Chapter 8

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Aboro was merciless with his adventure of killing the people of Zinu. Adere's father could see how he was cutting men and women to the ground. He would swing his long sword and two men would fall dead before him..When Adere's father saw that Aboro was nearing him and the people that he wanted to save from the land of Zinu he picked a sword and stood his ground, with the women and children with him and some other men hiding behind him. Aboro saw this and began to laugh. He said to the father of Adere, "Are you sure that you will be able to stand me you little brat. I see you with that sword in your hand and it looks fake, like a baby holding a sword against a warlord. You will see that I am not called Aboro for nothing. I am not going to fight you with my hands filled with weapons. Why would I do that? I am instead going to fight you with my bare hands and then I will prove to you that Aboro eats humans alive and uses their bones as took pick. I am going to eat you and use your bones as my took pick, to pick my teeth" He laughed even the more but then his laughter did not move Adere's father who was determined to ensure that he secured the lives of those of Zinu land. He stood his ground and Aboro let go of his two swords which filled his both hands and then he said to Adere's father, "It is time for you to show me what you have got. You know that when you come at me you will not go without either having me killed or having me kill you. I would advise that since you mustered that energy to try to save this people I am going to tell you to go on and follow the rest that are still on the run but for those with you presently you must leave to my care" Adere's father was not ready to have that conversation with Aboro. He knew him too well or rather he had heard much about Aboro and he did not need anyone to tell him of how dangerous and wicked he could be. He knew that even if he decided to leave the rest he was with and go in search of the path his son and his wife took Aboro was not only going to have to kill those ones before him but he would go after him again to make sure that he completed his task. This Adere's father thought and stood his ground. At that point Aboro was no longer ready to allow the things that Adere's father was going to continue. He was now ready to teach the old man some lessons. He jumped up at once and and Adere's father dodged him. The ones with Adere's father began to cry because they had already lost hope before the fight began; they knew that there was nothing way it would be possible for Adere's father to kill Aboro or even stand his hit for a second. Aboro was determined to have the old man killed but Adere's father having known his fate already was not ready to join his ancestors without inflicting an injury on the big man. He turned and shouted to the people of Zinu, commanding them to start running and not wait until after he was dead before they start to escape. The handful of people standing there looked at each other but one of them said in a loud voice; he was a man, "We are not going to leave you alone to him. if we all are going to die then we die together. We are not going to allow a man such as him to be the reason we are called cowards for the rest of the lives of our generations yet unborn..We are standing with you Adere father of Adere!!!" When Adere's father heard them say this he was filled with emotions and he then decided that since he was not going to be able to talk them out of their decision that it would be better to have them face Aboro with him for a final stand. Aboro having learnt about this insisted that he was going to stand alone with his fight with the handful of Zinu people standing with Adere's father. Aboro then pounced on them. As huge as he was he was able to hold some of them by the heads and tossed them very far. They would fall heavily only to get up again to face their fears. Adere's father at a point had his neck in the grip of Aboro and he was struggling to regain his freedom. Aboro pressed so hard that blood began to come out of the old man's mouth. At a point Aboro tossed him to the ground and then decided to pick his two swords. His men that stood behind him were actually entertaining themselves by his moves. He was so good in his fight that one would forget he was fighting. One of the people with Adere's father lost his head at once and another one lost his left leg. There was one that had his stomach opened wide with the sword that Aboro was wielding. When the men were loosing their lives it was left for Adere's father to stand his final ground. He jumped up to stop Aboro but Aboro buried the edge of his sword in his mouth and it pierced right through to the back of his head. The lady that was with them who saw this gory sight screamed and began to run. The rest also having seen that Adere's father had fallen began to run too. Aboro did not want it to be over yet, he was determined to have them all killed and so he commanded his men to go after them at once. Aboro had killed Adere's father and his dead body laid before his feet. The next day after Aboro left the land of Zinu with the rest of his men back to the land of Agori where Aboro served as the commander of the army of Agori he was welcomed by the people of Agori as they hailed his name in the open market. He was passing on his horse while his men followed from the back. They were actually heading straight to the palace of the king of Agori and they intended to relay to the king of Agori the outcome of their invasion in the land of Zinu. The king of Agori was seated on his throne with seven of his concubines seated by his left and right sides. He was picking the fruits placed before him while one of his concubines massaged his feet. He looked up and was informed that the warlord Aboro was back from invading the land of Zinu. He was so elated that he had to stand up. His officials started arriving one after the other because they too had heard that Aboro was back with the rest of the men he took with him to sack the land of Zinu. They had gone to the palace to witness what next the king of Agori had to say. When all had seated and the king of Agori had seen that Aboro was there before him and kneeling before him he looked up and said to him, "What else would you want to tell me that you have not yet told me. I would want you to rise up and let the celebration begin at once for I am certain for sure that victory is ours" Aboro arose from where he knelt and then said to the king, "You are right my king, you are so very right and I have nothing to be against you for any reason. My joy is very much abound and I am very much moved to share with you the outcome of our visit but before I begin and just like you said it will be good of me to tell you all that we are back as Victor's and not as the defeated. When we entered the land of Zinu all they did was run. They could not stand our presence and their elders and their going men were just fleeing from us like hens fleeing from a wild cat. We did not want to start showing them mercy because they did not utilize the mercy that we showed them in the past. It would be better if it did not go down well for them because it did not. We began to cut them to the ground starting from the palace of their Chief or their king or whatever it was that they refered to him as. We did not want to show them any mercy and they saw no means of escaping from us for if they had seen maybe we would not have been able to get our hands on them and crush them the ways that we did. Today the land of Zinu is yours to take and I will gladly take you to that land anytime you are ready to explore it"
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