Chapter 62

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Just then both women looked at one another and then it downed on them that the king was thinking faster than them, that he was becoming more suspicious of them than they were of him. They kept standing inside the dungeon hoping that he would talk about their freedom. It was only Mori, Mori who knew before then of what the gods had in store for Adere and for herself and for anyone who was connected to Adere that was not scared of what the next minute held. It was during that moment that Mori decided to say a word to him. "I know for sure that you have something with us and that was why you brought us here. We are so eager to know why king of Abah kingdom..You are a great king and you are known all over the world. What we are not sure of is what we did that brought about our being taken hostage" said Mori. The king smiled wickedly and then responded, "It is not always as you think my dear. The world does not revolve around you my dear. You re from the land of Zinu are you not? You are from the land where the Agori has taken as his? I know about it all but I am not here to discuss about that with you both. You both were on the run when you were taken hostage by the watchers of this land. You both know what the watchers are and what they are known for. You do not need to know how it goes but then if something must be known to have any effect it is with the way that it goes, the way that it makes a lot of sense. I am a king but I had been in your shoes in the past. I know what it feels to run, to run from something that chases you, to run from something that makes you fear even yourself. I am not going to stand here and speak to you all about what I desire of you and so I am going to speak to you one after the other. For now the one that I would like to speak with is the one that gave birth to Adere. I know his name is Adere, I mean my watchers took notice of his name and ever since then all I have wanted to do is to have a meeting with him. How can I have this meeting with him and how can he accept to do what I am asking of him if he is not talking about the things that are supposed to be done. My heart beats whenever I am allowed to see what it feels to be what it means to be. I am going to be needing him with him but I am not going to do that by force because I will be needing his help if I end up getting him to sit with me" At this moment Adere's mother was no longer wondering what next the king was going to say, infact what was on her mind was to sit down and ignore the king but it was Mori, it was Mori who made her to understand that playing along with the king would be a very nice idea. She herself, Mori did not know where whatever it was that thing was trying to achieve will lead her, Adere's mother and Adere to having not known why but one thing she was aware of was the fact that despite what had happened there was where the whole thing would lead to. She signaled Adere's mother to remember what they discussed and how she begged her to play along and let them see where the whole thing would be leading them to. At some point there was nothing else that they could think of, there was nothing else that could be done, all Adere's mother was now going to do was to give the king of Abah her listening ears. The king of Abah had left them there and had returned to where he was before he came to them. "I know why I am saying that it will be good you pay attention to whatever it is that the king is going to say. You have to listen to him..Do you know why I am saying this? I am saying it because in my senses I can perceive that the king, whatever he is about to do is going to expose your son to the point where his destiny lies. Just realised already that there are things that need to be done, things that needed nothing to achieve instead things that required only the very reason that we are all attributed to. Give him, the king your listening ear. He has said that he wants to invite you to dinner so that you can have a discussion with him during dinner. Do not waste your time trying to remind him of hunger, do not say to him, "This one whom was brought in here with me has not eaten anything and she is hungry now. Do not speak for me because while you are there I will be here praying to the gods, the same gods that helped save my life in that cave and the same gods that destroyed my enemies and they will sustain me and help you achieve whatever it is you will be going to achieve through the dinner that you will be having with the king of Abah Kingdom" Adere's mother was not aware if she was ready for this but she cleared her throat and said to Mori, "Your story inspires me. I may be older than you are with so much years yet I can not deny the fact that there are things that you know which I do not know, there are things which I only want you to have at the back of your mind and that is the fact that if they want my son so that they could kill him I will never agree to it. If they do not do what they need to do in order to bring forth what they need to bring forth then I have nothing for them. I can not look on while they discuss on how to have my only son killed and then you expect me to sit just right there and be watching. It is not done anywhere and there is no way I am going to allow that to happen" "You yourself while you are still here you heard by yourself from the king of Abah. You heard him say that there is no way he would wish your son death. You were here he said that what he needs your son for is to help eradicate something, something that troubles the whole wide world. You and I know now why he needs your son, why he needs Adere. Go, I have told you to go. You have to listen to me and to and see with the king. Whatever he says you will always return here to tell me. Do you now understand?" Adere's mother nodded and then decided that she would be at the dinner table with the king of Abah that night. ***** In the kingdom of Agori, the king of Agori who was going to the cell that night, the same night that Rira had asked that guard to help her see with Aboro the guard noticed that the king was trying to go to the cell that same night and then decided to go to the chamber of Rira and then tell her of the new development and why her wish to see with Aboro that same night was not going to be possible any longer. When he reached her chamber he discovered that she was not there He did not know what to think. He remained standing there and wondering why on Earth she would leave her tent without informing him of where she was going to little did he know that the one that he was hoping on trying to tell that her desire to see Aboro that night in his cell was already on her way to the cell room where Aboro was kept. She decided to go there after she waited for the guard to show up but he did not on time. It was Immediately she left that the guard showed up and after he had showed he was not aware or that it did not cross his mind to think that it could be possible that Rira had decided to go to the cell without anyone with her. it was while he was about to ask another guard to look for her that the thought crossed his mind and he stood transfixed. He stood there for some seconds and then broke into a run. He was heading straight to the Chambers of the king to know if he had left his chamber for the dungeon and wen he got there he saw that the king had left his chamber and he knew at once that he had left his chamber to head straight to the dungeon where Aboro was kept. This made him so sad and he decided to rush to the dungeon in order to ensure that Rira was not on her way to that place because he knew that if she was on her way to the dungeon and the king of Abah was also on his way to the dungeon it could only mean one thing; it could only mean that Rira would be discovered and if she was to be discovered it meant her death. As the guard ran towards the dungeon he met with some of the soldiers in the palace who were wondering what was happening to him, why he was running like a mad person in the palace. ***** In the kingdom of Abah, the king was already seated on his seat with his food presented before him. He did not want to start eating yet, not until the coming of the lady; Adere's mother. Soon Adere's mother showed up with two palace servants escorting her to the table..With her head bowed down and she stared to the ground she took her seat. She sat down and then looked up at the king. The king of Abah thought that her beauty radiated as she looked up at him and he wondered if a woman as young as she was would be able to give birth to a young man like Adere. His hands on the very thing that mattered the most and he went on to ask her the same question. "Do you know Adere? You are talking like you knew him or have met with him. What if he is just a boy, a boy who wants to live his life just like every other young man in his age" said Adere's mother. "You can eat now" the king just said and started eating. When he started eating Adere's mother who was not convinced that it was enough already for her to start eating sat there and not touching her food. The king looked up at her after a while and then dropped his own spoon and fork and continued to stare at her. "You need to start eating. One thing I have to tell you is that I like people and I like respecting people to a point but one thing again which I do not allow is when people take advantage of that meekness of mine and then try to use it against me. I am as easy as water but not when I have chosen to feel like a man whose limit has been reached. You should eat your food while we discuss and after that you can choose where you would like to be from now on" The king wanted to continued eating but realised that the woman was not yet ready to eat and he said to her, "What do you want?" "I want to leave this place. I do not belong here and so I would like to leave here. Whatever it is that you have with my son you can choose to have it with another but let us go. We have not done you any wrong; me and Mori" "Is that her name; the name of the one with you inside the cell where I kept the both of you. Is that her name?" asked the king.
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