C0004: Fate’s Last Joke

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Running into her third sister Saphira and her cousin Edvard did not bode well for Jayde, every time she came across them, they took great pleasure in tormenting her. The whole Freehold Clan hated her, they blamed her for all the snide remarks the people of Arvia said behind their backs. Some of the clan members believed Jayde was a calamity waiting to happen. It was said she would bring a disaster to the family if she were allowed to stay, many pushed for her to be expelled from the Freehold Estate while others demanded that she be killed before a calamity befell the clan. Za'thul refused to allow Jayde to be driven from the clan, by no mistake was it due to any soft feelings he had for his daughter, he was worried that should Jayde not be under the clan's control that someone would be able to perform a blood rite spell and it would be discovered she was actually his daughter. Never mind the embarrassment such a truth would bring to the clan, but he would be charged with falsely accusing his wife and would face murder charges. The only reason he had not killed her yet was that legend said that if you killed your child or parent, you would face harsh judgment from the gods. Whether that was true or not, Za'thul did not know, but there were many horror stories told of about heir's killing their fathers or their bastard children to hide their affairs and disasters befalling them, with those tales around Za'thul did not dare to find out if the legend was true or not. With his hands tied he prayed that Jayde would die of natural causes in the pits. But like a weed, she stubbornly hung onto life, even after he arranged for Old Man Zhek death. Saphira and Edvard were standing together in the middle of the garden, anyone looking at them would think there were brother and sister since they resembled each other so much. Both were tall and lanky, with long coal-black hair. Saphira hair was braided and hung down the middle of her back like a thick black rope. She had a dramatic widow's peak, and her attractive angular black eyebrows framed her deep blue eyes. With her high cheeks, short, perky nose with full pink lips she would have been beautiful if not for the continuous look of discontentment on her face. Edvard had similar features to Saphira, although his eyes were lighter, and his cleft chin added a masculine look his otherwise pretty features. Edvard's long hair was tied up in a single ponytail. On Doha is was considered a sign of wealth and power for men to have long hair, male slaves were shaven, while male servants had short hair. Seeing Saphira and Edvard, Jayde tried to backtrack her steps, but fate wasn't on her side. Pointing at Jayde, Edvard said: "Hey, it's that disgusting bastard." Turning to look where Edvard was pointing to, Saphira nose wrinkled in disgust. "Filthy b***h," Saphira sneered. "Oi, you bloody bastard get your stinking ass over here," Edvard shouted. Jayde had no choice but to walk over to the two. Disobeying one's 'owners' could lead to a slave losing a layer of skin. Bowing down Jayde quietly greeted them. "Young Master, Young Mistress, how may I be of service?" asked Jayde subserviently. Ignoring Jayde, Saphira and Edvard leaned closer together, after a whispered discussion, Saphira and Edvard came up with their diabolical plan. With a sinister glint in his eyes, Edvard smiled evilly at Jayde. "The ancestor's library is filthy, go and clean it up," he ordered. "A...a-ncestors' library? But no one is allowed to enter without permission," Jayde stuttered. Knowing that her third sister and cousin had come up with a new way to get her into a heap load of trouble. "You useless piece of trash, are you refusing to follow your master's orders?" Saphira asked belligerently. "N...n-o," Jayde tried to deny. "But Head Housekeeper said that no one w—" "Who is more senior, Head Housekeeper or us?" Edvard interrupted. Knowing that is was useless to argue, Jayde lowered her head and whispered: "I will see it done, Young Master." Either way, I am not getting out of this without a beating, Jayde thought, at least Head Housekeeper will only have her beaten, and it would just take a few days to heal, while Saphira and Edvard would have her lose a couple of layers of skin and break some bones for disobeying them. Turning away quickly, Jayde made her way to the library, Saphira and Edvard followed her smirking at each other. There was going to be an excellent show to see, and they didn't want to miss it. After entering the library, Jayde collected the broom from the cleaning room and started to sweep the floor. Filthy my arse she scoffed to herself looking at the spotless library. Warily keeping an eye on Saphira and Edvard, Jayde was trying to figure out what they were up too. She was confused why both of them were just lounging around near one of the glass cases that housed one of oldest treasures in the library, she had thought that as soon as she had entered the library, one of them would have run off to call the Head Housekeeper. Jayde concentrated on sweeping the clean floor, while sneaking