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Chapter Three That's how it all started!! Angelina six months ago continuation "Bridget! Morning! " I sing to her happily. I am happy because Liam looked so happy today that he even wished me morning properly. It was as if last night argument flew away in the air. It never happened before. " Someone's very chirpy! " Bridget give me her kind smile. " I am. " " Great! Well I have kept your new assignment details. Archer would arrange the meeting with your client when you are clear with the details. " She say to me, passing the black file. New assignment! I worked hard for the last one only to get myself out of it. It is annoying to get nothing out if hardwork but I am making sure to not let that man interfere my business again. Why is he determined to make it hard for me? " I don't understand Angie, why is that man so after you when he has strings of girls dying for him? You hate him and he should leave you alone. " She added watching my face fell. But it was okay because I had seen worse. My parent's death, Liam's anger and bankruptcy. But two things I was never letting go away from me. My house and my car! Car was the last gift from my dad to his reckless daughter and house is Hawthorne's and Hawthorne will own it forever. I would work harder to give my brother a comfortable life like Dad and mom would have. " My mistakes! It's me Bri. I let him into me knowingly. I was stupid and dumb before. " I sigh and giving her a light smile, turn towards my office. " Every thing will be fine! " She sings behind me. Yeah it will be. I sit on my chair and began to see the details of the needs of my clients. While I am busy reckoning the ideas of designing the house, my head wouldn't let me forget that particular night. I remember my stupidity and madness to chase the unfathomable targets I set. Being a rich teen is a deal and need to maintain the stardom and rhythm. I was up to it that night when I saw him and did something to get noticed. I gulp down the tequila for the third time in a row and make a victory sound, moving on a sexy beats of the club I was in. Sophie scream at the top of her voice and putting the glass on her head dance on the beats while Shane is busy hitting on girls. He come to us and ask me, " Do you know that girl in black dress? I saw her in college once or twice." I look in the direction of his finger to find a girl who stammered at least thrice in the single sentence. I laugh and say, "That! She would take your life to speak a single sentence." " Rude Angie! " He mutter and Leer his eyes at her. She is beautiful but her head is empty. I laugh again and whisper at Sophie who join with me in making fun out of it. " Well I am in search of something sexy. Do have someone on your eyes? " I ask Shane who smirked knowingly. " Want to burn tonight, right?" Alright, what sentence supposed to mean, I thought. " Shane! I would like to rock tonight. I want to get over Ray. " I say aloud. We broke up today just because he was trying to put up limitations on me when my parents didn't any. But I miss him. He is so caring and loving. But he is so stereotypic and we broke up. Ray I am done. I am not thinking about you even if you are so sweet. And so I am getting over him with a tequila shots and.. What about one night stand? I think and a light giggle escape my lips. I run my eyes over the club to find the same guys acting stud. That hot and cold feeling was miles away. I want something so intense and interesting, maybe dangerous. I want to taste the danger maybe this evening would turn to give me an amazing night. I never had anything so intense and deep before. I was getting so bored watching those face when my eyes spot the epitome of beauty right across the dance floor, walking with the bodyguards in black towards the aisle. My eyes got him and I thought of crashing on that handsome man in his formals. I gulp a tequila and swinging walk in his direction. " You can't go there! It's private property. " The clubs boy stopped me. How dare he? "You know what just step aside before I tell you who I am?" " This is private property there and we can't allow you up there. " They say and I began to throw tantrums and shouts to go up there. " What's wrong? " I looked up at the mam with sexy accent staring me with his scrunched heavy eyebrows. I waved my hand at him and shook my head in appreciation. Those boys told him and he just stared me before his lips curved upward. " Let her in. " Phew! That was it. That's how it all started. I entered the den myself and I regret it each time I face him. I was reckless then but now I am mature and sensible to understand things. But what's done is done and so from that night he says I was on his mind and finally when he knew who I was and where I lived he never let me live peacefully. And from the last six months he had made it very hard. The mature and heartbroken me never wanted to see that face, all I wanted was to be left alone. Few days after meeting him my parents died and I slipped into blackness and guilt of killing them. For more than six months I was so reserved and stayed at home after attending the school. All this while, that devious of a man was beguiled by me to search me. And he did find me when I was coming back to life to take care of what was left to me, my brother and Hawthorne little property. I sigh and a laugh escape my mouth. After all it wasn't one