Chapter 51

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At the cave where Mori was kept and where the diviner who abducted her had come out to see the noiser that entered the cave side was standing he was actually looking face to face with Mori's father and he kept wondering if he was seeing clearly or if his mind was playing tricks on him. If he was seeing clearly how come Mori's father was able to locate them, he wondered. He rubbed his face with both hands and looked carefully and then it downed on him and he did not need a sun shade to make him see that the person standing before him was none other person but the father of Mori. He then knew that he had to either have the man and the man he had come with killed or they would have him killed. "All for what diviner, all so you could take my daughter and do to her as you wish? I should have known better but I was blinded by your fake promises and have you my daughter to mentor. So you brought her here to have her killed or to have her do what for you? Your end has come and you have nothing to say to me now to make me change my mind about what I already intended to do to you if I laid my eyes on you" said Mori's father. The diviner looked angrily and maliciously at the man that had helped Mori's father to locate them and said to him, "I think I had seen you many times before now. So you have been monitoring me all those while that you come near my house, you that I believe I have helped once or twice? You have come here with him that you may fight me right?" "what else do you think that we have come here for? You think we have come here to play or to thank you for all the evil that you did to us? You are not sure if you will be able to walk away from here alive but all you can do now is to provide for us the lady that you abducted, the lady by the name Mori" the person that had said this was the man with Mori's father. Mori's father held him by the shoulder and then walked to his front and standing before the diviner he said to him, "What else would you want us to say before you do what you are supposed to do? I have come here and you know why I have come to this place, you know quite alright the reason behind it and I am not going to tell you exactly what you have already decided to hear but then It will be better for you to know that there is something that belongs to me which is in your custody and unless you provide that which is mine there is no way I will leave here and there is no way I will leave you alive" The diviner looked side ways and having seen that actually the father to Mori was prepared to do to him anything he could be able to do to him he said to him, "Very well then, father to Mori. I will just go in there and bring your daughter to you" he tried to move but Mori's father aimed his bow and arrow towards and dared him to move an inch. The diviner turned and asked, "You came and you said that I have something that belongs to you and the reason you came is because you have come to collect that which is yours. If you truly want to make it happen the way that it is supposed to happen I see no reason why you must not go ahead and do what you are supposed to do. Let me go in and get you what you said that belongs to you" The diviner tried to move an inch again but this time Mori's father said to him, "Very well then, I know that I said that and that is the problem. I would like to go in there with you to get hold of my daughter and I would not want to see any scratches on her when I must have laid my eyes on her. What you need to do for me now is to allow me to make amends where amendments are needed. I would not want to make amends where amendment is not needed" Both men then decided to go inside to meet with Mori. Mori was now lying helplessly on the floor by the time that her father and the rest came to her. They found out that she had been stripped off her powers and she could not even lift a finger. That was the point where her father got so angry and wanted to hit the diviner but the diviner used his left hand to hurl wind onto his face and when Mori's father opened his eyes he could not see the diviner again. The diviner had disappeared and the man who had gone into the cave was shocked for he too could not see where diviner had gone to. At that moment Mori's father turned and said to the man that he had gone to the forest with, "let us take my daughter out of this place before she looses her life" "I agree but have you noticed that the diviner and whoever was in here with your daughter before we entered have taken away your daughter's gifts, are you aware of this?" This was what made him to loose confidence. He let go of what he was holding but did not let go of his daughter. There was no way he was going to allow the things that had happened to bring down his dislike on his only child. He held onto her tightly and both of them took her outside and helped her to mount the horse that they brought with them. The man who was inside the cave with Mori when the diviner went outside to meet with Mori's father had said to Mori, "I think and I feel that the person who has entered this place is your father but I know too that the diviner that I know can never and will never hand you over to him without colleting from you that which he had toiled all days for. You see my daughter, I have decided that before the diviner would be able to finish speaking with your father outside i am going to ensure that I do what I have to do where you are" When he had said this he touch Mori on the forehead and began to absorb her gift. Mori had wanted to scream because it was too painful but then the hand of the man who had held her mouth was also able to shut her mouth and she could not utter a word. When the man was done absorbing her powers he put them into a container which he was holding on his left hand and then disappeared into thin air. Mori having lost her powers could not lift even a single finger. She kept lying down there like death until the time her father with the rest entered. On their way out of the forest the man who had been following Mori's father said to him, "I am not happy that we are going without your daughter's gift. The diviner had deceived us and now we are going home with your daughter without her gifts" "I do not care much about the gifts, not any longer, my mind instead is focusing on ensuring that my daughter is well taken good care of. I am not going to allow anything to hinder us from taking her home alive. She is my only child, my only Daughter in whom I find so much peace and assurance. Let us take her home first and every other things can follow after then" They continued to march on their horses. The man that took Mori's gifts appeared in a desert and stood there holding up the container which contained the precious gift of Mori and while he was still standing there the diviner appeared also and stood infront of him. "How long will you continue to run from me you coward. I brought a lady with a gift that I spoke to you about of how much i need it but you took advantage of the situation at hand and went on to take the gift without my consent. You should have known by now that I have grown beyond what you used to know me for. I am not ready to loose the powers, not after I have sacrificed everything to arrive the cave in seeking for your attention. How dare you, you that I have helped countless times, you ingrate that is ungrateful. I should have just decided to abandon you where you called on me for help many years ago. There is only one reason why I have decided to follow you to this place, I would not have if you had nothing I so much desire, something which belongs to me. All you have got to let me to understand is the ability to know why you are holding onto something that does not belong to you. I would not want to say this word again, ofcourse not again and so I am going to ask you again, what have you got to say about me, are you going to hand over to me what is mine or would you rather have me take it by force?" The being looked at him for a while and then said to him, "There is no reason for all of that, I see no reason why you should be so much concerned about this gift but if I must ask you this simple question and if you must answer me this question plainly I would so much appreciate it, now let me know for sure, why did you not disappear and appear in my cave with the lady who had this gift in my hand; were you scared or you did not trust yourself enough to disappear and appear?" "You are speaking out of point and I am not cut out of all that; instead I want you to know in case you have forgotten that invoking the power of appeareance and disappearance could endanger the gift of the lady..She was very powerful. You are so ignorant and that is why you are unable to perceive the amount of power in the gift that you are holding. Why am I then wasting my time when I am aware that you can have all that you can demand to have but definitely not the power of the lady that I brought here. Now I am not going to speak further; hand the gift over and hand it over fast" "If I do not hand it over what will happen? if I refuse to hand you over this powerful gift which you claim you are entitled to what is going to be your reaction, are you going to fight me because of I" asked the man from the cave but the diviner was not only prepared to do whatever it could take on order to get the gift of Mori out of his hand but he was also prepared to have him killed if that was what it was going to take in order for him to take back what was his. When the man from the cave had seen that his eyes were red and that he was ready to fight to death for the sake of the gift he decided to fight to keep it also if that was what it was leading to. He looked at the diviner for a while and then spoke to him, "I have tried to make you understand that with me this gift is going to help humanity and it would be more useful in my hands than in your hands but I have seen that no matter what I say to you it will not change your mindset and I am not ready to allow that be the end of it. I will have to fight for this gift of Mori as well and the question should be; are you also ready just as I am to fight for what you believe belongs to you or are you not?"
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