peeks at the two occasionally. Saphira and Edvard seemed to ignore Jayde while discussing the latest gossip in Arvia, but unknowing to Jayde they would glance at her sometimes and smile sinisterly. As Jayde neared them, they stepped away from the glass case. Still pretending to ignore Jayde they carried on with their discussion. With her back facing the two, Jayde missed the cold, ruthless look in Saphira's eyes. Suddenly Saphira lunged forward hitting Jayde squarely in the back. Caught off balance and with no way to save herself, Jayde crashed in the glass case, toppling it over. Time seemed to have slowed down to a snail pace as Jayde watched the glass case fall and shatter, the gold tome inside falling to the side. With the sound of the glass case shattering, time seemed to revert back to normal. Jayde fell on to her hands and knees, one of her hands falling on a couple of pieces of broken glass shards lying on the ground. The glass shards cut deep into her flesh and blood started to seep from the numerous deep cuts. I'm dead was all that was going through Jayde's mind at that moment. The elders will never pardon her for the crime of breaking the glass case, even if the tome was undamaged. The tome was the oldest, most precious treasure of the Freehold clan. It was rumored the founding clan leader had been entrusted with guarding this tome and should any damage come to this book, the whole clan would be exterminated, but as long as the tome was safe — the Freehold clan would enjoy success and grow strong. No-one really remembered why or how the golden book came to the Freehold clan, but it had been guarded zealously for several generations. One would have thought that considering how vital this tome was to the family, it would have been locked away in the family treasure vault, but the founding clan leader had left strict instructions it was to be placed in the clan's library, the reason for this was lost through time. "Oh you useless piece of garbage, look at what you have done," Edvard screamed. "Cousin, quickly go and call the elders." Unable to hide her grin, Saphira quickly ran out of the library. She raced to the clan's meeting hall, her whole body filled with joy. Finally, she could get rid of this thorn in her heart, for years her classmates at the academy had taunted her, whispering behind her back all because of the scandal caused by Jayde and her slutty mother. She knew her classmates were envious of her outstanding talent, but every time she achieved something someone would always bring up that abomination and her slut of a mother. Meantime, Jayde was trying to stand up, but Edvard kicked the back of her knees harshly, making her fall back down to the ground, her bloody hand accidentally landed on top of the golden tome. Jerking her hand away quickly, Jayde did not notice how the eight intertwined leaves engraved on the cover of the tome started to glow softly, her blood disappearing, as though being sucked into the book. "Oh you have done it now, you ugly bastard," Edvard taunted softly. "They are definitely going to hang you now." Jayde hung her head, smiling bitterly to herself. Isn't that want you wanted, she thought. Her whole being filled with despair and helplessness, her limbs trembling with fear — she didn't have the strength to even attempt to stand anymore, sitting there among the broken glass, she looked like a broken doll. Suddenly the air surrounding Jayde changed, there was a strange feeling prickling her skin, the atmosphere felt electrified. The world seemed to have suddenly gone quiet, as though all of a sudden someone had hit the pause button. Edvard looked around warily, he felt something was really wrong. Swiftly he backed away, trying to get as far away from Jayde and the mess around her. The pressure around the two increased exponentially, slowing Edvard escape. Jayde felt it was becoming difficult to breathe, even trying to lift her head took immense effort. The pressure around them kept on increasing. Both Edvard and Jayde felt as though their arms and legs weighed a ton. Edvard strength finally gave out, and he crashed to his knees. His eyes darting everywhere he was filled with fear and regret, why did they have to break that specific case, there were other precious scrolls and tomes they could have targeted — the stories were true, he thought, they had bought a disaster to the clan. All of a sudden, like a balloon that had popped, there was a high pitched squeaking noise. Then all the energy and pressure released, and there was a blinding light. BOOM!! The library exploded. Saphira had just reached the clan meeting hall when the library exploded. Turning around she looked in the direction of the explosion. By the gods! That's the library, she thought. Her face paling in fright, she stared dumbly at the building that was collapsing. The legends and rumors of the mysterious golden tome floated through her mind. Disaster. Huge calamity. Family exterminated, these thoughts were continuously repeating through her head. ✽✽✽ Freehold Clan Meeting Hall. The elders were enjoying the luxury banquet set out for them. In the center of the