thing I put myself into. The reckless me always did mistakes but before it could hurt me my parents would push them away from me. But then they were no more to help me out with him later. Blowing a breath, I begin to work till my head clearly understood that I had much better work to do. Also I have taxes to pay and renew my driving licence. I am already running two days late into it, I thought. Someone knock the door. I snap my head up. Ryan is standing right before me and giving me a beautiful smile. He really looked handsome in his blue suit and a decent yet sexy smile. " Ryan! What's up? " I ask merrily. " Tonight voila club! Bri and Martha and Stewart are joining in. " My face fall the instant at the name of the club. No Voila! " I am dying to join but somewhere else if possible! " I bite my lips. I really wanted to have fun with Ryan. " Oh! Then... Maybe Club 99?" He ask me scratching hus head. Again one of his? I bar my teeth and smile and say, "Yes." "Great! I will inform others of the change of the plan, right? " He say. " Sure! " " Rock your body! " He sing and walk away cheerily. It isn't like he will be there! He has a big empire and lot other bigger clubs, bars and casinos to take care off. He won't be in Club 99, the brand new and not so established one among all of his club. Of course, I needed bit of fun in my life. Smiling, I begin to work and the day just passed away. I did all the study of the requirement of my my assignment in addition to the assisting the new trainees. Grabbing my bag I head out of the office to my workmates. They are already standing and as Bri see me she merrily cheer. We take our own car while Bri decided to ride with me. It take us twenty minutes to reach there. Ryan break through between me and Bri and say, " There is a special treat by the owner tonight. Luckily we got it. Angie all because of you." He pat my shoulder and wiggle his brows. Wondering, I mumble, "Special treat !" " Yeah! " He chuckle. It's great! I enter inside the club find my way to the drink section. Bri is all happy looking and shaking her head to the beat while I order us the drinks. Stewart and Sophie find themselves a corner to cuddle and talk while Ryan is out of sight. " It's been ages that I entered the Club, Angie. " Bri say aloud. I smile at her and blink once. " Angie, want to cover the floor? " Ryan show up from nowhere. " Yeah! " I excitedly grab his hand and jump upon the floor. I really like this guy, I thought. Do you like me Ryan? We dance on the beats and do some funny moves as I poke my tongue out to him. Bri join us after few minutes and we three make a triangle. I shake my head up and down, enjoying the music and the night without anything in the head to think over. We must put bad things aside sometime and move on the beats of life happily. " Hey! " A coarse voice enter my ear, chilling my bone. I know it. I turn to not find the person I expected to be. Great! He give me a side smile and hold my hand motioning me to walk out. I look back at Bri who is watching me in horror. I nod at her and walk out avoiding to make a scene. Why on earth I accepted to come here? Who is responsible now?! I stop on the corner and watch h at his face gleaming with dark happiness. " So I pulled you here. " He say victoriously. I give him an incredulous look and turn away folding my hand," I am at a club enjoying with my friends. Please let me! " Before I could walk off, he grab my hand and pull me in. " Leave me! " I bar my teeth as I push him away. " Let's talk a bit business! About your new assignment. " He sat catching my whole attention. " What about that? " He shrug and motion me to follow him. I laugh a bit and say," I am not going anywhere Ethan, not especially your office. " " So will the bar in the floor above work? You know about the special threat! We are celebrating ten years of Voila. " He ask. I nod and lead up grudgingly. Stomping, I walk to the big hallway leading to the aisle with the column arranged with beer bottles. He sit me in the sofa and ask," What would you like? " " Water. Plain water. " I say and after noticing his shirt add," Or maybe red wine." He smirked, probably remembering what I did with red wine last time. "Whatever you wish. " After a while a glass of red wine is being placed beside a glass of water. I start to picturise myself throwing it over his face but his hadn't crossed his limit until now. Well talking about limit he had set it high already. Let's wait for the moment! Though I hope it never come! " I want my new house to be - " I cut him off, bewildered at his words," Your house? That's not your house. " He smirk," It is. And every new project will be with me. " Great! I shut my eyes for a moment and then say," I am not working with you. " " Yes you are! " He say the next second. I lean to pick the glass of wine but something stop me. He sigh loudly and give me a devious smile. " That wine doesn't deserve to be thrown at you! It will be a insult to it." I say standing up. " Yeah right. So please care to respect it and have a drink. We can discuss about last project you almost ditched." I stare him for a while before leaving the club. It is clear that he won't let me work anymore unless I was doing it with him. I have no idea what I am going to do. ••• Lots of votes and comments for early update needed! So do Leave behind your love if you liked it.
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