Chapter 53

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When the king of Abah was informed that the woman that had come into his palace, the woman that he had prepared to call his own as his wife, the woman that he loved so much and had wanted to make his own was dead he did not know what to think. At first he did not believe it or that he did not want to believe it. He kept on wondering if the man that had come to tell him of what had happened actually knew what he was talking about. The man repeated himself without mincing words. The king frowned his face and then rose from his seat and somehow manage to let go of some words off his mouth, "What are you saying this one? Are you aware of what has just escaped from your mouth this second or are you drunk to say it?" he was visibly angry at the man that stood before him to announce the death of the king's woman. The man was not afraid because what he had just told the king was what had happened and not what was expected to happen or what he was not sure if it happened. He had seen the body, the lifeless body of the woman the king loved as it laid on the floor of her chamber, the chamber that the king she was to marry gave to her to nest in and rest in. The king who had risen from his seat tried to walk and then wondered if his legs were still strong enough to carry him, for he would not want to disgrace himself. He then decided to sit back to avoid any uncertain embarrassment. As he retook his seat the man who had come in to inform him of his woman kept kneeling where he was kneeling, making sure he did not look at the king eye ball to eye ball. The king who was having his eyes fixed on him did not know if actually the man was drunk. "I do not want to repeat myself. I said what have you just spoken to my hearing not long ago?" said the king. "I told you already my lord and I would tell you again for another one hour without mincing words for what I am saying I am sure of and what I am saying my eyes fell upon. So I am not assuming or thinking, instead I know of what I speak of" The king did not want to keep imagining that the guard that had come to break the news of the death of his wife to be was lying, infact he was now ready to go and see things for himself. He stood up and without a another word began to head straight to the chamber of the woman. He was sensing that his heart was pounding and he knew that was not normal but yet he was determined to let that heart of his to skip and cause him to fall if that was what it was going to take for him to show how pained he was. When he reached there he stood before the door and kept looking at the lifeless body of the woman after his heart. He saw that the chief adviser and the prime minister with other palace officials had gathered at the scene and each and everyone of them was folding his hands. He walked slowly to where the dead body was lying and then bent over it and started to touch her face. He could tell that there was no way one of his officials would not be responsible for the death of this woman and he swore that although he had lost his precious wife to be he was not going to allow her rest in peace without accompanying her to the afterlife with a human being. He rose on his feet and then turned to face the rest of the officials and with tears forming in his eyes he said to them, "I could have decided not to believe this but then here I am with you all to witness this gruesome murder of the woman that I love with all of my heart. You all have seen this and you all have witnessed this and you all have come to realise that despite the fact that there are things that would not seem like it there is no way anyone would stick forth his hand to make amends. I am not going to allow the death of my wife to be just like this. This is never going to happen. I am going to ensure that I find it out that which has turned me into this half man half ghost. I will not rest until I fish out the person behind this act, this evil act against me, not just against me but against the people of this land. For what is a king without a heart, what is a king without a smile on his face, a king without a heart is as good as dead and a king without a smile on his face is a wicked and a ruthless king; is that what I will become from now on, I mean this does not sound like it but I am sure that what I am saying now will make a lot of sense to all of you. Woe to that man, woe to that woman who becomes the reason for all of this, to that man who is the owner of the hand that struck my wife to be and struck life out of her. What does this mean, I mean what does it actually entails? I am never going to allow this to happen, I am never going to allow anyone to go about making my life a miserable one. Whoever dares to be the reason things like this happened to me will face the consequences of his or her actions. I am going to lift my hand against that person and that person would pray that he never existed" The king stopped speaking and went away. The guards who had come with with him decided to do what they had to do to take the corpse to where it had to be until they hear from the king once again. The king was now seated in his quite chamber, a chamber that was not his main chamber but a secret chamber where he goes into if he did not want to be disturbed, that was the same chamber that he went into. While he was seated there and sipping the alcohol in his hand shortly he heard someone's footsteps approaching and he looked up, wondering who that person could be..As he waited to see the person suddenly he saw that the person standing at the door of his secret chamber was none other person but the Chief Adviser. It was that Chief Adviser that the king was suspecting to have been the one that killed his woman. When he looked up to see him standing there what came out of his mouth was not good at all for he had said, "Woe to that man who nears me yet he is going to be the one that will face my judgement. He will not have me to blame for my anger towards him and he would wish that he never existed for the things that I will do to him will be so severe that he would wish he had died before now" The Chief Adviser did not need anyone to tell him that the king was by that time referring to him and making him to understand indirectly that he was suspecting him of being the one that ran his woman through. At this point he did not know what else to say but he was not ready to keep quite thereby encouraging the king of Abah to continue to suspect him. He was going to make sure that the king changed his thoughts that instance. He walked up to him and standing before him he said to him, "My lord and my king, there is something that I have decided to bring to you notice. While mourn over the death of your woman it is crucial for us to know that I have nothing to do with the pains that you now suffer. I know that you suspect that I did it because your words now as I entered clearly shows that you think I killed her. It is not wrong for you to think that, I mean who would not think that, I strongly stood against your marriage with her and that did not mean that I could raise my hand to kill her simply because I did not want you to marry her. She was your woman and she loved you so much. You too loved her and both of you despite the fact that some of us did not like her to be your wife we could not deny the fact that love between the both of you could have made this land what we have always dreamed it to be. My lord I want you to know that my hands are clean of all of this and knowing this is going to help us in collaborating to fight the very thing that disturbs the whole world. You know that the ancient beast is the major threat to mankind and you know that the watchers whom you sent out are the ones that sought out the solution to this matter. I am very much aware that you are not so much obscures from the truth. We are required to be more united now and now separated. Please my king" The words of the Chief Adviser did not get to the king because he himself could not believe that he could fall so great in love that he could act the way that he was acting. That moment it downed on the king of Abah that it was time for him to speak to the adviser. "I did not accuse you Adviser, instead you have accused yourself before me and you know what that means right?"asked the king. "I did not accuse myself before you my lord instead I was being plain with you as not just my king but as my friend with whom I find peace and understanding. Why are you so eager to bring confusion to this palace. I am speaking to you as my friend, my brother. I served your father before you and he trusted me even though he knew that I was too young to be his adviser. You and I have always meant to be together and you know this. Bringing this issue about who killed your woman is good but do not allow the grief to be the reason you no longer have any reason to trust any one in your circle any longer. I am your friend and I have always been your friend. Even if you can no longer trust another atleast know it in your heart that i can never be the reason you will cry. I can never make you cry. Why suspect me this much when I was not the only one that stood against your marriage with her, why my king?" The king was tired of listening to him and he was not going to continue to stand there with him. "I am not ready for this long talks adviser. I have told you that I am never going to allow my woman's death to end just like that. Before she is buried her Killer's head must be put into her grave; it is a promise that I made to her and that is how it is going to be, nothing is going to stop it, not you and not the prime minister, so get away from my sight this minute" The adviser did not know what else to say. He was tired of trying to make the king to see reasons with him and having realised that there was nothing he could do to calm him down he decided to tell him to his face that the watchers he sent out had returned and that they came back with them the mother to the chosen one, the one chosen to bring to an end the problems they had been facing all their lives. When the king heard this he turned to look at the adviser and knew that he was serious.
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