Chapter 3 - I said

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It’s been two days already and I still can’t shake this bad feeling that has suddenly taken residence in my heart. I now know that something happened that night. I am more than sure that it did.   Brittany is out again with her usual club scene friends and just as always I am sitting on my couch, in my sweats and eating my favourite comfort foods.   While I continue to browse through the channels in boredom, I suddenly get pulled into my thoughts again.   Flashback   I stand at the end of the cliff behind him and just marvel at his beauty. There, in blue jeans and a white shirt, black hair dancing in the wind is the man who has caught my heart.   As always, I just stand there and study him. My eyes run over him from head to toe as is if to remember each detail, to burn his image in my brain.   Cyrus, my beloved, as if sensing my presence, turns around and his juicy lips curl into that sexy smirk that always melts my heart.   “There you are at last… I’ve been waiting for you.”   “Well my love, you know beauty takes time.” I giggle when he pulls me into his open arms and runs his wet lips from my jaw down to my neck and when he reaches that corner between my head and shoulders, he sighs.   “What’s wrong Cyrus?”   “Nothing”   “That sigh sure sounded like it packed a lot of weight in it.”   “I’m just thinking baby”   “About?...” Cyrus finally lifts up his head and looks at me and I shudder at the raw emotion displayed in those same amber orbs I’ve grown to look forward to waking up next to.   “Tomorrow, is the day. The day I leave your side to fight in a war I never wished upon my people.” Cyrus stares at the woman who’s presence awoke up his once stark cold heart and filled it with so much love just for her.   “Cyrus my love, you know that I believe in you. I trust that you’ll fight till your last breath to protect this, your kingdom.”   I look into his eyes and smile despite the shimmer in my own eyes and tell him, “But one thing you should know is that no matter what happens, no matter how the events unravel, just know that I will always love you in this life and the next.”   By now the tears flow freely down my face and I can’t stop the hiccups that leave my lips as I drench his shirt when I let the steady stream of tears lloose.   I cry.   I cry for myself, for my love and most of all his-our people. After an eternity of searching for my other half only to realise I could lose him just as quick as I found him.   Cyrus’ own eyes burn with the depressing hot fluid yet he refuses to let it fall. It was at this moment he vowed to fight and protect them all, even if it kills him.   He could not bare to see his mate in distress therefore he pushed his nose into her neck and sniffed her. Scenting her to keep her calm worked as the last fit of hiccups stopped and she wiggled her button nose in that cute way she always does.   “I swear on my life to always fight for not only you but our people” Cyrus tells her as he puts two fingers underneath her chin to lift her downcast head.   Cyrus looks deep into those dark pools of his beloved and promised her not just this moment but a lifetime as he uttered the words of comfort which she would always carry in her heart.   His eyes soften as he rubs his thumb over her warmed cheeks and murmurs to her in his deep voice,   “I will always save you. I promise I will always come back for you. Always. My love.”   End of flashback   Charlie woke up with a start, the television on loud and her face and clothes drenched in sweat. A shudder courses through her body as yet another dream starring her knight in shining armour visits her dreams.   Well now he is not so much a stranger as the face finally has a name. Cyrus.   Charlie, even though she doesn’t know him she can’t help the feeling that he once held an important place in her life and heart. She vowed to find out who he was to her and why did he haunt her dreams so much.   “I will find out who you are Cyrus, sooner or later” She thought determinedly as she got up, cleaned her mess and went to bed with a smug smile on her face.       Kade POV   ‘Kieran is really a d**k’, Kade thought to himself as he got ready for work. He stood in front of his mirror and fixed his tie. The black, silk material matched with his polished shoes and was completed with a dark blue fitted suit. He picked up his phone, car keys and briefcase and left to deal with the s**t storm his brother and twin created.   While driving to the office, his stomach grumbled, reminding him that he skipped breakfast. Now that he looked back his morning, he realised that he was in such a hurry to leave the packhouse that he barely had time for breakfast. That thought angered him more as he glared at his brother’s imaginary smug face and as quickly as the anger had risen, it disappeared. How could he be mad at his brother’s stupid face when he had the same one since they were identical.   There, before the giant glass tower they co-owned, was a small, homely café he just noticed and he thought why not, as he pulled to car to a halt and getting out to walk towards the entrance. As soon as he entered through the door his wolf, Alistair started acting up again, stirring, being agitated at everything. I shrugged him off and wondered why he has not quit being antsy ever since he passed through the club with his brother last night.   He wouldn’t call their time there as ‘clubbing’ but more like his twin and him just sitting with stone cold looks on their faces while women flocked to their feet in hopes of gaining their attention. Which they would never get since they both had a type and needy was just not it.   As I stood at the counter after placing my order, I smelt it. There was that smell again and I frantically looked around the place as I struggled to locate her sweet scent. Strawberries. Cream. Sunshine and whatever sweet words they use to describe mates. Yeah that but most important of all was that strawberries and cream was what she smelled like the most, and that intoxicating smell seemed to calm down my other half as he yelled the words that shook me to the core.   “Mate! Mate! Take me to mate now!” Alistair howled and pranced around in the deep recesses of my head and my head snapped in the direction the scent it was the strongest and my wolf went dead quiet.   There in the corner, she sat with a now empty plate which looked like it carried a sweet treat and a once full tall cup of coffee while she looked deep in thought, her eyes unfocused on the view outside. She had long, curly hair in a brown shade so dark that it looked black. Her black, large eyes gave her an innocent look, paired with caramel skin and curves in all the right places, she was nothing short of the woman of my dreams.   “Damn!” I yelled in annoyance as the takeout which I held in my hands slipped and fell with a splash on the tiled floor. “Oh sir, are you okay?” The server asked me with a worried looked etched on her face.   All I managed to do as I saw my brown beauty look around the room for the source that interrupted what looked to be a steamy dream as her arousal wafts into my nose is run. I turned and ran out of that place so fast that it was a wonder why I didn’t leave a cloud of dust behind like those cartoons my nephew loves to watch. Finally reaching my car I sit and frown deeply as my wolf growls in anger at my poor performance just now.   “What the f*ck man?” Alistair growls at me and I roll my eyes.   “I’m not ready man and that’s final.” I tell him as he sorts at me.   “She is mate. You better get your sh*t together and claim her before I take over. You won’t like what I‘ll do.” He threatens me in a low voice before he slips back into my mind.   I sulk when I walk into the office after thoughts of her run like a stuck record through my mind. It was at this moment that my stomach grumbled reminding me that I failed in my mission to get food. “Mr Ford, your 10 o’clock is here”, my secretary Lora, reminds me and I sigh as I reply to her “On my way”.   Walking out of my office towards the boardroom was not only hard because I was hungry for food but for her too. That feeling rattled my bones. I dreaded the day of meeting my mate, since my twin and I made a pact to reject her seeing as we have no use for a weakness.   Little did I know that, that nibbling feeling in the back of my mind after the angered growls of my wolf was my feelings, in doubt of actually still rejecting her and that realisation shook me.   “Could I still do it, now that I’ve seen her?” I thought to myself and no matter what I did, I would be f*cked either way. It just depends if she’ll be in my life or not when that sh*t storm takes place. “I need to tell Kieran what happened today”, were my last thoughts as I took my seat and dealt with my brothers mess and my airhead employees.
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