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I had spent almost a minute listening to Casey laugh after I told her about the date I had with that guy. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't be laughing.” She said as she snickered, “but you can't blame me. You did see the same picture I saw right? Who would have thought he was lying?” I sighed, “there is some truth to that. Plus, I did agree to go on that date after all so I can't blame you fully but you should have done further research though.” I said as we set up the tables in the diner. “But it wasn't all bad considering the smile that you can't get out of your face.” Casey said as she eyed me suspiciously, “what are you not telling me? I looked at her, “nothing.” I said walking away from her really quickly. “Love don't you dare lie to me. What happened? Did you meet some cute guy or something? Or some rich guy?” She pestered me as she followed me outside to set the tables outside. “It's nothing really just some cute guy I met no big deal.” I said as I casually continued to set up the tables. “And?” Casey asked looking at me for more information. “And nothing. He asked me out on a date and gave me his number said to contact him if I wanted to go on the said date.” I explained. “And did you?” Casey asked. “Not yet I didn't want to come off as if I'm too eager for this.” I said now unable to hide my excitement. “But you do want to go out with this guy, right?” Casey asked. “Yes, I do and I was kind of hoping you'd help me with that.” I said looking expectantly at her. “Do you even have to ask? Hell yeah I'm going to help you. Plus, you really need my help with what to wear on this date your wardrobe isn't the best really.” She said. “I don't have time to go for shopping plus I was saving up for my college education.” I defended myself. She pulled out a seat and invited me to sit next to her. She took her phone out of her apron, “what's the guy's name? We'll see if we could do a little research so I'll know how to help you prepare for your date.” I sat down, “Quin McDaniel. How do you expect to...” “Found him.” She said excitedly, “whoa Love you hit the jackpot. This man is so pretty with his wavy brown hair and hypnotic hazel eyes. He's also tall and muscular, handsome and rich. It's like he's stepped out of a magazine. I'd let him take me out on a date anytime.” Casey said seductively. “Whoa Casey, keep it in your pants.” I said as I looked at her phone. It was the same guy and it said in the article that he owns a shipping company and was also ranked one of the most eligible bachelors. It was almost too good to be true. What are the chances that a girl like gets asked out on a date with a guy like that? I wondered. “How accurate is the information in this article?” I asked. “It's the internet so you should question everything but I doubt that all that information is false. Now stop over thinking and call him and accept the date.” Casey persisted. “Okay then I will call him.” I said giving in. I was planning on accepting the date either way. “And put it on loudspeaker I want to hear whether his voice matches his look.” Casey said making me roll my eyes but put the phone on loudspeaker anyway. “Hello.” Came his beautiful voice that could bring any lady to her knees, seemed to be working with Casey over here. “Hey. It's Love, I don't know if you remember me from last night.” I said nervously. He chuckled, “yes, I do. With a beautiful face like yours who could forget you. You called me so I'm assuming you agreed to go on a date with me?” “Yes, I do want to go on a date with you.” I said. “That's great. How about tonight? Is that okay with you?” He asked. I looked at Casey who was nodding vigorously for me to accept the offer. “Umm... Yes, it is.” I said. “I'll pick you up at your place. 7pm.” He said. “Okay see you then.” I said then hang up. Casey clapped excitedly and hugged me, “oh my gosh. I'm jealous of you, maybe if I went on that date I would be going out with Mr. Handsome.” She said. “I wouldn't jump into conclusions just yet. We're yet to see how tonight is going to play out.” I said with a calm facade but deep down I was scared and jittery. What if I mess up and he thinks the worst of me? That's going to suck. “Don't worry with my magic hands and a little change in wardrobe you're going to look like you run the place in no time.” Casey said pulling me out of my thoughts. I hope so I thought. I was at my house looking through my wardrobe trying to think what was going to be the best dress to wear for this date. It was quarter past 6 and Casey still hadn't come to my apartment, I wonder what's taking her so long. Moments later there was a knock on the door, “Love open up. We don't have time to waste.” Casey yelled from the other side of the door. “And whose fault is that?” I asked as I opened the door and let her in. “I was trying to find the best dresses that would fit you and also the shoes and make up.” She said as she walked to my small bedroom and placed the bag in her hands on the bed. “Now have a seat and let's get started.” “You have less than an hour so don't make me look bad.” I complained. She shoved me on the worn-out seat in front of the mirror, “be quiet and let me transform you to a beautiful swan.” “Are you calling me and ugly duckling?” I asked her with a raised eyebrow as I watched her from the mirror. “What did I say about talking?” She asked with her hands on her hips. I kept quiet and did as I was told. She said I should close my eyes as I liked complaining and she worked best in silence with zero complaints. I closed my eyes, all I could feel was a brush here and there and her asking me where the curling iron was or my mascara and what not. After what felt like forever she finally let me open my eyes and I have to admit she did an amazing job. The makeup was done to seem as natural as possible and she curled my short black hair into beach waves and the lipstick was pink just like my lips, I like this new me. I should apply make up more often I thought. “So, what do you think?” Casey asked. “This is amazing. I didn't think you'd do it. I honestly doubted you very strongly but you actually did an amazing job.” I complimented her. “Okay fine I know I'm amazing. Now let's get you in a dress before he gets here.” She said and opened the bag, “now I have a variety of dresses for you to choose from I have this red party dress with a side slit but now come to think of it that wouldn't be necessary.” She said as she tossed it aside, “have this elegant A-line silhouette short gold dress, an open shoulder black floral dress, a beige satin mermaid low back dress…” “That one.” I said once I saw the dress. I loved the satin fabric and the beige color, it was amazing. “Great choice.” Casey said with a smile, “now go change as I sort out the shoes and purse and try not to ruin the hair and makeup.” I entered the bathroom and changed into the dress trying not to ruin my makeup and hair as I was told. I came out and Casey had laid out a black small purse and black ankle strap heels. I put on the heels and as if on cue I received a call from Quin saying he was here. I got the small purse that Casey had laid out for me. She had even gone the extra mile to put things I might need in it. I hugged her, “thanks so much for helping me out.” I said. “You're welcome now go so I peep out through the window and see him.” She said making me chuckle as I left the apartment. I got outside the apartment building and when Quin saw me he got out of his bluish black sleek Tesla car and walked to the passenger's side, “you look beautiful as usual.” He said as he opened the car door for me. “Thank you.” I said as I slid into the car. It looked amazing compared to my old 2007 Subaru, which I forgot to pick from the repair shop. I'll do it tomorrow for now let me enjoy the night with this handsome guy I thought as he entered the car. “I can't believe you brought a car like this to a neighborhood like mine.” I commented with a chuckle. “Well I like going out in style. And besides we weren't going to stay here for long anyway.” He said with a smirk. “Where are we going? You never told me.” I asked. “You'll see when we get there.” He said as he started up the car.
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