
1074 Words
AURELIA “Brown shirt mud girl! Over here!” I almost snap before realising that Ava is behind the new offensive nickname that I earned thanks to that b***h, Chantel. Claire and Ellie are standing next to her by the open main entrance giggling away. Ha ha ha! So funny. Thanks to Chantel’ chocolate milk or whatever the s**t was, I will never hear the words brown, shirt or mug without getting triggered. At least not for another week. I walk over to them lazily, basically dragging my feet. “Brown shirt mud girl, if you let me take you out, none of this would be happening!” Jake, one of the pedastal kids laughs as he walks past me and it takes so much for me to not extend a food and just let him fall face first on his already busted looking face. Annoying little bum! “can I just get out of here so I can take this shirt off?” I complain as soon as I am by their side and they all actually look sympathetic for the first time today. Maybe it is because I have finally hit my limit. I have been walking around, bouncing off my heels with confidence all day despite how I was actually feeling. When I was ridiculed by the chemistry teacher, when I was ridiculed by the math teacher, when I was ridiculed by the biology teacher, when I was ridiculed by the history teacher. Still, I was acting like some woman of steel, who has no emotions. When I was sent to the headmistress’s office once, twice, three times then four times. Still I was acting like I can’t be arsed. Meh…I couldn’t really. I have just reached my limit of containing my reactions is more like it. If I was allowed the permission to slap a b***h upon comment number one, I would be just fine. But no, I have to remeber who I am, where I am and the consequences that my actions have. So that is the most annoying thing right there! “so…how come Chantel did not come back to bother you?” Ellie asks and I roll my eyes. “Can we talk about this outside this disgusting building?” I plead and they do not hesitate to follow me out. “yeah, I also can’t be here for long, I am on dinner duty. Great!” Claire declares and I lift the entire button up shirt over my head and cover my bra with a scarf that I had kept in my locker since winter. Thank f**k for it because I could not afford to be in that disgusting shirt any longer. And I did try washing it during lunch hour, it only made the stain look more like mud. Yet again Chantel ruined my day! I wish I knew what her deal with me was. Although I have an idea. The girl has nothing else to offer but her looks so me looking like the better version of her apparently must set her off tremendously! Maybe if I had brown hair like Claire, she would stop obsessing over me so much! “I don’t know why she was so tame but she kept giving me looks. I am ready for whatever she has planned. I just hope that whatever it is, I will be done with it fast!” I admit, rolling my eyes. How unfair life is! Just because I am outside the territory of my people, I have to suffer the way I do. The walk feels longer than other days, I am relieved when we wave Ava off into the main house and head to the back of the yard where our tiny little home is. “And I said to him, who do you think I am? You could never handle me, little stick man!” Aunt Ceci is making her sisters laugh hysterically and as curious as her choice of story kind of is, I do not have the energy. I just walk straight to the bedroom, or at least I try to. “Young lady, what the hell do you think you are wearing? And since when did we become invisible?” Cecelia yells and I freeze my tracks. Oh god! “Aurie, are you okay honey?”. My mother questions and I turn around to realise all the other five people that live in this house are gawking at me. “What? I had a tiring day. Aunt Ceci, this is a scarf. You are not invisible. And mommie, I am great… Greaaat!” I turn my back hoping I can finally rest but My other aunt stops me. “I forgot to tell you, Alpha Bale requested to see you as soon as you are home.” She admits and I roll my eyes, with a loud groan this time. “He did? Aurie! You have started trouble already?” My mother questions and I do not even have the energy to respond. “What? Aurie did not cause trouble. That red haired monster in there did, she spilled chocolate milkshake on Aurie and pretended to be the victim. Do not ever accuse Aurie!” Ellie comes to my defense before she walks away from the door and gives me a side hug. “If you need the moral support, I will come with you. And we can share the penalty.” I give her a weak smile but I shake my head in the end. “No. I dug that grave, and I will get out of it when I need to. So do not even worry yourself.” Even if I needed the help, I would not expect her to. I bumped into Chantel because I could not stand to watch her tongue her boyfriend’s mouth like that, and I will pay for it. “I should go now.. Before I get too tired to do whatever he is going to ask me to do. “I should also head out.. I think the luna is back.” My mom gets up from her little stool before rushing out. And here I was thinking she is going to take my hand and help me walk into that horrible house! Anywho… I should get this done with. I crack my knuckles like I am preparing for a war that is about to be quite physical.
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