Mr. McEgoistic Arrogant

2552 Words
-'What's his problem?'- I tried catching a better look when Damien whispered in my ear, “Are you okay? You seem to be taking steps deliberately slow.” I giggled as I spoke in really low voice and weighing each word, “It’s tequila growing on me.” He started pulling me away from the crowd and brought me towards the car. At this point, my eyes were drooping when he sneaked me closer to him as he whispered again, “I like this version....” and then I don’t know what happened.   Damien’s P.O.V. Have you ever seen someone with a poker face? Believe me it’s really frustrating. I was busy with my routine as a face kept on flashing across my mind. ‘Stressed fair-face with a chickenpox scar on the left cheek, lightly brushed by long wavy brownish-black hair. The deep mud-brown eyes that were simmering with tears but were so mesmerizing that I lost myself for a moment. She was truly innocent’. The morning encounter doesn’t make me feel at the ease as the girl’s memory was intriguing. –‘I need to find her!’- “.... I hope you will be there on time. I don’t want any funny business son.” My dad is paranoid regarding me. He treats me like I will always keep making mistakes. “Sure dad, I will be there on time but won’t stay more than 15 mins in the meeting.” I groaned thinking about the meeting that awaits me. “It’s what you will be handling after few weeks Damien and I wish corporation from your side if you still want to be the CEO. Or you know me better I won’t hesitate giving it to Jeffery.” My father knew well how to hit my nerve. “Okay fine! But just this day I have some important thing to accomplish after the meeting.” Not wanting to explain anything, I cut the call. I needed to find the girl. I don’t know why? She doesn’t seem my kind but I wanted to know more about her and to keep her in my arms. Maybe it’s just a second thought or maybe I just need her body more than that as I am a famous playboy. Then the imagination ran over with her in my arms, the taste of her perfectly shaped lips and her body underneath me as she looked at me with those beautiful eyes..... “f**k! I have to take a cold shower again.” I quickly got ready and hurried to the nearest cafe to grab my usual when my eyes landed on a figure sitting alone in the corner seat of the cafe. It was unmistakably her. I was delighted as I saw her lost in her thoughts staring straight into the space and suddenly I felt something in my chest tug as my fist clenched at the site of a jerk hugging her and she smiled brightly towards him. I turned around to pay and sat at the other corner not knowing why I felt frustrated all of a sudden. Back at the Merbourn Enterprise, I was lost in my own thoughts trying to figure out about the football friendly game that was scheduled for this weekend as to decide its venue when I entered into the elevator. My eyes grew wide seeing none other than her. She looked smart and very professional as I saw her looking into my eyes for a brief second. I saw her holding her breath as she tried to look straight and I smirked to see the effect I caused. I decided to start a conversation when out of blue her cell phone rang. “Hello Darling, wassup? How are you and did you miss me?” I heard her chirpy voice. I should say her voice is sweet but I did not hide my utter disappointment from her as she asked the other about missing her! I hate myself for behaving as if she belonged to me. For god sake! I have dated and slept with models and actresses who are far more beautiful than her.  ‘But she is a natural!’ a small voice in my head said. I looked at her as she turned and stared at me. She really is something different. I was dredging at the thought of attending a boring meeting today so I went into the conference room and waited while making a triangle on the table with my hand. I looked up when a lady started speaking and that’s when I saw her fidgeting. I wouldn’t have known she was nervous if I wasn’t able to take a peek at her knees that were shaking but not letting the emotion play on her face. -‘She has fine toned legs.’- I was imagining how it would feel when those legs wrapped around my waist as I pull her body closer into me; then I listened her voice.. I was never interested in a meeting before but when she spoke it was all business-like holding an authority in her voice that grabbed everybody’s attention and respect. She is a classy woman. I wonder what her age is? She looks like 20 or 21 and those eyes are the dangerous part of her body. My dad is an intellectual man and as he popped a question at her I was waiting to see what she would do now. But I was taken aback when she answered easily and impressed my dad. I must say this lady was not just a unique beauty but also had brain. She is a perfect package. I couldn’t hold myself when I reached and brushed my hand over hers. I wanted to see her reaction but she didn’t give away aside from the goosebumps that I noticed in time. As I tried flipping her over her presentation she  gave a sassy answer which was on the dot. I was annoyed not by her but from myself.  It was true! I never worked. I always accomplished my task through others. That’s when I decided to show her I was different and for that I had to work. I looked at her trying to suppress my urge to kiss her mouth till she loose her all senses shutting that f*****g mouth of her and then I saw her licking her own lip. “soon.. very soon..” I decided she would be in my arms like any other girl here. -‘Wait! What was her name then? s**t man! I have to find out soon.’- I went back to my dad’s office as I saw him talking with someone. Oh! So here she is.. wait! Tasha....  that’s a lovely name. I smugged and intentionally caressed her knuckles but she showed no emotions on her face except the love name she gave me- McEgoistic Arrogant! i chuckled and thats when I heard my dad say.. “you will be assisting Damien with the new project!” -‘woah dad! Why do I feel like I love you more than anyone now? You are helping me out indirectly.’