1063 Words

CHAPTER 22 Two weeks later Orsini Household The drilling voices of breaking objects resonate throughout the wing, awakening every member that resides there wondering in fear what was going on in the middle of the night. Out of rage, agony and utter frustration, Zayan Orsini starts to throw and break every single object near him. Precipitates of sweat cover his forehead and bare chest, eyes red with streaks of dark veins emanating as if some devil possessed him. "WHY THE f**k ARE YOU INVADING MY MIND!" He shouted in sheer frustration to no one in particular. The image of Amyla in his head which he was unable to eliminate from his mind. The truth was the whole situation was getting far more worse than he ever imagined. At first, he thought it was some ordinary lust that was bothering h

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