Chapter 25

2002 Words
The death was staring right into the eyes of Adere's mother an Mori but what Mori had found out was that if she tried to run it would be to the death of Adere's mother and she could nor bring herself to allow that to befall the woman. She held her hand tighter and encouraged her to stand he ground. It was at this point that Adere's mother felt that the reason Mori was insisting that they stayed behind was to make their death faster and less painful instead of running through the forest and end up meeting with the same death that was already meant for them but alas that was not what Mori was trying to do, instead the reason she was doing what she was doing was because her mind told her that there was no way she would be able to escape death from the lion if they were to run instead she stood her ground because she intended confronting the lion. When the lion looked around and realised that all had dispersed except the two ladies standing at a distance that seemed not to be scared of it that drew his attention and he began to walk towards them. When the beast was upon them Mori closed both eyes and Adere's mother followed suit. They both closed their eyes for a few minutes and when Mori opened her eyes for the was the first to open her eyes the lion was no longer with them. She shook Adere's mother and the woman opened her eyes as well and saw for sure that there was no longer any lion there with them. What Adere's mother could not understand was how Mori was able to do what ever it was that she did to scare away the lion. She stood there and Mori fell to the ground and started shivering. Adere's mother not knowing what else to do bent over her to realise that she was actually becoming cold on the ground. She held onto her and there was no one there to help her with her. She did not know what to do but what made her to have it in his mind was that it was not going to take anything for things to start happening the way that they were going to start happening. They all believed in one thing and that which they believed in always worked for them. While Mori was lying down there with Adere's mother clueless on what to do or where to start to help her she heard sound of voices and she looked up to behold her son, Renu, with Edu and the rest. Adere was so happy to see his mother once again and he rushed and gave her a warm hug. The mother remained in his arms as tears of joy filled her eyes. "Where have you been all these while my lovely son, I have been missing you all these while and have been wondering what I would do without you, where I would go or be without you, what would have become of me without you. My son I am so much elated that you are here now and my mind tells me that despite the fact that you came to me and it is not too late I am joyous that things did not spoil very much" Adere gave his mother another hug before the woman started hugging the rest of them. She was so much elated to have them all back as one after the wind blew and separated them. Adere bent over Mori and wanted to know what exactly had happened to her but his mother told her that things with Mori were not something that could be discussed at that moment just like that but that there is another thing that she so much would like to do for them. At that moment the woman asked his son, 'Will it not be better for us to sit down and then we can talk more?" Adere and the rest sat down and Adere's mother looked at the unconscious Mori where she was still lying on the ground and then decided to tell the rest what she had been observing all these while. "Firstly I must be willing to tell you all of what I had to pass through in this journey of mine. When you all decided to go down the valley in search of things to use in building the camp which we had initially wanted to build I did not want to make it look like that but then it was so simple. I with the rest of the elders you all left with me saw the wind as it blew at you all over there. The wind was very serious and it was coming to where we were standing. There was nothing more that we could do except to take our eyes and fix them on the spot of where we were. We decided to move from where we were when we began to see you all running helter skelter. We did not want to be another victim but I prayed in my heart throughout our movement that you be safe and come back to us. Now that you all have returned I must tell you why you can not find the rest with us; they are actually on the run too because we were attacked by a beast, a lion, here in this forest..We could not kill it but somehow after all others had run off, leaving me and Mori here Mori used her powers to ensure that the lion did not attack us. It was something that we did not understand, something that we did not comprehend, it was not as it seemed but then we were very much aware of what was happening. Let me tell you this my son, Mori here has special powers and I am saying this with all seriousness in me" Adere looked at the rest and Renu shrugged because she could not understand what Adere's mother was trying to say. Adere's mother seeing that none of them was ready to say a word as they appeared confused decided to continue with what they were saying. The woman cleared her throat and seeing that the eyes of everyone was upon her she decided to be more open to them. He then decided to speak further by explaining what she meant. "After you all left for the valley to get the stuffs for the building of the camp I was the one that did what I had to do and that was exactly what I am trying to say. The lady Mori said some words to me, words that kept me in contemplation until now. Aside that something then happened here that still makes me believe that Mori is not ordinary; The reason that you are not seeing the elders that you left us with is because when the lion came at us they ran, the lion caught some I can not tell but most of them ran away and I can not say exactly where they headed, all I am aware of is that they headed towards different directions and that was why I can not tell where they headed. I was left standing alone here with Mori and Mori insisted that we were not going to run away from the lion. At first I thought that she did not mean it, then I thought she meant it but because she did not want us running around and still get ourselves hunted down an killed by the angry lion but unknown to me that that was not actually the reason behind her actions and that the major reason she was doing what she was doing was because she wanted a situation whereby there would be nothing else to look up to. Now that I did not want to run away and she herself did not want to run away and having been told by her by her to stand her ground all I could understand was that she was ready to do what was needed. She closed her eyes not because she wanted to do anything else but because she wanted to stop the lion from coming any closer to us. She typically stopped the lion from attacking us with her head. I don't know how she did it but when I opened my eyes I saw that the lion was no longer in front of us and that Mori was growing cold where she was standing. She then fell to the ground and that was how you met us. As you can see without being told she was not meant to be like this when you all came but here she is and I believe that despite the fact that you all found her like this there is no doubt that she will be on her feet soon. This is what is happening and I believe that you all are very much into this truth. Let us join hands together and know what else to do" While she was saying this Renu looked at Mori closely and saw that she had opened her eyes. She walked up to her and helped her to sit up. While she seated up Adere's mother asked to know if she was okay and she said that she was okay. Adere's mother asked her son to come with her because she had some thing that she would like to tell him. Adere followed his mother to a spot and they stood there. Once they stood there the mother said to him, "Now all I want to do is to tell you exactly what that lady Mori said before the incident of the lion. I did not want to say what she said infront of the others because I did not want anyone to start looking at you somehow. Now let me tell you what happened after the incident of the wind, I can not remember if the incident happened before she said what she said or if she said what she said before the incident of the wind at the valleys where you and the rest were fetching the stuffs for the building of the camp. This is why I am saying that it is not good that I say this infront of others with us but it should interest you that she mentioned your name at that time and she said something of you being the one to save the world. I could have decided to know more what she meant by that but it did not bother me. What I later found out was the fact that there are others who are willing to do what needs to be done. there is nothing that can stop their growth any longer. There is only one reason why things happen the way that they do. My son if you looked at her when you and the rest returned you would see that she was actually cold and it showed in her face. What this means is that we re only going to ensure the safety of every other person. She called your name and said that you were the very person that would save the world but then there is someone with you who will bring down your destiny. I cannot begin now to imagine who that person is without knowing deeper what Mori mean by what she said. Which is why I think that it would be better to firstly understand her fully so as to know what exactly she wanted me to know. I can not tell you to discard those that are with you because I have not discovered that any of them is trying to bring you harm. You are not going to be able to bring yourself harm either by being too careful. Now what do you say to all these son?"
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