tried her best to understand dragon stuff even though shes an elf and it helped a lot. Tamara leaned over and whispered to me. “Does your dad really kill people or is that just a running joke?” She whispered. I nodded and whispered back to her. “He doesn’t do it around me but he’s killed a vampire just for looking at my mom.” Well he probably did more than just look at her but I only heard this through the wall when my mom yelled at him for it so I don’t know all the details. “I’m right here and can hear you.” Dad sighed. “I killed him because he threatened your mother's life Dawn.”  Mom rolled her eyes. “It didn’t feel threatened, he just called me a b***h- Oh sorry kids.” First time I ever heard my mom say that swear word. “This is my point, we’re getting older and life is getting hard. We aren’t going to be kids for much longer.” I explained. “At school we’re our only friends now, middle school is so much bigger, it’s easy to fall out of the social circle. We don’t want to be known as those freaks who can turn into birds anymore.” We really got my dad with the birds comment so I added it in again for effect. I mean I’m not lying, all these things were true I’m just using it to my advantage. “I’ve been called a reptile, by a teacher once.” Tamara said which I’m pretty sure wasn’t true. My mom was about to comment on that but I spoke so no questions would be asked about that. “What we’re saying is we feel really left out, like outcasts.” Dad chuckled. “Good performance, what do you guys want?” I frowned. “What can I say? You didn’t raise a manipulator. I’m not a lair tho, all that stuff was true.”  Tamara frowned. “Except for the teacher thing…”  “We know Tam.” I patted her on the back. “We want to have a party, in the castle.” “No.” Dad said quickly. “Scorch maybe we should think this through a little. It would be a great way for them to get to know a lot of kids and make friends.” Mom tried to convince him. He looked at her blankly. “You want a bunch of 12 year olds running around a castle? Breaking family air looms and busting up hundred thousand dollar picture frames? This isn’t a frat house it’s a castle, professional.” I glanced at Tamara and said. “Just keep us in one place and have guards around to make sure no one leaves unless they’re going home early. In elementary school everyone wanted to be my friend cause I was a princess but in middle school no one cares about that, now barley because they get bored of that fast. I can still make the princess thing work for me, I just need to use it a little more, yano.”  Mom started organizing the piles of paperwork. “This isn’t a business deal bean, it’s friendship and you can’t buy that.” She looked at Dad. “But I think a party would still be a good idea.” Tamara and I smiled. “Daddy please.” I begged and he nodded after hesitating. “Great!” We got up quickly “So a co-ed party followed by a girls only sleepover! Great!” We ran off giggling after that so my dad couldn’t say no now. That night I invited some royals and nobles. The next day we started inviting people at school. They seemed pretty excited, we invited around 200 kids to the party and 4 other girls to spend the night.  I was walking to my next class when I saw Braiden, Tamara’s crush. “Braiden!” I called out and caught up with him. He smiled. “Princess Dawn.” I chuckled. “Just Dawn is fine." I shrugged. "Tamara’s pretty cool right?”  He stopped at his locker and put in the combination. “She’s cool. You’re having a co-Ed party right?”  “Yah, Tamara has your invitation, she’s cute huh?” I thought talking her up would help a bit. “I’m not really into dragons girls.” He put his text book in his locker, took one out and closed it. “No offense.” He locked his locker and  “What?” I frowned. “Really?” I felt so bad for Dawn, I guess people have preferences but why did he have to bring up her being a dragon? He could have just said she wasn’t his type. “I can invite some grade 8 kids for you, I know who’d be cool to have.” He asked, he was a grade above us, Tamara knew him from being placed in a grade 8 elective class since she didn’t have to take a class to learn magic like the rest of us.  “That’d be cool.” I walked away disappointed, I’ll tell Tamara soon.  That night I got an unexpected call. “Hello?” I answered. It was a faintly familiar voice. “Hey Princess Dawn, it’s Prince Quinn, do you remember me?” It was hard not to. “Yah, what made you call?” I asked. “Well, I heard you were having a party? I know I should be the last person asking to go after what happened two years ago. But I really need you to convince your parents to let me come.” I started pacing as I listened. “Why?” He must have known I was throwing a party through hearing it from one of the royals I invited. “Because this is going to be a once in a life time party. You know royals never have teen parties, we only hold balls and stuffy events like that. This isn’t going to happen again unless you make it an annual thing. Some royals aren’t even going to be allowed to go because of how delinquent our parents are gonna think it is. Your parents are cool, they let you go to public school not that I’d want to but if I did my parents would say no a thousand times. Come on please.” “I can try, but you’ll owe me one.” I stopped pacing. “Alright! Thanks Dawn, Let me know how it goes.” He hung up. I left and walked into my parents room, I moved down the hall so they could have Steel’s nursery in my old room. “Dad.” He was sitting with Steel on the bed.  “Yes?” He answered. I sat next to him. “Can Prince Quinn come to my party? I think we can actually be friends.” Steel pulled at our father’s long black hair. “No.”  “Dad, that happened two years ago, Quinn learned his lesson he’s older now which means he knows better. And I know how to stick up for myself. I have magic and my dragon form. Daddy please?” It got him every time. “Time doesn’t make you a good person. He can come, but if he doesn’t leave alive then don’t cry to me.” He pulled his hair from Steel.  I hugged him.”Thanks Dad!”  I growled at Steel when he pulled on my hair. “Don’t growl at your brother.” Dad said as I left.  This party had to be amazing.
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