room was a large rectangle table. The table could seat over thirty people, was covered in silver platters overflowing with various exotic dishes. Everything you can think of, and things you have never dreamed of, lay on the silver platters. The amount of food displayed was more than enough food to feed over a hundred people but was prepared for just over fifteen people. On one of the silver platters, there were fleshy pink strips of fish, garnished with a dash of green herbs, another contained some sort of shellfish, their black shells lay open, the beige insides spilling out. Huge platters of fowl stuffed with savory fruit and nuts as well as many kinds of cheese, loaves of bread, vegetables, sweets, cakes, and tarts. In the middle of the table a full spit-roasted dire boar, its skin a sizzling, mouth-watering golden brown, the jaws of the dire boar prised open around some sort of forest green fruit. The elders and Za'thul laughed and chatted in loud voices, their crystal glasses inlaid with precious gems overflowing with expensive wines. BOOM!! "What the f**k?" one of the elders shouted. "Who dares attack the Freehold Clan?" another elder yelled. All the elders and clan leader Za'thul jumped up and rushed outside. ✽✽✽ Prophet Hall, Demon Realm. In a large room, filled with dusty stone tablets, a tall stone statue, covered with strange glyphs started to glow softly. ✽✽✽ Demon Palace, Demon Realm. In a sizeable luxurious marble room, empty except for a giant crystal ball in the middle of the room. The crystal ball was balanced on a black stone tripod. Inside the crystal ball was filled with a strange mist, that had been stagnant for thousands of years. All of a sudden the mist began to move ever so slowly. ✽✽✽ Strange Mountain, Unknown Realm. An old man sitting in a lotus position opened his eyes. "Finally, it's about to begin," he whispered and with a gentle smile, he closed his eyes, returning to his mediation. ✽✽✽ The Skies Above Doha. A small red star, unseen to the naked eye appeared. ✽✽✽ Overlord's Palace, Zartonesh Planet. In a dark room, a large stagnant pool of blood began to gently boil. ✽✽✽ All over Doha, small and strange things started to move - very slightly, with such a small movement no-one noticed. ✽✽✽ Outside The Freehold Clan Meeting Hall. Saphira was still standing there staring dumbly at the destroyed library when the elders and Za'thul ran outside. "What the hell happened?" Za'thul demanded. Shaken, Saphira turned to gaze at Clan Leader Za'thul. "I don't know," she said shaking her head. The plan to frame Jayde was thrown aside, there was no way she could be implicated in this matter. The clan would have her head for this disaster. Hopefully, Edvard and the trash were dead. Saphira couldn't believe their simple plan had gone so catastrophically wrong. If anyone found out, she was the masterminded behind this plan, not only was her life forfeited, but also her mother, her younger brother, and sisters. Calling the guards Za'thul and the clan elders rushed to the site of the library. Jayde had been knocked unconscious by the explosion, when she came to, she heard the sounds of many people moving the rubble away, looking at the chaos around her she was shocked she had been saved from grievously bodily harm. The area around her was clear all the debris — everywhere else were piles of rubble, tomes, and scrolls littering the area. Part of the roof had partially collapsed. Part of the roof's wooden beams had fallen to the ground. Edvard hadn't fared so well. His legs were trapped beneath some lumber, and he was still unconscious. Hearing the clan elders and her father's voice shouting for more people to help with the clearing of the rubble, Jayde trembled in fear and her eyes filled with tears. She was done for. With this thought running through her mind, she was filled with the desire to flee. Like a cornered rat, she looked around frantically. Seeing one of the windows in the rear wall was broken, she carefully made her way to it. Using a piece of broken wood she found lying nearby, she smashed the broken glass still stuck in the window frame so she would not get cut by the sharp pieces as she climbed through the window. Once the window frame was clear of all glass, she squeezed her way through the window. It was a tight fit, but she made it through. Thankfully the people clearing the rumble outside were making so much noise, it covered up Jayde escape. Lucky for Jayde the library was near a deserted courtyard, and she managed to sneak her way into the yard without anyone seeing her. Being Restday, most of the slaves and servants had already left the Freehold Estate to enjoy their day off, and those that were still in the Estate had been called to help with clearing the debris away at the library. With a clear path, Jayde made her were way back to the slave pits. Knowing if she stayed at the Freehold Estate she would face certain death, Jayde hurried into her small shack and quickly packed up the stolen food she had hidden away. Years ago Jayde had discovered a small fox hole, hidden behind some bushes in a secluded area, she often snuck out as the area