Chapter 60

2102 Words
After the diviner had stood before the being that stole the Spiritual gift of Mori the diviner insisted that the being gave up the power without wasting any more time. The being was not ready to listen to him because he had wanted all along to have that power and now that he had it he was not ready to let go of it for anyone, not even for the sake of the diviner who had been his friend all along and for a long time. This issue rose to a point that nobody else was moved to do the right thing. It was only going to be for the sake of others but not entirely for himself. He stood his ground and kept raising the container of the powers up, to signify that he was not going to let go of it. At that moment the diviner knew that he was not going to do what he had been telling him to do and just then war broke out between the both of them. The one that had the powers in a container was not ready to let go of it and the one that sought for the powder was ready to do anything for it. They fought for a very long time and at the end it was the diviner who won. The being laid on the ground, dead before the diviner and the diviner picked up the container which contained the powers of Mori and he remained standing as if he was thinking of something deeper than that what had just happened. He was still standing there when he began to hear the voice of the being that he had just killed as he laid there looking at him. "You do not have to have that power. I have checked the power and this was before you wounded me. The power you have in your hands will not do you any good, the power belongs to someone who must use it. You can not use it because it does not belong to you. You are not destined to use what is not yours and so I would suggest that you give it back to who it belonged to instead of trying to use it for your own selfish benefits. You have to return it to who owns it and not try to make it yours in any way. If you try to make it yours you will be bringing yourself so much shame. The gods are waiting for you to do the right thing, the right thing is what you are expected to do and nothing else. Stand on your feet and do what you have got to do without letting your greed determine your steps" The being then died right there before him. The diviner stood there wondering what exactly made him to loose his life in that manner, why he had to say those words to him before he lost his life. He turned and then before he went away he looked again at the container of the power of Mori in his hand and someone he came back to his sense and felt it was not about him but about the people. Before this new feeling of guilt that caught up with him he had tried using the power on himself but stopped like tree times and then all of a sudden he stopped thinking and then said aloud to his own hearing, "I do not think I should continue. I have already brought the wrath of the gods upon myself and I know for sure that the gods are going to do so many things to me, things that even I myself would not be thinking possible. Who am I to think all about this now that I would be acting. I will go and return this power to the rightful owner of it and then wash my hands off whatever evil I had initially planned against the owner of this power" He did not speak to himself further instead he disappeared into thin air. Mori's father and his friend were still on their way out of the forest where they had gone to take Mori away from the diviner when suddenly they heard a loud sound from the sky and then suddenly came flashes of light and a thunder followed. They felt it was not ordinary rather it was strange. They stopped riding their horse and waited to know what would happen next. All of a sudden there was another flashed of lightning and then thunder struck once again and then stood before them was none other person but the diviner who took Mori hostage. He was still holding the container of Mori's power in his hand and he spoke, "I know that you can never trust me again but it's an error to think that I can have come to hurt you all. Beside I see no reason why I would hurt you all. I have what I desire and in my hand it is. Then why am I here to block your way if I already have what I had come for? well let me make this more clearer to you all; I have not come to fight you all but to give back what I took from you; from your precious daughter. I would have decided to not have anything to do with her but that would be very bad on my own side. I do not want to be the reason why things are spoiling instead I would like to have something to say to the gods when I finally go to meet them for judgement. I know that they are going to pardon me and that is why to make that come to pass, for now let me do what is expected of me by giving back to your daughter the thing which I took from her, the thing, the very thing that belongs to her which is her powers. Here it is in my hand. Mori's father thought that to be a trap and that it was not real that the man suddenly wanted to give back what he had toiled for many days. He did not trust him and so did the man that had come with him. When the diviner saw that there was both fear and doubt mixed in their countenance he then began to walk closer to them. The father to Mori became alert but just before they could get ready to face with the diviner Incase he came at them for battle Mori coughed from where she was laying on the horse and then opened her eyes. Her coughing halted the movements of her father and the others. They waited for her to sit up and she did not only sit up on the horse, she jumped down and nearly fell to the ground. Her father tried to hold her but she raised her hand to stop him. The father waited while the man that had accompanied him to rescue her kept standing there and watching on, making it look like there was something that was meant to happen to them which was not happening. Mori then looked at the man, the diviner and then looked at what he was holding in his hand and then was moved to say to him, "Have you not only taken what belongs to me, have you also come to block our way so that you can kill us? I am sure that we are no longer going to allow you do to us whatever it is that you wish to do to us but we are going to be strong on our feet and face you the same way that you have chosen to face us. I am sure that my father is no longer going to look on while you do whatever it is that you wish. Let me make this clear to you, you have what pushed you to betray my father's trust and then took me with you. You have my gifts and so I beg of you to go your way and allow us to go our way. I have decided not to say to the gods "This man that promised to nurture my gifts is no longer nurturing my gifts instead what he is doing is now is to make use of the gift to the helping of humanity. You have collected what was mine and now instead of allowing us to be on our way you have come to stop us, to kill us" "This is where you all get it wrong" began the diviner. "I have not come to fight you after having taken your powers Mori, no, that is not what I have come to do, instead I have only come to give you what is yours. I had initially thought that with your powers I would be able to accomplish many things for not only the gods but for myself but having to remember that what I was doing to you was entirely out of the plan of the gods for me and for you I decided to withdraw. Now, I not only want to give you back what is yours but I am also willing to have you ask me of what you need me to do for you and you will see it done. This power in my hand which belongs to you needs to get back to you but I must warn you of what to expect if this paper is to return to you; the power will be more intense and it will yearn for many other things. It will overwhelm you and that is why when I give it back to you you must learn to control yourself. When this power gets back to you you will not be needing any more training on how to make use of it, you will automatically become aware of how to make use of it. This is dangerous too because having realised how to use it after I give it back to you can only mean one thing; it can only mean that my life will now be in your hands and you can choose to put it off like a burning fire at any given time. Now I plead for myself, that you forgive me of the wrong which I have committed against you, that you forgive me of what I have done to you, the strange things which I did which I should not have done, please forgive me of them and then you can stretch forth your hands to grab what is yours" When he said this, just then Mori's father said to Mori, "Listen to what he has told you Mori; when he returns the gift to you do not touch him, all you will have to do for me Immediately he returns the gift to you is to stay back and watch me and him. I would want to have taste of what it feels like to fight with diviner" "Father no, you must not think that. There is so much power in a diviner and they can use it to escape from any danger. This means that if you try to attack him he might end up using his powers on you and you and I know what it means to be taken unaware by the power of a diviner. Please let him be for now and do not bother yourself about it all. When he gives me my powers I have not prepared to attack him and so I will not, instead I will be looking at him and I will be leaving him. I have nothing against him and that is all" The father had heard his daughter but he was still not comfortable with the idea of not having to be given the opportunity of fighting the diviner, the diviner who took his only daughter hostage after he had entrusted her into his care. This annoyed him so much but he had no other reason to keep insisting that he was going to fight with the diviner, not after his daughter had curtioned him not to. He remained standing there and then waiting for his daughter Mori to go ahead and collect the powers which belonged to her from the hands of the diviner who had held onto it. As Mori walked up to the diviner the diviner said to her, "Take what is yours" At that instance the powers from the container went on Mori.
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