- But yea I have to work hard to prove her I am worthy being a CEO. As she left the office I contacted my personal detective Zac Nelson asking him to look for Tasha Sharma. In order to pursue her, I should first prepare myself about her basic knowledge. To keep her out of my head I decided to grab a drink at the toxic bar. I was leisurely sipping my beer as beautiful women danced near me and one giving me a lap dance. I was still far away in her thoughts keeping my eyes on the door. I was seated in the VIP lounge which had the whole view of the bar. Then I saw her in an elegant dress making her way into the bar. I pushed the women away and ordered them to go waving my hands at them and decided to accompany her. But I lost it when I saw the same bastard standing so close to her. The glass in my hand broke and I threw it away. I kept looking at them. I hate seeing her close to someone.  She is just mine and I should teach her that soon.  I don’t know how can she do that? At a minute she wears this poker face and the other minute is an expression queen. When I saw her stumbling I knew she might need me and as if on instinct I ran downstairs. As I got near her I saw the sensual way she looked at me. I was shocked! But then I realized there are others who are enjoying the same. I clenched my fist and move towards her. All her expressions are only for me and no one else. A fuckboy tried to take advantage of her  but I threw him away and grabbed her closer. Her perfume hit me first, flowery mist I cannot put a finger on the smell but I loved it and it calmed me. The way her chest heaved up and down and her flushed face with those seductive eyes looked at me, I felt like to take her RIGHT HERE, right now.  I had to control myself... and I pulled her close possessively and started dancing with her.  I pulled her outside the crowd and wanted to kiss her there and then but something in me stopped from doing this. Maybe I wanted her to give herself away rather than claiming her. I looked as she spoke in a childish manner. She didn’t smell of alcohol so that means she is a light headed.  “I like this version...” and she slipped unconsciously as I hugged her tightly letting my words slip away “.. of you!”. I didn’t know what to do next. I mean I have being with women but haven’t taken care of any. They never appeared vulnerable in front of me so I acted impulsively. While still holding onto her with my right arm, I pulled out my car keys unlocking it. I pushed her in the backseat buckling with the seat belt. I got into the driving seat and sighed. “lets get you home beautiful’. I couldn’t help myself as I kept looking at the rear mirror. She slept peacefully and looked even more innocent and young than her grumpy personality at work. I smiled to myself and drove to my condo. I preferred bringing her here rather than taking her to my mansion as it was closer and I didn’t want my servants to think of her as the ‘Lady of the house’. Maybe that’s not a bad idea though! -‘Wait whaaat ? I cannot think that. She is just a phase and not clearly my type.’- I didn’t mean to do relationship thing. I have never done that and the thought of it is weird. Its not that I haven’t given it a try; its just not meant for me. Flashback I remembered my first love. She was blonde and absolutely beautiful. We were in love with each other since high school. She went to S. Dakota for her college as I stayed here. She used to whine telling me how much she missed me and planned to come back. I was so proud of her and knew she was worth every risk. After 3 months of staying far, I decided to surprise her with a little date. I finished my assignments, submitted them and took off. I had ordered a gown for her and reserved seats at her favorite Italian restaurant. I bought a white gold bracelet with small flowers imprinted and it had an engraving on it... Marry Me.  I was so excited and nervous altogether as I grabbed the bag and headed towards her apartment. “Miss Rachel Smith.” I called to the reception. She looked at me with a confused look as she rummaged through her computer and register. I drummed my fingers on the table growing impatient as to what was taking her so long. “Excuse me sir but there isn’t any miss Rachel smith here. Are you sure you got the correct address?” she asked nervously as I stared at her thinking has she lost her mind. “isn’t it Golden Mont hotel?” I raised my eyebrow in question. She looked at me sympathetically and said,” indeed sir. It is but there isn’t any Rachel smith here. And there wasn’t any till the last 6 months.”. I was shocked. What the f**k just happened? I was lost as I blinked for few minutes before gaining back my composure and walked away after thanking her. Where are you Rachel? I was angry, anxious and concerned. Angry for the lies and anxious as the trust wavered but still concerned about her as to why did she lie; is she in trouble?? I needed to find her as soon as possible. FLASHBACK ENDED My throat felt tight from the memory and it still angered me as my eyes fell on the girl lying on the sofa in my living room. I know she is also like all damn women looking for money and a good time spent with different guys. But I wish she is different. I wish that she could hold onto me and my darkness rather than just the sunny days. Urgghh! Whats wrong with me? Why I am even wishing anything. I don’t care if she f***s anyone; I just need her for a night to get her out of my system.  It doesn’t sounds good; anyway I had to get her comfortable. I carried her to my room in my arms and as she snuggled closer into my chest, I looked at her face and the contentment it had, in awe. She has a magic, she does something to calm me I dunno bring a different side of me I am unaware of. I slowly placed her on my bed as I went for a shower. I was about to step inside as a thought occurred to me. I quickly reached her and slowly removed her clothes. I kept staring at her beautiful body. The sea green colored lingerie perfectly hugged her curves complimenting her golden skin. i licked my lips as my member twitched inside my pants. I wanted to feel her body, feel that skin against mine and claim her body. My hand reached towards her shoulder and slid down tracing the outline of her body as I hovered over her. She moved in her sleep and whispered something that made me froze...   
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