located in the northern part of the Freehold Estate bordered a small forest. She would sneak into the forest to forage for food. There were many bushes filled with berries, nut trees, and root vegetables that she was could harvest. It was the only way that she had survived up until now. If she could make it through the small forest, she had a clear shot to the mountains, which lead directly to the Dark Forest. While the Dark Forest was considered one of the most dangerous places in the Lower Realm, at least in the Dark Forest, she would have some slim chance of surviving. With an escape plan in mind, Jayde made her way to the fox hole. Squeezing her tiny body into the hole, Jayde wiggled her way through. Exiting from the fox hole Jayde didn't wait around she immediately started running north – her only goal to reach the Dark Forest. Unknown to Jayde while she was running through the small forest, the people gathered to clear rubble had made their way to Edvard. Edvard father Kato, Za'thul younger brother and Jayde's second uncle was distressed at the condition of his beloved son, after making certain his injuries weren't life-threatening, he sent Edvard off to the medical hall for the clan doctors to heal. Kato did not accompany his son to the medical hall as he had a more pressing issue to worry about, why was his son in the library and what did he have to do with the explosion. With the elders demanding to know what had happened and seeing the furious look on the face of his eldest brother, Kato was anxious and quickly walk up to his eldest brother. "Clan Leader, Edvard has been sent to the medical hall, once he wakes up we will be able to find out what happened," he said nervously. "Mmm," Za'thul acknowledged, then he turned around and pointed to one of the guards. "Go to the medical hall, call me when my nephew is awake." The guard turned away and hurried to the medical hall, just then one of the servants let out a loud gasp attracting Za'thul attention. "What?" he growled. "M...m-y Lord, the golden tome case has been smashed," the servant stammered. Flashing to the servant's side, Za'thul looked down and immediately he saw the broken glass, a small pool of blood, and the broken case — scanning around him he did not see the golden tome. "Where is the Divine tome?" he howled. Za'thul shout drew the attention of all the elders, and they rushed to his side. Everyone began looking around, meanwhile, Kato knowing that this was a much bigger disaster than he was expecting, quickly ran off to the medical hall. He had to speak to his son first. What the hell happened, he thought, that spoilt little brat — has he any idea just what a catastrophe he had involved the whole family in. While the elders, servants, and guards were combing through the debris, Kato arrived at the medical hall. "Healer Kuse, how is my son?" he asked the attending healer. "Nothing serious Master Kato, some cuts and bruises. He also broke both of his legs, but not to worry we have given him an advanced bone-mending pill, right now his bones are healing, after a day of rest, he will be as good as new," Healer Kuse explained. "Um, I would like to see him alone," Kato said indicating for Healer Kuse to leave. "Of course Master Kato— just don't tire him out, he needs to rest," cautioned Healer Kuse, closing the door softly behind him. Swiftly walking to the medical bed his son was lying on, Kato sternly asked him. "Edvard what the hell happened?— and don't f*****g lie to me brat, this is bloody serious." Looking at his father's serious face, Edvard decided to come clean, he described all the events leading up to the explosion. He knew his father would protect him, this incident was too severe and would implicate the whole second branch of the family. "Of all the most stupid—" Kato exploded, he was flabbergasted at his son's stupidity. Breathing heavily he tried to calm down, they quickly needed to come up with a plan to explain his son's appearance in the library. "You saw that slut sneaking into the ancestor's library— and you followed her," Kato commanded. "You saw her break the case for the divine tome and you tried to stop her." Looking sternly at Edvard, Kato demanded: "Got it Edvard?" "Got it, Father," Edvard nodded his head. "But Saphira—" "Don't worry about Saphira," Kato interrupted. "She will keep her mouth shut if she knows what is good for her." Kato left the medical hall and rushed back to the library to inform Za'thul that his son had awakened. Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead he cursed and swore at his son in his mind, he couldn't believe he had done something so stupid. I must definitely discipline that unruly child when this is all over, he thought. Kato wasn't too worried about Saphira, as he knew she was a clever girl, and she would follow the script he and Edvard had come up with. Kato arrived just as the guard sent to the medical hall had finished speak to Za'thul. Walking up to his eldest brother Kato informed Za'thul. "Edvard is awake Clan Leader." "Mm I know, the guard just informed me — the divine tome is missing," Za'thul informed Kato. "W..w-hat?" Kato stuttered. "The. Divine. Tome. Is. Missing," Za'thul slowly stressed. "Are you sure?" Kato asked timidly. "Of course I am f*****g sure!" Za'thul bellowed. "Well Edvard awake, let's go and ask him what the hell happened," Kato suggested. "Kato even though you are my brother. I am warning you now if your son had anything to do with this, don't expect me to be merciful — blood or not — I will finish your family!" With that Za'thul turned around at stalked off to the medical hall, all the time shouting orders to the guards to close down the Freehold Estate, and not to allow anyone to leave. With the clan leaders orders, hundreds of guards surrounded the Freehold Estate, making sure not even a fly could escape. While the Freehold Estate was being locked down, Jayde was struggling through the small forest, running for her life. Breathing heavily she leaned against a tree trying to catch her breath, unaware the final nail was about to be hammered into her coffin. When Za'thul arrived at the medical hall, he sent all the medical doctors away, then he and Zato entered the room were Edvard was resting. After interrogating Edvard and finding out what happened. Za'thul exploded. He roared angrily at the guard stationed just outside Edvard room. "Find that b***h — Jayde — and bring her to me." "Calm down Brother," Kato tried to placate Za'thul. "Being angry is not good for your body." "I should have killed the b***h when I had the chance," Za'thul roared. "How could you have known she would have turned out to be a wolf th—" Kato injected quickly. "A wolf in sheep's clothing which turned to bite the hand that fed her," Za'thul injected sourly. If Jayde had overheard the comment about them feeding her, she would have laughed bitterly, a bowl of boiled water with a few grains of rice and rotten vegetables, is what they considered feeding her? "But Brother now is your chance to finally get rid of her, and no one will blame you," Kato went on to say, trying to placate his brother. Taking deep breaths to calm down his fury, Za'Thul nodded, Kato was right he finally had a chance to get rid of this threat that had been hanging over his head. He was always uneasy about someone finding out she was his daughter. If he weren't so jittery about the gods punishing him for killing his own child, he would have gotten rid of her along time ago, but now being able to use family law to kill her, he would finally be free from worry about anyone finding out his secret. Seeing his brother was calming down, Kato quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Kato and Edvard were relieved that Za'thul had bought their story. "Edvard you must rest well and get better soon," Za'thul said affectionately. "Once you have healed I promise I will reward you handsomely." The stone weighing on Edvard heart lifted, and he smiled joyfully at his uncle. "Thank you, Uncle... ah, I mean Clan Lead—" "Call me Uncle in private," interrupted Za'thul. Nodding his head, Edvard was delighted — finally, he had impressed his uncle, even his father looked pleased. "Good son you got there, little brother," Za'thul said patting Kato on his shoulder. "Ah don't exaggerate big brother," Kato replied acting modestly. Za'thul and Kato left the medical hall and joined the elders in the clan meeting hall to wait for the guards to bring Jayde. Her death had already been decided, the elders had decreed that she was to be drawn and quartered❶. First, she was to be interrogated as to the reason why she stole the Divine tome. Za'thul had already concluded she must have been approached by one of the clan's enemies and he was hell-bent on finding out which family was making a move on the Freehold clan. Just then one of the senior guards entered the meeting hall. Saluting the elders he solemnly declared "The slave Jayde is nowhere to be found, it looks like she has escaped Master," the guard then went on to describe how one of the other slaves in the slave pit had seen Jayde leaving with a small bag in her hands. "The seeker hounds found a small fox hole, and her scent leads to the forest outside the estate," he went on to clarify. "Hunt her down, I don't care what it takes, gather all the guards and bring that b***h back to me—alive—do you hear me!" Za'thul roared. His face red with anger, Za'thul felt faint. Black spots danced in front of his eyes as fury filled his body. With bloodthirsty eyes, he glared at the guard. "What the f**k are you still standing there for," he thundered. "Get the f**k out of here and find the b***h!" "Y..y-es Master," the guard stammered, totally flustered he had never seen the clan master this angry before, turning around he quickly fled. Kato rushed to his brother's side "Calm down Clan Leader," he begged. "Calm down, you want me to calm down—are you out of your f*****g mind, do you have any idea the ramifications of this matter?" Za'thul spat out, his words firing off like a machine gun. "Our Freehold clan has guarded that Divine Tome for thousands of years—and that... and that—" Za'thul spluttered to angry to even carry on. "I understand, Clan Leader," Kato placated. "I will personally lead the hunting party." "I will bring her back—alive—so that you may have the pleasure of ripping her to pieces yourself," Kato vowed. With that Kato straightened his robe, spun on his heel and stormed out of the meeting hall. Inside the meeting hall, Za'thul could hear his brother calling for his elite guards, telling them to round up the seeker hounds and to get his Fire-Tailed Stallion. Feeling relieved Kato was taking over the hunt, Za'thul weakly collapsed onto his chair, lifting his hand to cradle his head, he could feel a mighty headache coming. ✽✽✽ Note: Finally caught up to chapter 1. In case you have forgotten, we left off with Jayde resting and thinking back to how everything happened and what lead up to her been hunted and running for her life. ✽✽✽ Hearing the seeker hounds howling in the distance, Jayde lifted her head tiredly staring bleakly in front of her. She had resigned herself to her fate — today would be her last day. While she was terrified of dying — there was a small part of her that was happy. Finally, her endless struggle to survive would be over. The past ten years of her life had been soul-draining, it had exhausted all her strength just to make it through every day. As the yips, screams, and howls of the excited seeker hounds drew closer, Jayde climbed to her feet wearily. The seeker hounds raced into the small clearing where Jayde was located, surrounding her they lowered their heads and growled at her, warning her not to move. Jayde straightened her shoulders and stood up straight, waiting for her second uncle and his elite guards. She had caught glimpses of her second uncle on his Fire-Tailed Stallion as he raced up the mountain path hunting her. Even from a distance, she could feel his murderous aura. A couple of minutes later her second uncle galloped into the clearing. "Whoa boy," he yelled pulling his Fire-Tailed Stallion to a stop. Even though Jayde was scared, she couldn't help but admire the Fire-Tailed Stallion, standing over two meters tall is had a beautiful flame-colored short coat, its long mane flickered with small flames, and its long tail was made out of pure golden and red flames. The Fire-Tailed Stallion was built for speed and endurance, you could see this by the lean, hard muscle on its chest and thighs. Jayde was really tempted, to pet the Fire-Tailed Stallion. She couldn't help but take a step forward. The seeker hounds seeing she moved growled even louder, bearing their long ivory fangs at her — the spine chilling growls brought her back to her predicament. Kato jumped off his spirit beast yelling: "Don't you dare move," as he lumbered his way towards Jayde. "I might have to bring you back alive—but no-one said you still needed your legs attached," he threatened. Kato's threat stop Jayde cold. She believed her second uncle would have no problems carrying out his threat. "Where's the Divine Tome?" Kato demanded. "W...w-hat Tome?" Jayde stammered confusedly. "Don't you dare play games with me, little girl, you are centuries too young," Kato roared. "Now where is the f*****g Divine Tome?" Jayde was really confused, was he talking about the golden book in the glass case, she thought. "The gold book?" she asked timidly. "Of course, the gold book you stupid b***h," answered Kato glaring at Jayde. "I don't have it, I didn't take it—it's still there in the library," Jayde said helplessly, lifting her hands to show she had nothing to hide. "Don't lie to me, you little s**t," snarled Kato. Did this little b***h really think that he would buy her story that she didn't take the book, he thought. He had to find that damn book, if he came back empty-handed, suspicion might fall on to his son, and that was something he couldn't afford. Turning to his guards, he ordered: "Grab her!". Kato could not return to the Freehold Estate without the Divine Tome, he was worried if he did then this debacle would land squarely on his shoulders. The elders were already looking for someone to blame, and knowing clan politics the way he did, he knew if he returned empty-handed they would find a way to make him a scapegoat. He had grabbed this mission to gain quick glory, thinking just how easy it would be to catch a thirteen-year-old teen, and if the gods were on his side, he would finally outshine his brother. He knew from Edvard there was no enemy clan involved. He thought Jayde had stolen the Tome for revenge, so while he would be the hero who caught the little thief and returned the Divine Tome to the clan, Za'thul would end up bearing the shame of having a daughter who bought calamity to the family. The elders were already unhappy with Za'thul because his child was a null. They still hadn't recovered from the embarrassment of her Reading Day. Many of the elders were already maneuvering in the dark to remove him from power. While Kato wasn't as talented as his brother, he did have a flair of sucking up to the elders and was popular with them. He was quite sure if they removed Za'thul as Clan Leader then he would be the one chosen to succeed Za'thul as the next clan leader. The guards grabbed Jayde and dragged her to Kato. "Search her," he ordered. Rough hands tore at Jayde clothing, patting her all over. No matter how much she struggled to avoid those horrible hands, she was too weak to get away. Utterly humiliated all Jayde could do was bear with this awful experience. "Nothing Master," one of the elite guards told Kato. Kato's eyes widen in surprise, the book must be here. "Search the surrounding area," he ordered the guards. Pointing to one of his elite guards he ordered: "Guard her if she escapes I will have yours and everyone in your family heads strung up outside the estate walls." While the guards searched the surrounding area, Kato kept on questioning Jayde where the Tome was, but each time she gave the same answer that she didn't know where it was. Finally losing his temper, Kato grabbed Jayde by the throat. "Last time you pathetic little b***h, where is the f*****g tome?" he roared, his spittle hitting her face. "E..e-dvard—he must have taken it," Jayde choked out. Clenching his fist, pure wrath filled Kato body, she dared, she actually threatened to frame his son. If the guards reported this back to the elders, it would raise their suspicions. The repercussions of this would exterminate his whole branch. Kato knew Edvard would never hold up under interrogation and if the elders and Za'thul found out everything was due to Edvard and Saphira instigations, the backlash would be unimaginable. Without a thought Kato backhanded Jayde across the face, forgetting at that moment how weak she was. That one fist shattered Jayde cheek and jaw, the pain was beyond comprehension. Tears streamed from Jayde's eyes, dark spots danced in front of her eyes as she barely managed to stay conscious. Feeling the weight of the guards' stares, Kato was filled with dread he had to find that damn tome, no matter what. "Master, she might have already handed the tome over," Oki his second in command said softly. "Mmm," agreed Kato. Then grabbing his short dagger, Kato had the guards tie Jayde to a nearby tree, he ordered most of his elite guards to backtrack their way to the Freehold Estate. They were to search for any tracks that might indicate that Jayde had hidden the tome away or handed it off to someone. Once the guards left, Kato stalked up to Jayde tied to the tree, she was barely conscious. The pain from her shattered cheek and jaw was overwhelming. "Ah little girl, you should have told me where you hid the Divine Tome, you are now in for a world of pain," Kata said menacingly. Jayde tried to speak, but with her jaw shattered all she could do was make small grunting sounds. Jayde's nightmare had just begun. Her second uncle showed no mercy as he started to flay her alive. With his sharp dagger, he slowly began to peel the skin away from one of her legs. After Jayde fainted the first time, her second uncle fed her a pill that would ensure that she could not faint again. With her jaw shattered she couldn't even scream. The blood-replenishing pills her uncle kept on stuffing into her mouth made sure that she couldn't die from blood loss. After removing all the skin from both her legs and arms, her second uncle then proceeded to break all her bones. By this time Jayde was nearly mad from the pain. She prayed and begged to the gods for death, but her pleas went unanswered. Jayde could feel her sanity slipping away. Just then some of the guards returned, they were very excited. They explained to Kato they had found tracks a while back, the tracks were about four hours old, six demon scaled horses according to the tracker. Demon scale horses were scarce in the Lower Realm, they were the fastest breed of spirit beast one could have. Only one of the elite families in the Lower Realm could afford them. Shocked that Jayde had handed over the Divine Tome to some mysterious group, Kato rushed to his Fire-Tailed Stallion, the group they were chasing had a four hour lead on them, he had to catch up to them, no matter what. In his haste to retrieve the Divine Tome, Kato forgot all about the broken girl lying in a large pool of blood on the ground, pieces of her flesh discarded around her. As Kato and his group of elite galloped out of the clearing, Jayde eyes started to blur, she could feel death finally approaching. As the sound of horse hooves faded, Jayde finally closed her eyes as death embraced her. With a grateful smile on her small face, she left her miserable life behind. Free. She was finally free! ✽✽✽ Chapter Notes: ❶ The process began with the prisoner being placed on a wooden frame and dragged through the streets to the place of execution. On arrival, the prisoner would be placed on the gallows and hung until close to death. Now comes the nice part. Whilst still alive they would be cut open and disemboweled, often have their private parts cut off and then be beheaded. But that wasn't the end of it. The prisoner was then quartered, i.e., cut into four pieces which could be put on display as a warning to others. ✽✽✽ Interesting in supporting this novel? Considering buying me a coffee at http://ko-fi.com/djrogue or you can donate via https://www.paypal.me/djrogue1. © 2019 DJ Rogue. All rights reserved.
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